[Ord. No. 11.100 §1, 7-15-2007]
All that tract or piece of ground conveyed by Samuel B. Thomas and wife, by deeds recorded in Book "M", on pages 160 and 361, of the deed records of Moniteau County, to the City of California, to be used for a cemetery or burial ground is hereby set apart for the burial of the dead, and shall be known and designated as the City Cemetery.
[Ord. No. 145.015 §§1 — 2, 1-4-2016]
All cemetery lots will be used for the burial of human remains only.
No full-size gravesite may contain more than:
One (1) full-size burial and one (1) urn of cremated remains; or
Two (2) urns of cremated remains; or
One (1) child-size burial and two (2) urns.
The burial of two (2) or more bodies within one (1) gravesite is allowed in certain instances, with prior approval, with one (1) of the burials buried twice as deep. In such instances, the City may establish an additional fee for administration of the records relating to the double burial.
A funeral director must be present for all human remain burials. A certificate of cremation from the licensed crematory must be received, and a cemetery official must be present for all cremated remains burials.
Excavations and disinterments are not permitted without proper permit and permission from the City of California, Missouri.
There is only permitted one (1) headstone for each gravesite.
Violations And Penalties. All violations of this Section shall be subject to the penalty imposed by Section 100.040. In addition, any person violating the provisions of this Section shall be responsible for, and pay as incurred, any expenses of the City of California, Missouri, to rectify and correct the violation, or to prosecute or pursue in any court of law or administrative body the compliance with this Section, or any other person harmed or damaged by the violation of this Section.
[Ord. No. 11.102 §1, 11-4-1957]
There is hereby created a special fund in the City Treasury to be known as "Perpetual Care Cemetery Fund". One-half (½) of the income derived from the sale of lots in the City Cemetery shall be placed to the credit of such fund and along with any other monies donated for such purpose shall constitute the principal of such fund.
Such fund to be known as the "Perpetual Care Cemetery Fund", and may accept and acquire by gift or donation, money or funds to be placed to the credit of such perpetual care cemetery fund. Such City may also deposit in such fund a portion of the income derived from the sale of lots in such cemetery as shall be determined by ordinance of such City. Such moneys and funds so placed in such Perpetual Care Cemetery Fund shall be invested from time to time in bonds of the United States government or of the State of Missouri, or may be placed in any bank or savings and loan association which is authorized to do business in this State so long as the funds so deposited are protected by federal deposit insurance. The income therefrom shall be expended by such City for the preservation, care, upkeep and adornment of such cemetery, and for no other purpose whatsoever. The principal of said Perpetual Care Cemetery Fund shall not be encroached upon for any purpose whatsoever and no money shall be transferred out of such Perpetual Care Cemetery Fund except for the purposes of being invested as provided for in this Section. The Board of Aldermen shall by ordinance accept any gift or donation to such fund, and shall by said ordinance direct the Treasurer to place such money or funds to the credit of such Perpetual Care Cemetery Fund. The Board of Aldermen shall have all the necessary authority by ordinance to invest such funds as provided for in this Section.
Cross Reference — As to the W. G. Jahn Cemetery Fund, see ord. no. 11.103 which is on file in the city offices.
[Ord. No. 11.104 §§1 — 2, 3-2-1959; Ord. No. 2003-013 §§1 — 2, 7-8-2002]
Owners of lots who were previously restricted (under previous Subsection (A) from Ord. No. 11.104) to the use of flat stones (i.e., not above the natural ground level) shall be permitted to use grave markers in a flat or upright position.
Any person, firm or corporation violating the terms of this Section shall on conviction thereof be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of not less than one dollar ($1.00) and not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). Each day that the violation continues shall be considered a separate and distinct offense.
[Ord. No. 11.105 §§1 — 2, 6-1-1959]
From and after June 1, 1959, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to plant or cause to be planted any flower, tree or shrub in the City Cemetery of the City of California.
Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this Section shall upon conviction be punished by fine of not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00).
[Ord. No. 11.106 §2, 9-6-1966; Ord. No. 11.106A §1, 11-2-1992]
The sale price for all cemetery lots offered for sale and sold by the City of California, Missouri, shall be the sum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per lot, which sum shall be deemed to include a one-time maintenance fee.
The size and location of cemetery lots shall be as designated on a plat of the City Cemetery on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of California, Missouri.
[Ord. No. 11.109 §§1 — 5, 5-7-1979]
No person, association or corporation shall dig or cause any excavation to be done in the City Cemetery without first obtaining a permit for same.
Any person, association or corporation applying for an excavation permit in the City Cemetery shall first satisfy the City Clerk that the excavation will be for a lawful purpose.
The excavation permits that are issued by the City Clerk will be of two (2) types: a one-time permit or an annual permit. The fee for a one-time permit shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) and the fee for the annual permit shall be two hundred dollars ($200.00).
After the applicant for the permit has made deposit of the appropriate fee and has been issued a permit and has completed his/her excavation in the cemetery, he/she shall be entitled to a refund of ninety percent (90%) of the permit fee if the applicant has not damaged the cemetery and has left it in substantially the same condition as it was prior to his/her excavation. The annual permits shall be issued on a calendar basis and the refundable portion shall be refunded during the last week of December of each year.
Any person, association or corporation in violation of this Section by not first obtaining a permit shall upon conviction thereof be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) but not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00).
[Ord. No. 11.112 §§1 — 5, 9, 8-6-1984; Ord. No. 2003-018 §1, 8-5-2002; Ord. No. 11.121 §1, 1-4-2016]
The needs and advantages, having been recognized by the Board of Aldermen of the City of California, of requiring use of caskets and outer casket burial receptacles for all burials in cemeteries owned, operated or maintained by the City of California in order to preserve the beauty of graveyards and lower maintenance costs by preventing the settling and collapsing of graves, the City of California does hereby require that all future burials conducted in the graveyards owned, operated or maintained by the City of California utilize a casket and an outer burial receptacle.
All caskets utilized shall be made substantially of wood, metal, fiberglass, plastic or a combination thereof and placed inside of an outer casket burial receptacle.
All outer casket burial receptacles shall be either the type commonly known as a "concrete grave liner" or shall be of the type commonly known as a "sealing vault" made substantially of concrete, metal or fiberglass or a combination thereof.
The top of the outer casket burial receptacle shall be buried under at least eighteen (18) inches of well-packed earth or concrete.
The director of the funeral and all persons engaged to fill the grave shall be liable for any violation of this Section.
Monuments shall be set on a precast pad; the pad shall be at least three (3) inches larger than the monument front to back and five (5) inches larger than the monument on the sides.
Mausoleum construction and other aboveground structures on the lots is permitted. However, prior written approval by the City is required. The City reserves the right to insure such structure and its location is in keeping with the overall appearance of the cemetery. The prevailing lot rates at time of purchase do not apply to the purchase of a lot for the purpose of erecting a mausoleum thereon.
The City is not responsible for water entering a grave or collapse of the sides.
All violations of this Section shall be subject to the penalty imposed by Section 100.040.
[Ord. No. 11.101 §1, 12-6-1937]
There be and hereby is created and established a committee of the Board of Aldermen of the City of California, Missouri, to be known and designated as the "Cemetery Committee", the said Committee to consist of three (3) members of the Board of Aldermen of said City appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Board of Aldermen. Forthwith after the passage and approval of this Ordinance the Mayor of said City shall appoint, subject to confirmation as aforesaid, the members of such Committee and those so appointed shall constitute and compose such Committee until the first (1st) meeting of the said Board of Aldermen after the regular City election in April, 1938. At the first (1st) regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen after the April, 1938, City election, the Mayor shall appoint the members of said Committee to be confirmed as aforesaid, who shall constitute and compose such Committee for the period ending at the first (1st) regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen held after the next ensuing regular City election; and annually thereafter, at the first (1st) regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen held after the regular City election, such Committee shall be appointed, the members so appointed to such Committee each year to constitute and compose the Committee for the term ending at the first (1st) regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen held after the next ensuing regular City election.
[Ord. No. 11.101 §2, 12-6-1937]
The Cemetery Committee so created as aforesaid shall have the care, management, supervision and control of the cemeteries now owned and controlled by said City as well as any and all cemeteries hereafter owned or controlled by said City.
[Ord. No. 11.101 §§3 — 4, 12-6-1937]
Establishment. There be and hereby is established and created, in the City Treasury of said City, a special fund and account which shall be known and designated as "The Harriet Taylor Cemetery Fund". The City Treasurer of said City shall keep such fund in the City Treasury of said City in an account separate and apart from other funds of the said City. All of the net income received by said City from the hereinabove mentioned trustee, the Farmers and Merchants National of Los Angeles, shall be placed in and credited in the City Treasury to such "Harriet Taylor Cemetery Fund", and no other funds whatsoever shall be paid into or credited to such special fund in the City Treasury. Disbursements from said fund shall be made from the City Treasury by the City Treasurer only upon warrants especially drawn on such special fund and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk of said City. Such warrants against such special fund shall be issued as hereinafter provided.
Duties Of Cemetery Committee.
In addition to the other duties now and hereafter imposed upon said Cemetery Committee, it shall be specifically the duty of such Committee to receive all payments of income from said trustee and pay the same over to the City Treasurer for deposit in said special fund, and for all such payments to the City Treasurer and forthwith file one (1) of the same with the City Clerk so that the City Treasurer may stand charged with such funds, and the duplicate receipt shall be sent to said trustee. Said Committee shall handle and supervise the disposition of said fund and it shall be used only, solely and exclusively for the maintenance and upkeep of the Burke Cemetery and the City Cemeteries of said City, located in Moniteau County, Missouri, and all other cemeteries which are now and may hereafter be owned or controlled by said City, and for the perpetual care and maintenance of the Taylor burial lot in said Burke Cemetery.
Said Committee shall, at each regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen, present to said Board its signed statement, which shall be spread upon the records of said Board of Aldermen, of all expenses and liabilities accruing since the last previous regular meeting of said Board of Aldermen for the purposes specified in the next preceding paragraph hereof, specifying the nature thereof; and thereupon warrants shall be ordered drawn on The Harriet Taylor Cemetery Fund in the City Treasury therefor; provided that any expense or liability made by said Committee for the purposes aforesaid on an annual basis may be paid annually instead of monthly.
The members of the Cemetery Committee shall receive no compensation in addition to their regular salaries as Aldermen for services rendered in connection with the handling and supervising the disposition of said fund for the uses and purposes aforesaid, and no part of their regular salaries as Aldermen shall be paid from The Harriet Taylor Cemetery Fund.
The trustee shall be furnished yearly, commencing January 1, 1938, by said City of California, Missouri, with a report attested by the City Clerk of the City of California, Missouri, containing an itemized statement of receipts and disbursements of said funds for the preceding twelve (12) months' period.
[Ord. No. 11.101 §§5 — 6, 12-6-1937]
The City Clerk shall, upon the passage and approval hereof, transmit a certified copy hereof to the aforesaid trustee. If, from time to time hereafter, or at any time hereafter, this Article is in any particular amended, the then City Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified copy of such amendment or amendments, if any, to such trustee.
The City Clerk shall as such Committee is appointed and confirmed each time, forthwith transmit to said trustee a statement, under the Seal of said City, stating the names and addresses of the members appointed to such Committee and the term of each member thereof.