[Ord. No. 12.877 §§1 — 4, 7-7-2008]
Definitions. The following terms shall have the meaning set forth below:
A street that provides primarily for through traffic movement between areas and across the City, and has a secondary function of direct access to abutting property, subject to necessary control of entrances, exits and curbside use.
A street designed to provide direct access to abutting properties and to provide for local traffic movement within small areas.
A dedicated and accepted thoroughfare for public use which affords principal means of access, directly or indirectly, to abutting properties.
Requirements. All new streets in the City of California, Missouri, shall be constructed as follows:
Residential streets shall be constructed of either asphalt or concrete to the following standards:
Asphalt streets.
Subgrade shall be six (6) inches thick (minimum) and shall be compacted to ninety-five percent (95%) of the standard maximum density of the subgrade material as determined by a certified materials testing laboratory.
Base course shall be five and one-half (5½) inches thick (after compaction).
Surface course shall be one and one-half (1½) inches thick, (after compaction) Grade C.
Concrete streets.
Subgrade shall be six (6) inches thick (minimum) and shall be compacted to ninety-five percent (95%) of the standard maximum density of the subgrade material as determined by a certified materials testing laboratory.
Pavement shall be six (6) inches thick concrete with a compressive strength of three thousand five hundred (3,500) psi (minimum).
Arterial streets shall be constructed of either asphalt or concrete to the following standards:
Asphalt streets.
Subgrade shall be six (6) inches thick (minimum) and shall be compacted to ninety-five percent (95%) of the standard maximum density of the subgrade material as determined by a certified materials testing laboratory.
Base course shall be eight and one-half (8½) inches thick (after compaction).
Surface course shall be one and one-half (1½) inches thick, (after compaction) Grade C.
Concrete streets.
Subgrade shall be six (6) inches thick (minimum) and shall be compacted to ninety-five percent (95%) of the standard maximum density of the subgrade material as determined by a certified materials testing laboratory.
Pavement shall be seven (7) inches thick concrete with a compressive strength of three thousand five hundred (3,500) psi (minimum).
All streets, whether asphalt or concrete, shall have a two percent (2%) slope from crown (centerline) to flow line of gutter.
All streets shall be constructed in accordance with the guidelines set forth above and as shown on Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein.
Conflict With Public And Private Provisions.
Public provisions. This Section is not intended to interfere with, abrogate or annul any other City regulation, ordinance, Statute or other provision of law. Where any provision of this Section imposes restrictions different from those imposed by any other provision or regulation, whichever provisions are more restrictive or impose a higher standard shall control.
Private provisions. This Section is not intended to abrogate any easement, covenant or any other private agreement or restriction, provided that where the provisions of this Section are more restrictive or impose higher standards or regulations than such easement, covenant or other private agreement or restriction, the requirements of this Section shall govern. When such private provisions are more restrictive or impose higher standards than the requirements of this Section or the determinations of the Board of Aldermen in approving a subdivision or in enforcing these regulations or determinations hereunder, then such private provisions shall be operative and supplemental to this Section and determinations made thereunder.
Any person violating the provisions of this Section shall forfeit and pay to the City a penalty not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00) for each lot transferred or sold and the description by metes and bounds in the instrument of transfer or other document used in the process of selling or transferring shall not exempt the transaction from the penalty. Any transfer or sale of land in violation of this Section shall be deemed to be null and void and the City may enjoin or vacate the transfer or sale by legal action, and may recover the penalty in such action. In addition, the City may take any appropriate actions and proceedings in law or equity to prevent any violation of these regulations, to prevent unlawful construction, recover damages to restrain, correct or abate a violation, to prevent illegal occupancy of a building, structure, or premises, and these remedies shall be in addition to the penalties described above.
Any person violating the provisions of this Section, the penalty for which is not herein otherwise specified, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
[Ord. No. 12.202 §§1 — 4, 11-4-1968; Ord. No. 12.892 §1, 9-19-2011]
No person shall begin to construct or to reconstruct any curb or gutter on the public streets in the City of California, Missouri, without first obtaining a permit from the City Street Superintendent upon submitting an application stating the name and address of the property owners affected thereby, the name and address of the person doing the work, and the location of the work area, said application to state that all work shall be done in accordance with the specifications hereinafter prescribed.
The specifications for all curbs and gutters hereafter constructed on the public streets in the City of California, Missouri, shall be as follows:
The combined curb and gutter shall have a six (6) inch curb and twenty-four (24) inch gutter for a total width of thirty (30) inches. The combined curb and gutter shall slope from the face of the gutter to the face of the curb not less than one (1) inch, and if approved by the Street Commissioner, two (2) inches of slope. The curb shall be twelve (12) inches in height with a batter finish and a curb pan cross slope of two percent (2.0%) when constructed with asphalt roads and when the roadway and curb is constructed monolithically. The gutter shall have a minimum thickness of six (6) inches throughout. The concrete shall not be less than one (1) part cement, two (2) parts sand, and three and one-half (3½) parts rock, mixed in accordance with recommendations to the Portland Cement Association or the Missouri State Highway Department, and shall develop a strength of three thousand (3,000) pounds in twenty-eight (28) days.
All streets shall be constructed with Type "A" curb and gutter. Refer to City of California "Type "A" Curb and Gutter Standard Detail" for specifications, guidance and requirements. The plans, specifications and requirements as set forth on "Type "A" Curb and Gutter Standard Detail", which is on file in the City offices, shall be incorporated herein as if fully set forth.
Refer to "Missouri Standard Specifications for Highway Construction" for technical specifications.
Curb and gutter constructed or developed contrary to the requirements of this Section shall be subject to removal at the cost of the person responsible for construction of the same. Development or construction of any curb and gutter in the City renders the responsible developer or contractor subject to the provisions of this Section and thereby responsible for all costs of removal and replacement of same constructed contrary to this Section. Further, any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in an amount not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00); and each day that such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and punishable as such.
That the standards set forth herein are intended to be and shall be minimum standards for the construction and development of curb and gutter in the City of California, Missouri. Any deviation from the standards is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Beard of Aldermen of the City. Standards for the development and construction of curb and gutter on primary arteries, thoroughfares or streets which are intended to serve or will primarily serve non-residential traffic may be as developed by the City, and may be established on a case-by-case basis.
[Ord. No. 9.105 §§1 — 10, 7-2-1984]
The needs and advantages, having been recognized by the Board of Aldermen of the City of California, of constructing new curbs and guttering, along the public streets of California, and recognizing a need for residential homeowners to have access to loans to construct new curbing and guttering where none presently exists, the City does hereby authorize loans to those individual residential homeowners for the use of constructing new curbing and guttering where none presently exists along public streets adjoining their residences.
All loans made pursuant to this Section shall not be used for the replacement, repair or construction of sidewalks.
All funds loaned pursuant to this Section on or before December 31, 1984, shall be evidenced by a promissory note bearing interest at the rate of seven percent (7%) per annum and shall be amortized for a period not to exceed five (5) years, each payment to be made not less than annually in five (5) equal installments including interest thereon. The Board of Aldermen may, once yearly, review the interest rate to be charged for new loans to be made for the next calendar year. Any increase or decrease in the interest rate shall be approved by a majority of the Aldermen voting on the issue, and any revision in the interest rate posted in the office of the City Clerk before January first (1st) of the calendar year the revised interest rate is to take effect. No change in the interest rate shall apply to any outstanding loans and shall be prospective in application.
All loans made pursuant to this Section shall be secured by a deed of trust upon real estate located in the City of California, Missouri, which shall be determined to be of adequate value after considering all other encumbrances and indebtedness.
The Board of Aldermen of the City of California, Missouri, shall be the sole judge of the adequacy of the security for said loan and the cost for preparing and recording legal documents in connection with the loan, and all costs in connection with the making and securing of the loan as provided herein shall be borne by the property owner. Said cost shall be paid at the time of the execution of the loan documents and prior to the disbursement of the funds by the City.
The City Clerk is ordered to identify the promissory note and record the deed of trust at the Moniteau County Recorder's office at the time when each disbursement is made from the Revolving Improvement Fund. The City Clerk shall retain the original note and recorded deed of trust until same has been paid in full.
Any loan approval shall be void if all curbing and guttering is not completed within ninety (90) days after the approval of a loan made pursuant to this Section, unless the Board of Aldermen by written consent grant an extension. No funds shall be disbursed until the curbing and guttering is completed, and the City may request lien waivers for all mechanic's and materialmen's liens.
Loans made pursuant to this Section shall be made at such times and in such amounts as, in the sole discretion of the Board of Aldermen, the retirement of principal and interest on previous curb and guttering loans permit new loans.
No person in default of payment for any City of California taxes, fines, penalties or other loans shall qualify for a loan pursuant to this Section.
All loans made pursuant to this Section or any previous ordinance providing for loans for curbing and guttering shall be paid in full before any new loan is approved for curbing and guttering, except that this Section shall not apply to any extension, renewal or renegotiation of an existing loan if no additional funds are advanced by the City of California.