In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 2015 Pittsfield Charter Township Code have been included in the 2017 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Chapter/Title From 2015 Code
Location in 2017 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Ch. 1, Art. I
Ch. 2, Administration
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. II, Board of Trustees (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. III, Officers and Employees
Div. 1, Generally (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Div. 2, Ordinance Enforcement Officer
Ch. 2, Part 1, Art. I
Art. IV, Boards and Commissions
Div. 1, Generally (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Div. 2, Housing Commission
Ch. 2, Part 2, Art. II
Div. 3, (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Div. 4, Planning Commission
Ch. 2, Part 2, Art. III
Art. V, Finance
Div. 1, Generally (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Div. 2, Budget Stabilization
Ch. 2, Part 3, Art. IV
Art. VI, Municipal Civil Infractions
Ch. 2, Part 4, Art. V
Ch. 3, (Reserved)
Ch. 3 Reserved Page
Ch. 4, Animals
Art. I, In General
Ch. 4, Art. I
Art. II, Animal Control
Ch. 4, Art. II
Ch. 5, Historic Districts
Art. I, Historic District
Ch. 5, Art. I
Art. II, Designated Districts
Ch. 5, Art. II
Ch. 6, Buildings and Building Regulations
Art. I, Building Code
Ch. 6, Art. I
Art. II, Department of Building Services
Ch. 6, Art. II
Art. III, Property Identification
Ch. 6, Art. III
Art. IV, Property Maintenance
Ch. 6, Art. IV
Ch. 7, Emergency Services
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. II, Hazardous Substances Response Cost Recovery
Ch. 7, Art. I
Art. III, False Alarms
Ch. 7, Art. II
Art. IV, Emergency Services Cost Recovery
Ch. 7, Art. III
Art. V, Appeal, Severability
Ch. 7, Art. IV
Ch. 8, Environment
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. II, Blight
Ch. 8, Art. I
Art. III, Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Ch. 8, Art. II
Art. IV, Wetlands
Ch. 8, Art. III
Art. V, Dumping and Litter
Ch. 8, Art. IV
Art. VI, Law Fertilizer
Ch. 8, Art. V
Art. VII, Flood Plain Management
Ch. 8, Art. VI
Ch. 9, (Reserved)
Ch. 9 Reserved Page
Ch. 10, Fire Prevention and Protection
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. II, Fire Prevention Code
Ch. 10, Art. I
Art. III, Open Burning
Ch. 10, Art. II
Art. IV, Fire Safety Inspections
Ch. 10, Art. III
Ch. 11, (Reserved)
Ch. 11 Reserved Page
Ch. 12, Subdivision
Ch. 12
Ch. 13, Land Division
Ch. 13
Ch. 14, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions
Art. I, Retail Fraud
Ch. 14, Art. I
Art. II, Skateboards and Roller Blades
Ch. 14, Art. II
Art. III, Camping in Parking Lots
Ch. 14, Art. III
Art. IV, Alcohol Offenses
Ch. 14, Art. IV
Art. V, Drug Paraphernalia
Ch. 14, Art. V
Art. VI, Interference with Public Safety
Ch. 14, Art. VI
Art. VII, Fireworks
Ch. 14, Art. VII
Art. VIII, Noise Offenses
Ch. 14, Art. VIII
Art. IX, Disturbances
Ch. 14, Art. IX
Art. X, Controlled Substances
Ch. 14, Art. X
Art. XI, Minors
Ch. 14, Art. XI
Art. XIV, Youth Tobacco {articles were adopted out of sequence in original}
Ch. 14, Art. XII
Art. XII, Possession of Burglary Tools
Ch. 14, Art. XIII
Art. XIII, Providing False Information to a Police Officer
Ch. 14, Art. XIV
Art. XV, Penalties and Administration
Ch. 14, Art. XV
Ch. 15, (Reserved)
Ch. 15 Reserved Page
Ch. 16, Parks and Recreation
Art. I, In General
Ch. 16, Art. I
Ch. 17, (Reserved)
Ch. 17 Reserved Page
Ch. 18, Transient Merchants
Ch. 18
Ch. 19, (Reserved)
Ch. 19 Reserved Page
Ch. 20, Personnel
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. II, Compensation Commission
Ch. 20, Art. I
Art. III, Employee Benefits
Ch. 20, Art. II
Ch. 21, Living Wage
Ch. 21
Ch. 22, Public Safety
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. II, Police Department
Ch. 22, Art. I
Art. III, Request for Police Services
Ch. 22, Art. II
Ch. 23, Sexually Oriented Businesses
Ch. 23
Ch. 24, Secondhand Goods
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. II, Pawnbrokers, Secondhand Goods Dealers, Junk Dealers
Div. 1, Generally
Ch. 24, Art. I
Div. 2, License
Ch. 24, Art. II
Ch. 25, Medical Marijuana
Art. I, Medical Marijuana Facilities and Medical Marijuana Grow Operations
Ch. 25, Art. I
Ch. 26, Solid Waste
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. II, Refuse Collection
Ch. 26, Art. I
Art. III, Landfills (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Ch. 27, (Reserved)
Ch. 27 Reserved Page
Ch. 28, Streets and Sidewalks
Art. I, Complete Streets
Ch. 28, Art. I
Art. II, Sidewalks
Ch. 28, Art. II
Art. III, Public Rights-of-Way
Ch. 28, Art. III
Ch. 29, (Reserved)
Ch. 29 Reserved Page
Ch. 30, Taxation
Art. I, Carpenter Place
Ch. 30, Art. I
Art. II, Heritage Place
Ch. 30, Art. II
Ch. 31, (Reserved)
Ch. 31 Reserved Page
Ch. 32, Telecommunications
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. II, Cable Communication
Ch. 32, Part 1
Ch. 33, (Reserved)
Ch. 33 Reserved Page
Ch. 34, Traffic
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. II, Uniform Traffic Code
Ch. 34, Art. I
Art. III, Truck Routes
Ch. 34, Art. II
Art. IV, Vehicle Trespass and Impoundment of Vehicles
Ch. 34, Art. III
Art. V (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. VI, Parking for Persons With Disabilities
Ch. 34, Art. IV
Ch. 35, (Reserved)
Ch. 35 Reserved Page
Ch. 36, Utilities
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. II, Water and Sewerage System
Ch. 36, Part 1
Art. III, Utility Installation
Ch. 36, Part 2
Art. IV, Cross Connections
Ch. 36, Part 3
Art. V, Sewer Use
Ch. 36, Part 4
Ch. 37, (Reserved)
Ch. 37 Reserved Page
Ch. 38, Vegetation
Art. I, In General (Reserved)
Omitted; placeholder only
Art. II, Prohibited Vegetation
Ch. 38, Art. I
Art. III, Vegetation Management In, Upon, Or Adjacent to Easements and Rights-of-Way
Ch. 38, Art. II
Art. IV, Natural Lawns
Ch. 38, Art. III
Ch. 39, Conservation Easements
Ch. 39