[Adopted 12-11-2014 by Ord. No. 654]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any individual, firm, partnership, company, corporation, association, society or group who applies for a permit pursuant to this article.
All putrescible (or decayable) wastes; except sewage and body wastes, including vegetable and animal offal and carcasses of dead animals; and all such substances accumulated on or removed from all public and private establishments and properties, including residences, but excluding recognizable industrial by-products, discarded wood and lumber, grass clippings, weeds and leaves.
Any individual, firm, partnership, company, corporation, association, society or group.
Includes rubbish and garbage as these terms are defined herein.
Waste other than garbage commonly produced or accumulated in a household or place of business, including but not limited to paper, posterboard, rags, mattresses, old clothing, glass, crockery, packing boxes and materials, cans, Christmas trees, leaves, grass cuttings, pulled weeds and brush, furniture and other personalty commonly discarded after the owner thereof has determined that it is no longer useful and/or desirable; provided, however, that "rubbish" shall not include industrial refuse, abandoned large machinery or vehicles, or dead animals.
Any public street, road, way, alley, parking area or other area designated for public pedestrian or vehicular traffic, passage or parking.
Any storage unit placed in a street for a period in excess of 24 consecutive hours that is not a motor vehicle as defined by the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, or a waste dumpster. This includes, but is not limited to, portable storage containers.
Any dumpster, trailer, box container or any other receptacle of any kind used for the storage of refuse.
No person shall place or cause to be placed any waste dumpster or street storage on any Borough street unless and until said person has obtained a permit, issued by the Chief of Police and signed by the Borough Secretary or his/her designee. The duration of such permit shall be 30 days, and the continued validity of such permit shall be contingent upon full compliance with the regulations and requirements set forth in this article.
All persons applying for a permit shall pay a nonrefundable twenty-five-dollar fee. Additionally, all persons applying for a permit shall pay to the Borough an advance deposit in the amount of $50. The deposit shall be refunded within 30 days after the termination of the permit, provided that no violation of the article has occurred. Permit and deposit fees may be adjusted from time to time by resolution of Borough Council.
All persons applying for a permit shall advise the Chief of Police of the following information in writing:
Specifications of waste dumpster or street storage, including size and capacity;
Type and amount of refuse to be stored;
Intended waste dumpster or street storage placement;
Length of time the waste dumpster or street storage will remain in said location;
Name, address and telephone number of the person available 24 hours per day to receive communication from Borough officials concerning the waste dumpster or street storage and the activities related thereto.
After the expiration of a legally issued permit, applicant may seek an extension of the permit upon written good cause shown to Borough Council.
If either a permit or a permit extension is denied, applicant may appeal the decision in writing within 10 days from receipt of the denial. The applicant must pay $600 nonrefundable appeal fee to complete the written request for appeal. Upon written appeal and payment of the applicable appeal fee, a public hearing shall be scheduled and held pursuant to the Local Agency Law[1] before Borough Council. Appeal fees may be adjusted from time to time by resolution of Borough Council.
Editor's Note: See 2 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 551 and 751 et seq.
The location and utilization of a waste dumpster or street storage upon a street shall be in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations applicable thereto, including but not limited to any highway occupancy or other permit required by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, in addition to the requirements of this article.
The placement of a waste dumpster or street storage upon a street shall not extend into the travel lane of traffic, and must be placed at least 20 feet from all road intersections.
Any waste dumpster or street storage placed upon a street shall bear reflective markings with sufficient reflective capacity to provide reasonable warning to approaching traffic from a distance of at least 100 feet.
Any waste dumpster or street storage placed upon a street shall bear the name and telephone number of the person who owns the unit. If such waste dumpster or street storage is not so marked, the applicant must supply said information to the Chief of Police as a condition for securing and maintaining a valid permit.
All waste dumpsters and street storage must be maintained in a safe and sanitary manner to assure that the contents may not be invaded or removed by weather, animals or trespassers. Use of the waste dumpster or street storage must not disturb adjacent properties with noxious odors, noise, airborne pollutants, or other any other such nuisance.
All waste dumpsters must be removed from Borough within 24 hours of reaching full capacity. A waste dumpster is considered filled to capacity when its contents extend to the top edge of any wall of the waste dumpster or beyond the edges of any doors, hatch, or other opening in the roof or any wall of the dumpster.
After any waste dumpster or street storage is removed, the applicant shall reasonably clean and restore the waste dumpster or street storage location to the condition as it existed prior to the placement of the unit. Such restoration must be completed within 24 hours of removal of the waste dumpster or street storage. If the waste dumpster or street storage area is not cleaned and restored within 24 hours of removal, Borough officials shall cause the area to be cleaned and restored. Such reasonable costs and expenditures incurred by the Borough shall constitute a municipal claim and shall be the responsibility of the applicant, in addition to applicable fines and penalties. Additionally, such work performed by the Borough shall be grounds for Borough to retain deposit amounts.
The waste dumpster or street storage owner and/or contractor shall be responsible for any and all damage to persons, personal property, streets, sidewalks, curbs, public rights-of-way or other public improvement which results from the placement, service, operation, use or removal of the waste dumpster or street storage.
The permitee shall assume all risk of damage, and the Borough shall not be liable for any damage, to the waste dumpster or street storage caused by Borough-performed or contracted street plowing, street sweeping, or other public function.
The Borough reserves the right to limit and/or deny a permit or extension of a permit for a waste dumpster or street storage for good cause such as snow removal, street cleaning, public safety concerns or other municipal purpose. In such a case that the Borough requires the immediate removal of a waste dumpster or street storage, notice will be provided to the applicant. Applicant will remove the waste dumpster or street storage within 24 hours. If the waste dumpster or street storage area is not removed within 24 hours of notice, Borough officials shall cause the area to be cleaned and restored. Such reasonable costs and expenditures incurred by the Borough shall constitute a municipal claim and shall be the responsibility of the applicant, in addition to applicable fines and penalties. Additionally, such work performed by the Borough shall be grounds for Borough to retain deposit amounts.
Any person who violates any provision of this article shall, upon conviction thereof before a District Justice or other tribunal or court, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000, plus costs of prosecution. Each day of continuing violation shall constitute a separate offense. Additionally, the Borough may remove the waste dumpster or street storage at the expense of the permittee.