Except as authorized by Sections 195.005 to 195.425, RSMo., it is unlawful for any person to possess or have under his/her control a controlled substance as defined in Chapter 195, RSMo.
It is unlawful for any person to use, or to possess with intent to use, drug paraphernalia as defined by Section 195.010, RSMo., to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance as defined by Section 195.010, RSMo., or an imitation controlled substance as defined by Section 195.010, RSMo., in violation of Sections 195.005 to 195.425, RSMo.
A person commits the offense of endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree if:
The person knowingly acts in a manner that creates a substantial risk to the life, body, or health of a child less than seventeen (17) years old;
The person knowingly engages in sexual conduct with a person under the age of seventeen (17) years over whom the person is a parent, guardian, or otherwise charged with the care and custody;
The person knowingly encourages, aids or causes a child less than seventeen (17) years of age to engage in any conduct which violates the provisions of Chapter 195, RSMo.;
Such person enlists the aid, either through payment or coercion, of a person less than seventeen (17) years of age to unlawfully manufacture, compound, produce, prepare, sell, transport, test or analyze amphetamine or methamphetamine or any of their analogues, or to obtain any material used to manufacture, compound, produce, prepare, test or analyze amphetamine or methamphetamine or any of their analogues; or
Such person, in the presence of a person less than seventeen (17) years of age, unlawfully manufactures, compounds, produces, prepares, sells, transports, tests or analyzes amphetamine or methamphetamine or any of their analogues.
Any person, by their acts, encourages any person under the age of eighteen (18) years to drink any intoxicating liquor or beer.