[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Milan 9-9-1968. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Highway Specifications — See Ch. 133.
Fees — See Ch. A208.
[Amended 7-18-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
No person, firm or corporation shall, after the effective date of this chapter, cut, construct or locate any driveway entrance or exit into a highway of the Town of Milan without having first received a permit to do so from the Code Enforcement Officer of said Town, such permit to expire in one year if work is not completed.
Any person, firm or corporation desiring to make, construct or locate a driveway entrance or exit into a Town Highway of the Town of Milan shall make an application for a permit to do so to the Code Enforcement Officer of said Town and pay a fee as set by resolution of the Town Board.
[Amended 4-22-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996; 7-18-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
In addition to the general standard driveway entrance and exit crossing requirements, including sight clearance requirements, set forth herein below, the Highway Superintendent of the Town of Milan may impose any special requirements which the particular situation at the location where such driveway is sought to be located requires, in his judgment under the circumstances.
The standard driveway entrance and exit crossing requirements shall be as follows:
The applicant shall furnish all materials and bear all costs of construction within the Town highway right-of-way, pay all costs of work done and materials furnished as required to meet the conditions of any permit issued by the Code Enforcement Officer.
[Amended 7-18-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
No alteration or addition shall be made to any driveway, except for surfacing or resurfacing any driveway heretofore or hereafter constructed, nor shall any driveway be relocated without first securing a permit from the Code Enforcement Officer. Under any such circumstance, full compliance with this chapter shall be required.
[Amended 7-18-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
The maximum width for an entrance or exit shall be not more than 30 feet for residential use, measured at the property line.
The angle of the driveway with respect to the pavement of the roadway shall not be less than 60°.
No driveway shall be permitted within 50 feet of any public highway intersection, unless it is shown it is a hardship case.
All driveway connections to the road shall be in accordance with the attached specification sheet.[1] A culvert, however, may be omitted when not required.
Editor's Note: Said specification sheet is on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
The surface of the driveway entering upon a Town highway shall be so constructed as to prevent the washing of materials on the roadway.
Upon satisfactory completion of all work and inspection by the Town Highway Superintendent, said Highway Superintendent will so state on the permit and sign same to this effect.
Upon issuance of any permit by the Code Enforcement Officer, the permittee shall post the same or true copy thereof upon the premises where any driveway is being constructed, during the performance of work.
[Amended 7-18-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
The Town Board of Milan reserves the right to amend or modify or change the provisions of this chapter and to make an enforce any rules and regulations reasonably required to carry out the purpose hereof and to vary the provisions and requirements of this chapter for good cause shown.
Any person, firm or corporation who violates the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of an offense, punishable by a fine not more than $250 or by imprisonment, in the case of the individual, for not more than 15 days, or both such fine or imprisonment.
[Amended 4-22-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
In addition to the above provided penalty and punishment for violations of this chapter, the Town Board may also maintain an action or proceeding in the name of the Town in a court of competent jurisdiction to compel compliance with and/or to restrain by injunction any violation of this chapter.
[Added 4-10-2006 by L.L. No. 5-2006]
Snow removed from a private driveway shall not be plowed into or block any public right-of-way of the Town of Milan.
Any property owner who violates Subsection A shall be charged $100 as a fine to reimburse the Town of Milan for the cost of removing the snow from the public right-of-way pursuant to § 214 of the New York Highway Law. Violations of Subsection A shall not be subject to the provisions of § 111-5.