[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Milan 3-25-2002. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Insufficient funds for checks — See Ch. 15.
Jury reimbursement — See Ch. 43.
Animals — See Ch. 97.
Driveways — See Ch. 111.
Outdoor entertainment — See Ch. 115.
Fire prevention and building construction — See Ch. 121.
Highway Specifications — See Ch. 133.
Zoning — See. Ch. 200.
This chapter shall be known as the "Standard Schedule of Fees of the Town of Milan."
The purpose of this chapter is to provide for a consolidated schedule of fees to be charged in the administration of Town laws, ordinances, regulations and resolutions and to permit an annual review and modification of such fees by the Town Board by resolution duly adopted in accordance with this chapter.
The fees set forth herein shall apply to the provisions of all of the local laws, ordinances, regulations and resolutions adopted by the Town of Milan and shall supersede any specific fee contained or referred to in such laws, ordinances, regulations or resolutions which have been adopted prior to the date of this chapter.
The following schedule of fees and charges is hereby established with respect to licenses, permits and activities required or regulated under the provisions of various chapters of the Code of the Town of Milan. Applications for and the issuance of such licenses and permits are subject to the provisions of the specific chapter of the Code which is indicated for certain licenses or permits. The business, activity or operation for which the license or permit is required is subject to all regulations set forth in the chapter to which reference may be made and to all other applicable laws and regulations. The fees are subject to change, and the user may confirm the currently effective fee with the Town Clerk's office.
Code book of the Town of Milan: $125.
Supplements for the Code book of the Town of Milan: $10 per supplement.
Master Plan: $25.
Highway specifications: $25. (See also Chapter 133, Highway Specifications.)
[Amended 7-12-2004]
Pamphlet copy of Chapter 177, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of the Town of Milan: $30.
Pamphlet copy of Chapter 200, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Milan: $40.
Small colored Zoning Map: $10.
Large (3x4) colored Zoning Map: $50.
Building/Zoning Department and other permits and fees.
[Amended 7-14-2003; 9-13-2004]
Residential one- and two-family dwellings.
New construction and additions: $0.30 per square foot; includes application/permit review, issuance of the building permit, all inspections and issuance of the certificate of occupancy. The basement/cellar and attic areas are to be included in the square footage calculation. Square footage of all attached and detached garages shall be included in the calculation.
[Amended 12-21-2015]
All decks and porches not included on the plans require a separate permit.
Additions: $0.30 per square foot; $80 minimum fee. If minimum fee, $25 additional fee for certificate of occupancy.
NYS-approved manufactured homes (modulars): $0.30 per square foot.
[Amended 12-21-2015]
Attached and detached garages (associated with modular): $0.30 per square foot.
All decks and porches not included on the plans require a separate permit.
Renovations and alterations:
[Amended 12-21-2015]
Renovations with no change in footprint: $0.30 per square foot; includes permit review, issuance of the building permit, all inspections and all preconstruction work, i.e., gutting existing area to be renovated. Measure the work area only, not existing.
Porches and decks, gutting and insulation: $0.30 per square foot; $80 minimum fee.
Fireplaces, roofs, siding and retaining walls: $100.
[Amended 12-21-2015]
Attached or detached garages: $0.30 per square foot; $80 minimum fee.
[Amended 12-21-2015]
Less than 144 square feet does not require a building permit.
More than 144 square feet in size: $0.25 per square foot.
[Amended 12-21-2015]
[Amended 12-21-2015]
Inground (includes fence permit): $175.
Aboveground: $150.
Hot tubs/spas: $150.
Generator, permanent installation and solar panel installation. Building permit and certificate of occupancy: $100.
[Added 6-18-2012; amended 12-21-2015]
[Amended 12-21-2015]
Residential: $100.
Garages and barns: $100.
Commercial: $175.
New construction and additions: $0.40 per square foot.
[Amended 12-21-2015]
Alterations, including decks, porches and patios: $0.40 per square foot; $100 minimum fee.
[Amended 12-21-2015]
Gutting: $100.
Municipal searches.
[Amended 12-21-2015]
Residential: $100.
Commercial: $125.
Request for inspection to close expired/open building permits and open violations: $50.
Application for driveway permit: $125, with an escrow fee of $500. (See also Chapter 111, Driveways.)
[Amended 12-21-2015]
Application for permit for outdoor entertainment at which 2,500 persons or more are expected to attend: $500. (See also Chapter 115, Entertainment, Outdoor.)
Application for a license to operate a mobile home development: $200, which shall be good for two years. (See also Chapter 200, Zoning.)
Renewal of the license to operate a mobile home development shall require an inspection by the Zoning Enforcement Officer/Building Inspector for continued compliance, and the applicant shall pay an inspection fee of $10 per space prior to the issuance of a renewal of the license. Renewals shall be for a two-year period.
Application for a sign permit: $75. (See also Chapter 200, Zoning.)
[Amended 12-21-2015]
Fences: $100.
[Added 12-21-2015[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided for the renumbering of former Subsection B(10) through (14) as B(18) through (22), respectively.
Fire inspections: $100 up to 1,000 square feet; $150 over 1,000 square feet; apartments: $40 per unit.
[Added 12-21-2015]
Oil tank.
[Added 12-21-2015]
Removal of existing tank: $100.
Installation of new tank: $100.
Electrical: $100.
[Added 12-21-2015]
Building permit renewal: 10% of building permit fee or $50 minimum.
[Added 12-21-2015]
Building without a building permit: double building permit fee.
[Added 12-21-2015]
Fee for any project not listed within: $80.
[Added 12-21-2015]
Certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance fee: $200. (This fee is refundable upon completion if the project is completed within one year or if the permit is renewed every 12 months.)
[Added 12-21-2015]
Dog redemption fees must be set by local law or ordinance. See the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law and Chapter 97, Animals, Articles I and II.
Returned check fee: $20 or the maximum charge allowable by § 85 of General Municipal Law as of the date the check was submitted to the Town. (See also Chapter 15, Checks, Insufficient Funds for.)
Copy machine use: $0.25 per page.
Fax machine use.
Incoming: $1 each page.
Domestic: $2 first page; $1 each subsequent page.
Foreign: $5 first page; $2 each subsequent page.
Fees for copies of records (see also Chapter 161, Records, Public Access to):
The fee for photocopies not exceeding nine inches by 14 inches: $0.25 per page.
The fee for copies of records other than photocopies which are nine inches by 14 inches or less: the actual copying cost, excluding fixed agency costs such as salaries.[2]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B(15), Fence fee, (16), Cell tower application, and (17), Collocation of any communications facility on existing communications towers, which immediately followed this subsection, were repealed 12-21-2015.
Escrow accounts required.
[Added 9-18-2017]
At the time of submission of any application, or thereafter, an escrow account shall be established from which withdrawals shall be made to reimburse the Town for the costs of consultant services. The applicant shall then provide funds to the Town for deposit into such account in an amount to be determined as follows:
Subdivision applications: $300 for each new residential lot or principal dwelling.
Site plan review: greater of $500 or 0.1% of estimated project cost.
Special use permit, residential: $550.
Special use permit, commercial with estimated project cost $500,000 or less: $1,000.
Special use permit, commercial with estimated project cost over $500,000: $2,000.
Special use permit, demolition: $550.
Area/use variance: $500 or greater amount as determined by the ZBA at time of application or thereafter.
Petition for rezoning amount: $1,000 or such greater amount determined by the Town at the time of application or thereafter.
SEQRA compliance requiring cost, not including retention of experts: 0.5% of estimated project or other such amount as determined by Planning Board.
Building Department performance escrow: $2,500.
Escrow accounts shall be replenished from time to time as specified in the signed escrow agreement between the applicant and the Board.
Planning and Zoning Boards. (See also Chapter 200, Zoning.)
Special use permit application fees:
[Amended 12-21-2015]
Residential: $175.
Commercial: $250.
Zoning Board of Appeals application fee for administrative review, variance (area or use): $150.
Zoning Board reimbursable costs for mailing notices shall be limited to the current postal rates for certified mail with return receipt requested. These costs shall be paid by the applicant prior to the taking of the final decision vote of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Publication fees are also reimbursable.
[3]Site plan review fee: $100.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection C(4), regarding Zoning Board reimbursable costs for consultations, was repealed 9-18-2017. The resolution adopted this date also provided for the redesignation of former Subsection C(5) through (7) as Subsection C(4) through (6), respectively.
Cell tower application: $500 with an escrow fee of $7,000.
[Added 12-21-2015]
Wireless site plan: $250.
Special use permit: $1,500.
Collocation of any communications facility on existing communications towers: $250 with an escrow fee of $1,000.
[Added 12-21-2015]
Subdivision of land. (See also Chapter 177, Subdivision of Land.)
Planning Board application fee for minor subdivision (two lots or three lots): $200, and application fee is payable by the applicant after the sketch plan conference when plans are presented to the Board for review.
Planning Board application fee for major subdivision (four, five, six, seven lots or more): $300, and application fee is payable by the applicant after the sketch plan conference when plans are presented to the Board for Review.
Lot fee.
[Amended 4-12-2004 by L.L. No. 3-2004]
Minor subdivision. The applicant shall pay a fee of $200 per lot upon final approval. This fee is payable on the total of all lots yielded upon final approval minus one. This fee is payable by the applicant prior to the final signature of the Planning Board Chair.
Major subdivision. The applicant shall pay a fee of $200 per lot upon final approval. This fee is payable on the total of all lots yielded upon final approval minus one. This fee is payable by the applicant prior to the final signature of the Planning Board Chair.
Recreation fee.
[Amended 4-12-2004 by L.L. No. 3-2004; 12-21-2015]
Minor subdivision shall be $1,500 per lot based on the total number of lots yielded upon final approval, payable by the applicant prior to the final signature of the Planning Board Chair.
Major subdivision shall be $1,500 per lot based on the total number of lots yielded upon final approval, payable by the applicant prior to final signature of the Planning Board Chair.
Lot line adjustment fee: $200 payable by the applicant prior to the final signature of the Planning Board Chair.
[Added 4-12-2004 by L.L. No. 3-2004; 12-21-2015]
Conservation easements. (See also Chapter 200, Zoning.) Donations specified are minimums that assume easily traversable topography and placement of monuments as required in Chapter 200. Donations may be modified by the Planning Board to accommodate unique site conditions or other considerations. All donations are payable by the donor prior to the final signature of the Planning Board Chair.
[Added 9-13-2004 by L.L. No. 6-2004]
Protected open land. All open land protected by the easement is assessed a donation at a rate of $100 per acre or part thereof.
Defined development areas. Each defined development area is assessed a donation at a rate of $200 per acre or part thereof.
The Town Board may periodically review the fee schedule set forth in this chapter and may, by resolution, amend the fees set forth therein.