[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Milan 7-21-2014 by L.L. No. 2-2014. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Driveways — See Ch. 111.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 177.
Zoning — See Ch. 200.
No fence, as defined in Chapter 177, § 41, of the Code of the Town of Milan, shall be constructed, installed, repaired or replaced adjacent to a Town road that obstructs the view of a driver approaching a driveway or the view of a driver exiting a driveway, and no fence, as defined in Chapter 177, § 41, of the Code of the Town of Milan, shall be constructed, installed, repaired or replaced adjacent to a Town road that restricts the removal of snow from the adjacent Town road. No fence adjacent to a Town road shall exceed eight feet in height. With respect to the construction, installation, repair or replacement of fences adjacent to New York State or Dutchess County roads, the rules of the appropriate jurisdiction shall apply. However, Chapter 200 of the Code of the Town of Milan shall apply to the construction, installation, repair or replacement of side yard and back yard fences on said properties. The Superintendent of Highways shall be responsible to see that the conditions set forth in this chapter are met and shall give written approval before any fence is constructed, installed, repaired or replaced. Applications for a fence permit shall be made to the Town of Milan Code Enforcement Officer, who shall collect a fee set by resolution of the Town Board. The Town of Milan Code Enforcement Officer shall be responsible for the enforcement of this law.