[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Algoma 7-15-2015 by Ord. No. 155. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 135.
Land development — See Ch. 225.
The purpose of this chapter is to regulate sump pumps and their discharge in the Town of Algoma.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any clear water discharge from a building or other structure.
Used in basements to prevent subsurface water in the soil from seeping into the house. The sump pump is located in a sump pit, which collects groundwater from a foundation drain around the house. As the groundwater level begins to rise, the foundation drain empties into the sump pump pit. When the water in the sump pit reaches a certain level, the sump pump activates and pumps the water out and away from the house.
The discharge pipe shall exit the building at least one foot above the finished grade.
The initial point of discharge must be a minimum of one foot from the foundation of any building.
The next point of discharge must be a minimum of 10 feet from the foundation of any building.
The discharge must flow parallel to or away from the nearest property line.
The discharge shall not flow on to an adjacent property.
The final discharge point shall be into a drainage ditch, swale or area designated for discharge of water.
The final discharge point shall be into a drainage ditch, swale or area designated for discharge of water.
The method of conveyance to the final discharge point, whether above the ground or underground shall be four-inch Schedule 40 PVC piping.
When the final discharge point is located in the Town of Algoma right-of-way or a drainage easement, the piping must empty into the right-of-way or drainage easement below the ground. The pipe cannot be laid above the ground.
The final discharge level should be a minimum of five inches above the bottom of the ditch, swale or area designated for discharge of water.
The final discharge level should be just above the maximum anticipated water level of the ditch, swale or area designated for discharge of water.
A flap valve should be installed to prevent backflow during periods when the discharge pipe may be submerged.
No person shall change the configuration of any ditch, swale or area designated for discharge of water.
No person shall plow, shovel, blow or place snow into any ditch or area designated for discharge of water.
No person shall place any mowed grass, brush, soil or debris into any ditch, swale or area designated for discharge of water.
No person shall add vegetation or solid material (landscaping) in any ditch, swale or are designated for discharge of water.