[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Georgetown 4-8-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-8. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Zoning — See Ch. 230.
The Town of Georgetown may from time to time extend its boundaries through the process of annexation in accordance with the Delaware Code and with the Town Charter, § 1.3. In every annexation proceeding, the following procedures shall apply.
A majority of the property owners of the territory proposed to be annexed, which must be contiguous to the then-existing incorporated limits and territory of the Town of Georgetown, by written petition with the signature of each such petitioner, may request the Mayor and Council to annex that certain territory in which they own property. For purposes of this section, "property owners" shall be those owners of record in the Sussex County Recorder of Deeds office for the parcel(s) in question. Such petition should be submitted to the Town Manager for review by the Planning Department and transmission to Mayor and Council.
The application shall include the tax parcel number(s), a description of the territory requested to be annexed, a sealed survey (dated within one year of the application), present and requested zoning, a statement of compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, the reasons for the requested annexation, a site plan of the proposed use, and the petition for annexation. The Planning Department shall inform the applicant of the number of copies of the application required for submission.
If the Town Manager deems the application complete, a plan of services (see the website for the State of Delaware Office of Planning Coordination) for the property shall be completed in accordance with Delaware Code. This plan of services must be completed for review and acceptance by the Office of State Planning Coordination no later than 20 working days prior to final legislative action on the annexation.
The annexation/rezoning application shall also be referred to the Planning Commission for a public hearing and review and recommendation to Mayor and Council.
Following the recommendation by the Planning Commission, the Mayor and Council shall hold a public hearing to consider the annexation and zoning application. The public hearing shall be advertised at least 15 days prior with an opportunity for public comment of at least 30 days prior to the decision.
Following the public hearing before the Mayor and Council, and subject to the acceptance of the plan of services (via the PLUS review process), the Mayor and Council may pass an ordinance annexing the specified territory into the Town of Georgetown, and assigning the appropriate zoning classification(s), pursuant to the Town Zoning Code, to the specified territory.
The annexed territory shall be subject to all of the rules, regulations and laws of the Town of Georgetown as of the date of annexation.