[Ord. No. 140 Art. I, 3-26-1985]
The definitions set forth in Section 710.010 of Chapter 710 shall be applicable to the terminology used in this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 140 Art. II §§1 — 4, 3-26-1985]
Basis For Wastewater Facility Service Charges. The service charge for wastewater service shall be based on the flat rate water bill classification.
The basic user charge shall be a flat rate until such time as water meters are installed. The flat rate is to pay for services rendered by the City and shall include:
The cost for operation, maintenance and replacement.
The cost for revenue bond retirement (debt retirement (DR)).
Each user shall pay an operation, maintenance and replacement (O and M) charge based on the classification of water service provided by the City and debt retirement.
The basic user charge shall apply to all users. Characteristics of normal domestic sewage are as follows:
A five (5) day, twenty degrees Centigrade (20° C) biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) of two hundred four (204) mg/l.
A suspended solids content of two hundred forty (240) mg/l.
Subsections (1) and (2) above are based on one hundred (100) gallons of water per person per day.
The charge shall be computed as follows:
Estimate the projected annual revenue required to operate and maintain the wastewater facilities, including a replacement fund, and debt service for the next fiscal year.
Proportion the estimated costs to wastewater facility categories by volume, suspended solids and BOD5.
Estimate wastewater volume, pounds of SS, pounds of BOD and pounds of other pollutants to be treated.
A surcharge shall be levied to any user when the limits set forth herein for flow, BOD5 and/or SS are exceeded, when based on a water use of one hundred (100) gallons per day per person. Subsection (C) of this Section specifies the procedure used to compute the surcharge (also see Appendix C, Article II-C, which is on file in the City offices).
The wastewater facilities service charge shall be reviewed annually by the City. It shall be revised periodically to reflect a change in operation, maintenance and replacement cost.
Volume Of Wastewater Discharged. The amount of wastewater discharged by the residential non-metered sewer service user shall be considered to be as follows:
The average wastewater discharge shall be computed by the following formula:
WC x 12
Average amount of wastewater discharged per customer in gallons per month.
Total gallons of wastewater treated between January first (1st) through December thirty-first (31st) of any year. Flow meters at the treatment plant shall be used to measure the flow.
number of wastewater customers.
Twelve (12) months per year.
Basis Of Charges For Service. The non-metered users of the wastewater system shall pay each month, beginning March first (1st) of each year, an amount determined as follows:
The basic user's charge shall be determined by the following formula: (includes the Replacement - Repair Costs and the O and M costs + Debt Retirement).
Q gallons x BUR + DR
1,000 gallons
The monthly basic user charge.
Debt Retirement.
Average amount of wastewater discharged per residential user in gallons per month.
1,400 x 100 gallons per person per day x 365 days per year = 51,100,000 gallons per year
Total water used per year (all users).
51,100,000 gals./yr. x 460 residences
47,012,000 gals./yr.
500 customers
47,012,000 gals./yr.
8,517 gals./month
460 residential users x 12 mos./yr.
per residential user
Fee basic user rate (BUR) per 1,000 gallons is:
$35,000 (0 and M cost per year)
460 residential users
460 residential users x 12 mos./per/yr.
500 total users
BUR per 1,000 gallons
$0.685, use $0.69
8,517 gals. per user
1,000 gals.
8,517 x $0.69 + $4.13 = $5.87 + $4.13 = $10.00 per residential user
$10 sewer service charge per month per residential user
$15 water bill per month per residential user
Sewer service charge = 66.7% of water bill.
RUC — Commercial = $17.40 x 66.7% = $11.60
RUC — Residential-Commercial = $19.80 x 66.7% = $13.20
All residential customers shall pay the basic user charge, plus debt retirement. The total bill is estimated to be ten dollars ($10.00) per month per customer.
Any customer who is found to discharge a greater volume of waste than the volume (0) established in Subsection (B) of this Section and/or exceeds the established limits for BOD and SS (see Subsection (A), Section 715.020) shall be required to pay a surcharge.
The City, in lieu of flow meters, may use estimated flows to determine the amount of water used by various commercial establishments, institutions or factories. (Appendix D provides a table to be used in making said estimations.)
The City may require any customer to install flow measuring equipment if there is an indication that any limits mentioned herein are being exceeded. The flow measuring equipment shall be furnished, installed and maintained by the customer and must be as specified by the City. The surcharge for excessive flow shall be computed by the following formula:
MF (in gals.) - Q (in gals.) x Charge for Class of User
1,000 gallons
FSC is the monthly surcharge for excessive flow
MF is the measured flow
Note: If MF is equal to or less than zero (0), there will be no surcharge for that month. The basic user charge will apply.
Computation Of Monthly User Charge. The monthly user charge shall be the sum of the basic user charge, plus applicable surcharges. The monthly basic user charge shall be computed by the formula that follows:
MUC = (BUC) + TSC where:
BUC is the basic user charge per 1,000 gallons (see Subsection (C) of this Section).
TSC is the total surcharge.
TSC is equal to summation of surcharges for excessive:
Other pollutants.
The surcharge for BOD, SS and other pollutants are computed as shown in Section 5, Article I-C of Appendix C, which shall be on file in the City offices.
[Ord. No. 140 Art. IV §1, 3-26-1985]
Should the City have any other agreements and/or contracts with any user including, but not limited thereto, industry, special districts, other municipalities, State and/or Federal agencies or installation, said agreements for charges arising from the use of the wastewater system or any part thereof shall not be inconsistent with this Chapter.
Any said agreement(s) which in whole or part are inconsistent with the requirements of Section 204 (b)(1)(A) of the Act and the Corresponding Regulations 35.929-2 (g) are hereby considered to be amended to comply with the Act and Regulations as this user charge system takes precedence over such agreement.
[Ord. No. 140 Art. VII §1, 3-26-1985]
This Chapter shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, recording and publication as provided by law, except, however, the charges as set forth herein will not be collected until the 1985 wastewater project is in service, except, however, charges for debt service may be collected prior to placing the project in service.