[Ord. No. 18.117 §1, 3-3-1997]
There is hereby established a commission, which shall serve as a Planning Commission pursuant to Section 89.320, RSMo., and as a Zoning Commission pursuant to Section 89.070, RSMo., and which shall be known as "The Planning Commission".
The Planning Commission of the City shall consist of not more than fifteen (15) nor less than seven (7) members, including:
The Mayor, if the Mayor chooses to be a member;
A member of the Board of Aldermen selected by the Board of Aldermen, if the Board of Aldermen chooses to have a member serve on the Commission; and
Not more than fifteen (15) nor less than five (5) citizens appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Board of Aldermen. All citizen members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. The term of each of the citizen members shall be for four (4) years, except that the terms of the citizen members first appointed shall be for varying periods so that succeeding terms will be staggered. Any vacancy in a membership shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment as aforesaid. The Board of Aldermen may remove any member for cause stated in writing and after public hearing.
[Ord. No. 18.117 §4, 3-3-1997]
The Commission shall elect annually from among its citizen members its own Chairman and Secretary, and the term of each officer shall be for one (1) year with eligibility for reelection. From time to time the Commission may provide such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the ordinances of the City, for its own organization and procedure as it may deem proper. The Commission shall hold regular meetings and special meetings as may be provided by rule, and shall keep a record of its proceedings, with these records to be maintained as public records.
[Ord. No. 18.117 §5, 3-3-1997]
The Commission shall have authority to employ such assistants and technical advisors, including attorneys, accountants, engineers, architects and the like, as it considers necessary, within the limits of the budget appropriation.
[Ord. No. 18.117 §6, 3-3-1997]
The Commission shall have the authority and duty to:
Prepare, adopt and submit to the Board of Aldermen for its approval a Comprehensive Plan for the physical development of the City, including the general location, character and extent of streets, bridges, parks, waterways and other public ways, grounds, and spaces, together with the general location of public buildings and other public property, public utilities, and the extent and location of any public housing or slum clearance projects.
Make recommendations in connection with the execution and detailed interpretation of the Comprehensive Plan, and make such changes and adjustments in the plan as may be deemed desirable from time to time.
Act as a Zoning Commission, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 89, RSMo.
Prepare and recommend to the Board of Aldermen rules controlling the subdivision of land.
Make recommendations regarding the approval or disapproval of plats for land subdivision. Such plats shall be referred to the Commission before the Board of Aldermen takes any action. Failure of the Commission to act within sixty (60) days shall be deemed an approval; however, the Commission, with the consent of the applicant, may extend the sixty (60) day period. The grounds of disapproval of any plat by the Commission shall be made a matter of record.
Recommend from time to time legislation which may be desirable to further the purposes of City planning.
Assume any other powers or duties as are provided for by the ordinances of the City.
[Ord. No. 18.117 §7, 3-3-1997]
The Commission shall exercise the authority vested in it by Chapter 89, RSMo. It shall prepare and recommend to the Board of Aldermen a Comprehensive Plan, or propose amendments or revisions thereof, with such provisions as the Commission shall deem necessary or desirable for the promotion of the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City. Such provisions may include regulations as to the location, width, height, and bulk of buildings; the size of yards, courts, and other open spaces surrounding buildings; and the use of buildings and land. The Commission shall hear applications for amendments, modifications or revisions of the zoning ordinance and shall forward such applications to the Board of Aldermen with its recommendations thereon. The recommendations of the Commission shall not be binding upon the Board of Aldermen, which may approve or disapprove the Commission's findings; however, no plan, no zoning ordinance, nor any modification, amendment or revision thereof shall be finally considered by the Board of Aldermen unless the same shall have been first submitted to the Commission for its examination and recommendation.
All plats of proposed subdivisions presented to the Board of Aldermen for approval shall be submitted to the Commission, which shall make recommendations to the Board of Aldermen with respect thereto.
[Ord. No. 18.106 §5, 1975]
The Board of Aldermen of the City, in reviewing all subdivision applications, shall make findings of fact and determine if:
All such proposed developments are consistent with the need to minimize flood damage.
Adequate drainage is provided so as to reduce exposure to flood hazards.
All public utilities and facilities are located so as to minimize or eliminate flood damage.
New water and sewer systems are constructed to eliminate or minimize infiltration; whether on-site waste disposal systems are designed to avoid impairment.
[Ord. No. 18.117 §8, 3-3-1997]
The Commission shall make an annual report to the Board of Aldermen covering its investigations, transactions and recommendations, and such other reports relative thereto as it may deem proper or as required by the Board of Aldermen.