[Ord. No. 5-15 §37, 7-2-1951]
The State Highway Department of Missouri, its employees and the proper officials or the employees and proper officials of the City of California, Missouri, are and shall be authorized to paint, mark, or erect any official signs, markings, signals, or traffic control devices, subject to the provisions of the City traffic ordinances, on the surface, suspended over with legal clearance, or by the side of the traveled portions of said streets, alleys, and highways, as a warning to all vehicle operators and pedestrians.
[Ord. No. 5-15 §38, 7-2-1951]
The Board of Aldermen or their duly authorized agents, employees or officials are hereby authorized to:
Designate and maintain, by appropriate devices, marks or lines upon the surface of the roadway, and at such other places as it may deem necessary.
Establish speed and safety zones other than on State and U.S. marked highways of such kind and character and at such places as it may deem necessary.
Erect warning signs upon street or alleys, other than U.S. marked or State highways, at a distance from certain locations deemed by them to be dangerous and hazardous.
Mark and declare speed hazard zones, other than State and U.S. marked highways, as the Board or their duly authorized agents, employees or officials feel prudent.
Mark lines for the traffic on streets or highway pavements as they deem advisable, consistent with the traffic regulations.
Post and mark certain locations where no parking, no double parking, no angle parking, no parallel parking or no stopping are permitted.
Promulgate such rules, regulations and restrictions as may be necessary or appropriate and in the best interest of the safety of citizens of the City, drivers, passers-by, pedestrians and others, including but not limited to all privileges authorized and set forth above or otherwise in this Code.