Cross Reference — As to designated speed limits, see schedule I.
[Ch. 19 §19.504]
The State traffic laws regulating the speed of vehicles shall be applicable upon all streets within the City, except that the City may by ordinance declare and determine that certain speed regulations shall be applicable upon specified streets or in certain areas, in which event it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of any speed so declared when signs are in place giving notice thereof.
The City Police Chief is authorized to place speed signs on all existing streets and highways or any subsequent streets and highways of the City in accordance with the applicable speed limit.
[Ch. 19 §19.501; Rev. 9-8-1981]
No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of a posted limit. No person shall drive or operate any motor vehicle on any street or highway in the City in excess of twenty-five (25) miles per hour unless the street or highway shall be posted for a greater speed or lesser speed as designated by ordinance and set out in Schedule I.
[Ch. 19 §19.503]
Any vehicle which is or shall become disabled or defective shall be, as soon as reasonably possible, driven or removed from any through street or other street where it is impeding or obstructing traffic.
No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law. Police officers may enforce the provisions of this section by directions to drivers, and in the event of apparent willful disobedience to this provision and refusal to comply with direction of an officer in accordance herewith, the continued slow operation by a driver is a violation of this Section and subject to punishment pursuant to Section 100.040 of this Code.
No vehicle shall be operated at a speed of less than forty (40) miles per hour on any highway which is part of the interstate system of highways, unless:
A slower speed is required for the safe operation of the vehicle because of weather or other special conditions; or
Agricultural implements, self-propelled hay-hauling equipment, implements of husbandry and vehicles transporting such vehicles or equipment may be operated occasionally on interstate highways for short distances at a speed of less than forty miles per hour if such vehicle or equipment is operated pursuant to a special permit issued by the chief engineer of the state department of transportation pursuant to Section 304.200, RSMo., and the regulations established pursuant to such Section.