In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1989 Code have been included in the 2018 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not applicable; reference statement only existed in prior publication (any referenced legislation is included, as applicable)
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1989 Code
Location in 2018 Code
Part I, Administrative Legislation
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Art. I, Adoption of Code
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. I
Art. II, Legislation Enacted During Codification
Ch. 3, Appearance Tickets
Ch. 8
Ch. 9, Defense and Indemnification of Officers and Employees
Ch. 17
Ch. 13, Ethics, Code of
Ch. 23
Ch. 18, Investment Policy
Ch. 41
Ch. 27, Personnel Policies
Ch. 52
Ch. 28, Procurement Policy
Ch. 59
Ch. 31, Salaries and Compensation
Art. I, General Provisions
Ch. 75, Art. I
Art. II, Cemetery Sexton and Water Meter Reader
Ch. 75, Art. II
Part II, General Legislation
Ch. 43, Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 93
Ch. 47, Bingo
Ch. 105
Ch. 55, Dogs
Ch. 98, Art. I
Ch. 59, Dumps and Dumping
Ch. 130
Ch. 63, Environmental Quality Review
Ch. 137
Ch. 67, Fees
Ch. 146
Ch. 71, Fire Prevention and Building Code, Uniform
Art. I, Permit Fee Schedule
Ch. 122, Art. II
Ch. 75, Flood Damage Prevention
Superseded by L.L. No. 2-2016
Ch. 79, Games of Chance
Ch. 158
Ch. 83, Handicapped Regulations, Policy Concerning
Ch. 34
Ch. 91, Mobile Home Parks
Ch. 195
Ch. 94, Noise
Ch. 202
Ch. 96, Outdoor Boilers
Ch. 109
Ch. 96A, Parking
Superseded by L.L. No. 1-2015
Ch. 97, Parks
Ch. 213
Ch. 99, Portable Storage Units
Ch. 219
Ch. 100, Property Maintenance
Ch. 224
Ch. 101, Records, Public Access to
Ch. 66, Art. I
Ch. 103, Road Preservation and Safety
Ch. 295, Part 1
Ch. 105, Sewers
Ch. 240
Ch. 109, Smoking
Ch. 246
Ch. 111, Snowmobiles
Ch. 252
Ch. 112, Solid Waste
Ch. 257
Ch. 113, Streets and Sidewalks
Art. I, Notification of Defects
Ch. 266, Art. I
Ch. 114, Storm Sewers
Art. I, Illicit Discharges, Activities and Connections
Ch. 261, Art. I
Ch. 115, Building and Energy Code Administration and Enforcement
Ch. 122, Art. I
Ch. 117, Subdivision of Land
Ch. 270
Ch. 121, Taxation
Art. I, Senior Citizens Tax Exemption
Ch. 275, Art. I
Art. II, Tax Exemption for Business Facilities
Ch. 275, Art. II
Art. III (Reserved)
Repealed by L.L. No. 2-2011
Art. IV, Veterans Exemption
Ch. 275, Art. III
Art. V, Veterans Alternative Exemption
Ch. 275, Art. IV
Art. VI, Disability Exemption
Ch. 275, Art. V
Art. VII, Grievance Day
Ch. 275, Art. VI
Art. VIII, Condominium Conversions
Ch. 275, Art. VII
Art. IX, Cold War Veterans Exemption
Ch. 275, Art. VIII
Art. X, Residential-Commercial Urban Exemption Program
Ch. 275, Art. IX
Ch. 125, Town Facilities, Use of
Ch. 283
Ch. 127, Unsafe Buildings
Ch. 114
Ch. 129, Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 295, Part 2
Ch. 133, Water
Art. I, General Provisions
Ch. 309, Art. I
Art. II (Reserved)
Repealed 4-19-1993
Ch. 139, Zoning
Repealed by L.L. No. 4-2015; see now Ch. 320
Ch. A147, Roads and Highways
Ch. A331
Ch. A148, Street Specifications
Ch. A337