[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Lysander 3-6-1975 (Ch. 91 of the 1989 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 122.
Flood damage prevention — See Ch. 151.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 224.
Sewers — See Ch. 240.
Storm sewers — See Ch. 261.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 270.
Zoning — See Ch. 320.
Street specification — See Ch. A337.
This chapter shall be known as the "1973 Mobile Home Park Ordinance of the Town of Lysander, New York."
[Added 3-2-1989 by L.L. No. 3-1989]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Consists of three or more mobile homes situated on one parcel of land.
It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain, construct, alter or extend any mobile park within the limits of the Town of Lysander, Onondaga County, New York, unless he holds a valid permit issued by the Building Inspector.
It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain, construct, alter or extend any mobile home park within the limits of the Town of Lysander, Onondaga County, New York, unless he holds a valid permit issued by the Onondaga County Department of Health to ensure compliance with Part 7 of the New York State Sanitary Code.
Upon receipt of the application for such permit, the Building Inspector shall review the application and the site plan to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Field inspection of the proposed site shall be made and a detailed report prepared by the Building Inspector for submission to the Planning Board. Favorable determination of the application by the Planning Board shall not be made until it has received a copy of the permit issued to the applicant by the Onondaga County Health Department.
Upon receipt of such a permit, upon review and approval of the Planning Board and upon payment of the fee prescribed herein, the Building Inspector is empowered to issue a mobile home park permit which shall be valid for a period of one year thereafter.
Renewal permits for one year's duration shall be issued by the Building Inspector upon his review in the field and/or upon proof furnished by the applicant that the subject park has continued to meet the standards prescribed by the County Health Department and by this chapter.
Mobile home parks in existence upon the effective date of this chapter, or any subsequent amendment, shall be required to meet only the standards of the Onondaga County Health Department as a prerequisite to the issuance of a permit, and all other minimum standards prescribed herein shall be applicable at a time determined by the Building Inspector upon initial application for permit.
The Building Inspector or other representative of the Town of Lysander may inspect a mobile home park at reasonable intervals and at reasonable times to determine compliance with this chapter.
Whenever, upon inspection of any mobile home park, it is determined that conditions or practices exist which are in violation of any provision of this chapter or of any regulations adopted pursuant thereto, the Building Inspector shall give notice in writing in accordance with §§ 195-27 through 195-29 to the person to whom the certificate was issued, advising him or her that, unless such conditions or practices are corrected within a reasonable period of time specified in the notice, the permit to operate in the Town of Lysander shall be suspended. At the end of such period, such mobile home park shall be reinspected and, if the conditions or practices have not been corrected, the Building Inspector shall suspend the permit and give notice in writing of such suspension to the person to whom the permit is issued.
The sites of all mobile parks shall comply with the following minimum requirements:
A site shall have an area of not less than 10 acres.
A site shall be free of adverse influences from such uses as garbage or rubbish disposal areas or other potential breeding places for insects or rodents.
A site shall not be located adjacent to swamps or marshes or be subject to flooding.
A site shall not be subject to any hazard or nuisance such as excessive noise, vibration, smoke, toxic matter, radiation, heat, odor or glare.
The ground surface in all parts of a mobile home park shall be graded and equipped to drain all surface water in a safe and efficient manner.
Surface water collectors and other bodies of standing water capable of breeding mosquitoes and other insects shall be eliminated or controlled in a manner acceptable to and approved by the Onondaga County Health Department.
Wastes or wastewater from plumbing fixtures or sanitary sewer lines shall not be deposited upon the ground surface in any part of a mobile home park or upon adjacent lands.
Ground surfaces in all parts of a mobile home park shall be protected with a vegetative growth capable of preventing soil erosion and the emanation of dust during dry weather or, as an alternative, paved or covered with stone screenings or other solid material.
Mobile home park grounds shall be maintained free of vegetative growth which is poisonous or which may harbor rodents, insects or other pests harmful to man.
No less than 10% of the gross area of the mobile home park must be set aside, developed and maintained by the park management for recreation activities of the residents of the park.
Each such recreation area shall not be less than 5,000 square feet in area.
Recreation areas shall be so located as to be free of traffic hazards and should, where the topography permits, be centrally located.
Playground equipment, benches and suitable facilities shall be installed in each of the required recreation areas.
Other than the foregoing, no part of a mobile home park shall be used for nonresidential purposes, except such uses that are required for the direct servicing and well-being of park residents and for the management and maintenance of the park.
All mobile homes on individual lots shall be subject to the setback, side and rear yard requirements of Residential R-10 Districts as set forth in Chapter 320, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Lysander, except that the minimum size of a side yard may be reduced to five feet.
All mobile home parks must provide buffer strips, setbacks and screening such as fences or make use of natural growth along the boundary property line separating the park and the adjacent uses. Suitable screening from adjacent properties is required.
All mobile home lots shall have a minimum area of 6,000 square feet with a minimum lot width of 50 feet. Double-width mobile homes will be required to occupy two lots.
Mobile homes shall be separated from each other and from other buildings and structures other than accessory structures by at least 25 feet.
A safe and convenient vehicular access shall be provided from abutting public streets or roads. Such entrance roads shall have a minimum road pavement width of 34 feet.
The internal streets of a mobile home park shall be of adequate width to accommodate anticipated traffic and, in any case, shall meet the following minimum requirements:
Where parking is permitted on both sides, a minimum pavement width of 34 feet will be required.
A minimum pavement width of 28 feet will be required where parking is limited to one side only.
Dead-end streets shall be provided at the closed end with a cul-de-sac designed with a turnaround having an outside roadway diameter of at least 100 feet and a street property line diameter of at least 120 feet.
All mobile home park streets shall be furnished with lighting units so spaced and equipped with lights placed at such mounting heights as will provide average levels of illumination for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles at night.
All streets and roads shall meet the minimum construction and design standards of the Town of Lysander.[1]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. A337, Street Specifications.
Paved off-street parking areas shall be provided in all mobile home parks for the use of park occupants and guests.
One off-street car parking space for each mobile home shall be provided and so located as to provide convenient access to the mobile home, and in no instance shall be greater than 250 feet from the mobile home it is intended to serve.
All mobile home parks shall provide safe, convenient, pedestrian access of adequate width for intended use, durable and convenient to maintain, between individual mobile homes, the park streets and all community facilities provided for park residents.
Where a common walk system is provided and maintained between locations and where pedestrian traffic is concentrated, such common walks shall have a minimum width of four feet.
All mobile home stands shall be connected to common walks or to streets or to driveways or parking spaces connecting to a paved street. Such individual walks shall have a minimum width of two feet.
The area of the mobile home stand shall be improved to provide an adequate foundation for the placement of the mobile home.
The mobile home stand shall be designed so as not to heave, shift or settle unevenly under the weight of the mobile home because of frost action, inadequate drainage, vibration or other forces acting on the superstructure.
Editor's Note: For the full text of this section, see the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency's Technical Memorandum No. 73-1, dated February 1973, which is on file in the office of the Codes Enforcement Officer.
General requirements. An adequate supply of water shall be provided for mobile homes, service buildings and other accessory facilities as required by this chapter. Where a public water supply system of satisfactory quantity, quality and pressure is available, connection shall be made thereto, and its supply shall be used exclusively. Where a satisfactory public water supply system is not available, a private water supply system shall be developed and shall be approved by the Onondaga County Department of Health.
Source of supply.
The water supply shall be capable of supplying a minimum of 200 gallons per day per mobile home.
The well or suction line of the water supply system shall be located and constructed in such a manner that neither underground nor surface contamination will reach the water supply from any source.
No well casings, pumps, pumping machinery or suction pipes shall be placed in any pit, room or space extending below ground level nor in any room or space above ground which is walled in or otherwise enclosed, unless such rooms, whether above or below ground, have free drainage by gravity to the surface of the ground.
Water supply treatment, if necessary, shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Onondaga County Health Department.
Water storage facilities. All water storage reservoirs shall be covered, watertight and constructed of impervious material. Overflows and vents of such reservoirs shall be effectively screened. Manholes shall be constructed with overlapping covers so as to prevent the entrance of contaminated material. Reservoir overflow pipes shall discharge through an acceptable air gap.
Water distribution system.
All water piping, fixtures and other equipment shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with state and local regulations.
The water piping system shall not be connected with nonpotable or questionable water supplies and shall be protected against the hazards of backflow or backsiphonage.
The system shall be so designed and maintained as to provide a pressure of not less than 40 pounds per square inch under normal conditions, at service buildings and other locations requiring potable water supply.
Individual water riser pipes and connections.
Individual water riser pipes shall be located within the confined area of the mobile home stand at a point where the water connection will approximate a vertical position, thereby ensuring the shortest water connection possible and decreasing susceptibility to water pipe freezing.
The water riser pipe shall have a minimum inside diameter of 3/4 inch and terminate at least four inches above the ground surface. The water outlet shall be provided with a cap when a mobile home does not occupy the lot.
Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent freezing of service lines, valves and riser pipes and to protect risers from heaving and thawing actions of the ground during freezing weather. Surface drainage shall be diverted from the location of the riser pipe.
A shut off valve below the frost line shall be provided near the water riser pipe on each mobile home lot. Underground stop and waste valves are prohibited unless their type of manufacture and their method of installation are approved.
General requirements. An adequate and safe sewage system shall be provided in all mobile home parks for conveying and disposing of sewage from mobile homes, service buildings and other accessory facilities. Such system shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the Onondaga Health Department regulations.
Individual sewer connections.
Each mobile home stand shall be provided with at least a four-inch diameter sewer riser pipe. The sewer riser pipe shall be so located on each stand that the sewer connection to the mobile home drain outlet will approximate a vertical position.
The sewer connection shall have a nominal inside diameter of not less than three inches, and the slope of any portion thereof shall be at least 1/4 of an inch per foot. All joints shall be watertight.
All materials used for sewer connections shall be semirigid, corrosive-resistant, nonabsorbent and durable. The inner surface shall be smooth.
Provision shall be made for plugging the sewer riser pipe when a mobile home does not occupy the lot. Surface drainage shall be diverted away from the riser. The rim of the riser pipe shall extend at least 1/2 inch above the ground elevation.
Sewer lines. All sewer lines shall be located in trenches of sufficient depth to be free of breakage from traffic or other movements and shall be separated from the park water supply system. All sewer lines shall be constructed of materials approved by the Onondaga County Health Department and shall have watertight joints.
Sewage treatment and/or discharge. Where the sewer lines of the mobile home park are not connected to a public sewer, all proposed sewage disposal facilities shall be approved by the Onondaga County Health Department prior to and after construction.
General requirements. Every mobile home park shall contain an electrical wiring system consisting of wiring, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances, which shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the local electrical power company's specifications regulating such systems.
Power distribution lines.
All direct conductors or cable shall be buried at least 18 inches below the ground surface and shall be insulated and specifically designed for the purpose. Such conductors shall be located not less than one foot radial distance from water, sewer, gas or communication lines.
Main power lines not located underground shall be suspended at least 18 feet above the ground.
Required grounding. All exposed non-current-carrying metal parts of mobile homes and all other equipment shall be grounded by means of an approved grounding conductor run with branch circuit conductors or other approved method of grounding metallic wiring. The neutral conductor shall not be used as an equipment ground for mobile homes or other equipment.
The requirements of this section shall apply to service buildings, recreation buildings and other community service facilities when constructed, such as:
Management offices, repair shops and storage areas.
Laundry facilities.
Indoor recreation areas.
Structural requirements for buildings.
All portions of the structure shall be properly protected from damage by ordinary use and by decay, corrosion, termites and other destructive elements. Exterior portions shall be of such materials and be so constructed and protected as to prevent the entrance or penetration of moisture and weather.
All rooms containing lavatory facilities shall:
Have sound-resistant walls extending to the ceiling between male and female sanitary facilities. Walls and partitions in lavatories and other plumbing facilities shall be constructed of dense, nonabsorbent, waterproof material or covered with moisture-resistant material.
Have at least one window or skylight facing directly to the outdoors. The minimum aggregate gross area of windows for each required room shall be not less than 10% of the floor area served by them.
Have at least one window which can easily be opened or a mechanical device which will adequately ventilate the room.
The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in the mobile home park shall be so constructed as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident or fire hazards or air pollution and shall comply with the regulations of the Onondaga County Health Department.
Grounds, buildings and structures shall be maintained free of insect and rodent harborage and infestation. Extermination methods and other measures to control insects and rodents shall conform to the requirements of the Onondaga County Health Department.
Natural gas system.
Natural gas piping systems, when installed in mobile home parks, shall be maintained in conformity with accepted engineering practices.
Each mobile home lot provided with piped gas shall have an approved shutoff valve installed upstream of the gas outlet. The outlet shall be equipped with an approved cap to prevent accidental discharge of gas when the outlet is not in use.
Liquefied petroleum gas systems. Liquefied petroleum gas systems provided for mobile homes, service buildings or other structures, when installed, shall be maintained in conformity with the rules and regulations of the authority having jurisdiction and shall include the following:
Systems shall be provided with safety devices to relieve excessive pressures and shall be arranged so that the discharge terminates at a safe location.
Systems shall have at least one accessible means for shutting off gas. Such means shall be located outside the mobile home and shall be maintained in effective operating condition.
All liquefied petroleum gas piping outside the mobile home shall be well supported and protected against mechanical failure. Undiluted liquefied petroleum gas in liquid form shall not be conveyed through piping equipment and systems in mobile homes.
Vessels of more than 12 and less than 60 United States gallons gross capacity may be installed in a concealed manner, although readily accessible for fire emergency on a mobile home lot and shall be secured but not permanently fastened to prevent accidental overturning.
No liquefied petroleum gas vessel shall be stored or located inside or beneath any storage cabinet, carport, mobile home or any other structure unless such installations are specifically approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
Fuel oil supply systems.
All fuel oil supply systems provided for mobile homes, service buildings and other structures shall be installed and maintained in conformity with the rules and regulations of the authority having jurisdiction.
All piping from outside fuel storage tanks or cylinders to mobile homes shall be securely but not permanently fastened in place.
All fuel oil supply systems provided for mobile homes, service buildings and other structures shall have shutoff valves located within five inches of the storage tanks.
All fuel storage tanks or cylinders shall be securely placed, concealed from view and shall not be less than five feet from any mobile home exit.
Storage tanks located in areas subject to traffic shall be protected against physical damage.
The mobile park shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the fire district of the Town of Lysander within which it is located.
Mobile home park areas shall be kept free of litter, rubbish and other flammable materials.
Portable fire extinguishers of a type approved by the fire district shall be kept in public service buildings under park control.
Fire hydrants shall be installed if their water supply source is capable of serving them in accordance with the following requirements:
The water supply source shall permit the operation of a minimum of two one-and-one-half-inch hose streams.
Each of two nozzles, held four feet above the ground, shall deliver at least 75 gallons of water per minute at a flowing pressure of at least 30 pounds per square inch at the highest point of the park.
Fire hydrants, if provided, shall be located within 600 feet of any mobile home, service building or other structure in the park.
The person to whom a license for a mobile home park is issued will operate the park in compliance with this chapter and shall provide adequate supervision to maintain the park and its facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean, neat and sanitary condition.
The park management shall supervise the placement of each mobile home on its mobile home stand, which includes securing its stability and installing all utility connections.
The park management shall give the Health Officer free access to all mobile home lots, service buildings and other community service facilities for the purpose of inspection.
The management shall notify the Onondaga County Department of Health immediately of any suspected communicable or contagious disease within the park.
Whenever the Building Inspector determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a violation of any provision of this chapter or of any regulation adopted pursuant thereto, he shall give notice of such alleged violation to the person to whom the permit or certificate was issued, as hereinbefore provided. Such notice shall be in writing, shall include a statement of the reasons for its issuance, shall allow a reasonable time for the performance of any act it requires and shall be served upon the owner or his agent, as the case may require; provided, however, that such notice or order shall be deemed to have been properly served upon such owner or agent when a copy thereof has been served with such notice by any other method authorized or required by the laws of New York, and finally, such notice shall contain an outline of remedial action which, if taken, will effect compliance with the provisions of this chapter, or any part thereof, and with the regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
Any person affected by any notice which has been issued in connection with the enforcement of any provision of this chapter, or of any regulation adopted pursuant thereto, may request and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the Zoning Board of Appeals, provided that such person shall file in the Town Clerk's office a written petition requesting such hearing and setting forth a brief statement of the grounds therefor within 10 days after the notice was served. The filing of the request for a hearing shall operate as a stay of the notice and the suspension except in the case of an order issued under Subsection E of this § 195-28. Upon receipt of such petition, the Building Inspector shall set a time and place for such hearing and shall give the petitioner written notice thereof. At such hearing, the petitioner shall be given an opportunity to be heard and to show why such notice should be modified or withdrawn. The hearing shall be commenced not later than 20 days after the day on which the petition was filed; however, upon application of the petitioner, the Building Inspector may postpone the date of the hearing for a reasonable time beyond such twenty-day period when, in his judgment, the petitioner has submitted good and sufficient reasons for such postponement.
After such hearing, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall make findings as to compliance with the provisions of this chapter and the regulations issued thereunder and shall issue an order in writing sustaining, modifying or withdrawing the notice which shall be served as provided in Subsection A of this § 195-28. Upon failure to comply with any order sustaining or modifying a notice, the permit of the mobile home park affected by the order shall be revoked.
The proceedings at such a hearing, including the findings and decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals and together with a copy of every notice and order relating thereto, shall be entered as a matter of public record in the office of the Town Clerk, but the transcript of the proceedings need not be transcribed unless judicial review of the decision is sought as provided by this section. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals may seek relief therefrom in any court of competent jurisdiction as provided by the laws of New York.
Whenever the Building Inspector finds that an emergency exists which requires immediate action to protect the public health, he may, without notice or hearing, issue an order reciting the existence of such an emergency and requiring that such action to be taken as he may deem necessary to meet the emergency, including the suspension of the permit or license. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, such order shall be effective immediately. Any provisions of Subsections C and D shall be applicable to such hearing and the order issued thereafter.
Penalties for offenses. A violation of this chapter shall be an offense punishable by a fine not to exceed $50, or by imprisonment for a period not to exceed six months, or both. Each week's continued violation shall constitute a separate, additional violation.
Relation to other laws. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the public health, morals, safety and general welfare. Wherever the requirements of this chapter are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, statutes or ordinances, the most restrictive thereof, or those imposing the highest standards, shall govern.
Revocation or suspension of permit. Upon repeated violations by the same permittee, his right to the issuance of a permit or the continued operation under a permit may be suspended for a fixed term or permanently revoked, after notice and hearing by the Town Board.
Amendments. The Town Board may from time to time on its motion or on petition or on recommendation of the Planning Board, amend, supplement, change, modify or repeal this chapter in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.