[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 1, 12-18-1991]
Customers seeking the installation of a new water service connection are required to do the following:
Obtain all required building permits and other permits required by the City Code.
Pay a service connection fee of not less than three hundred dollars ($300.00), subject to change.
Meet all backflow prevention requirements, if applicable.
Pay a water deposit as specified in Section 700.220.
Allow representatives of the City of Maysville access to the property to connect water service, make necessary inspections and/or read the water meter(s).
At the time of new water service installation, the water customer or his/her representative is responsible for the following:
Plumbing work and line from the tapped main to the meter.
Plumbing work and line from the meter to all desired service points on the property.
All necessary dirt work for tap, plumbing, meter pit and plumbing beyond the meter.
Installation of a PVC (not corrugated) meter pit eighteen (18) inches by thirty-six (36) inches, if necessary.
Installation of a meter yoke or copper setter.
All waterline from the main to the property line must be copper.
All installations and meter locations must be approved by the Water Superintendent prior to installation of a water meter.
At the time of new water service installation, the City of Maysville shall be responsible for the following:
Tapping the water main.
Installation of the water meter and couplings.
Installation of a curb stop.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 2, 12-18-1991]
Customers seeking water service in their name at a location that has previously had water service are required to do the following:
Verify that no bills, water or otherwise, are outstanding with the City of Maysville.
Pay a water deposit as specified in Section 700.220.
Water service must be applied for in the name of a person living at the premises and at least eighteen (18) years of age.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 3, 12-18-1991]
A deposit shall be required for all permanent or temporary water connections to the City's public water supply system as security for the payment of bills, except as hereinafter provided:
The deposit required for service shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) or an amount equal to twice the anticipated monthly bill as estimated by the Mayor or his/her designee, whichever is greater.
[Ord. No. 1994-15 § 1, 11-7-1994; Ord. No. 2008-2 § 1, 3-6-2008]
If an applicant for service has previously established a satisfactory record of payment of City water bills for a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months immediately preceding the date of application with no more than three (3) delinquent bills and no service termination due to late payment during the time period, then the requirement of an initial deposit shall be waived.
A water customer may pay one-half (1/2) of his/her deposit at the time of installation and the remainder with the next month's water bill.
A security deposit shall be refunded by application to the last water bill to be issued to the water customer. Any portion of the deposit remaining after being applied to the last water bill shall be paid to the water customer in the form of a check.
A surety bond drawn on an insurance company operating in the State of Missouri shall be acceptable for deposits greater than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 4, 12-18-1991]
If within a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months, a water customer or an applicant for water service has been disconnected for non-payment of a bill or a customer's bill has become delinquent three (3) or more times within that time period, then the following shall apply:
A deposit shall be required regardless of previously waived or refunded. Such deposit shall be equal to three (3) times the anticipated monthly bill, as estimated by the City, or seventy-five dollars ($75.00), whichever is greater.
[Ord. No. 1994-15 § 2, 11-7-1994]
If an existing customer's deposit is increased due to delinquency or non-payment, the increase in deposit must be paid within thirty (30) days of notice of increase. Failure to pay the increase in deposit in the manner provided shall be cause for service to be disconnected.
Anyone who shall violate Section 700.390 of this ordinance shall be required to pay the City an increased customer deposit equal to the estimated loss of water over the period of time of the violation, or two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00), whichever is greater.
[Ord. No. 1994-15 § 2, 11-7-1994]
If an existing customer's deposit is increased due to delinquency or non-payment, said customer may request that his/her deposit be refunded if no bill has been delinquent in the past twenty-four (24) months. After refund all accounts shall maintain a minimum of fifty dollars ($50.00) on deposit.
[Ord. No. 1992-16 § 1, 7-6-1992]
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 5, 12-18-1991; Ord. No. 1994-15 § 3, 11-7-1994; Ord. No. 2011-01 § 1, 2-3-2011; Ord. No. 2018-6, 9-10-2018]
The occupant and owner of the premises receiving water service and the user of the water at a premises will be jointly and severally liable to pay for the services billed hereunder.
By requesting and receiving water services the City has the right to come upon the premises to read the meters as necessary to issue bills for water services.
A water service bill may include, but not necessarily be limited to the following:
Water charges at the applicable rate in effect at the time the water is received at the premises.
Sewer charges at the applicable rate in effect at the time water is received at the premises.
Solid waste charges at the applicable rate in effect at the time the water is received at the premises.
Any applicable state or local taxes.
Late, back, reconnect or penalties charges.
Any other cost, charge or deposit otherwise provided for in this Article.
A minimum charge shall be paid by each water customer even if no water is used during the billing cycle.
No water service shall be furnished free or at a reduced rate to any customer, except for use in the legitimate extinguishment of a fire.
Bills and notices to any customer shall be considered delivered when deposited with the United States Postal Service with postage prepaid and addressed to customer's address as shown on the records of the City Water Department records.
All bills will be due and payable on or before 4:30 P.M. on the 15th of the month or the first business day following the 15th of the month. Thereafter there will be a penalty of ten percent (10%) added to the total charge, and if not paid by the 25th the water service will be discontinued without notice.
The City may hand deliver twenty-four (24) hour notices for residents that have an outstanding balance on the 25th of each month but there will be an additional charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the door hanger, this will be charged to the account each time a twenty-four (24) hour notice is given. This will have to be paid, along with the late bill if services are disconnected. This Subsection will go into effect on January 1, 2019.
Credit or adjustments to a bill that is not in error shall not be allowed for any cause unless written request for discontinuance of service from the customer was received by the City Water Department and service was not discontinued.
It is an ordinance violation to resell water received from the City.
If the Board of Aldermen agree by a majority of votes of those present at a duly called meeting that a bill is in error the bill may be adjusted accordingly.
[Ord. No. 2021-8, 10-11-2021]
The City may charge water customers a fee of at least three hundred dollars ($300.00) or the cost of the total replacement cost to replace the meter reader device so the meter can be read. The fee is subject to price increase from the company increases and on hour of employee fees.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 6, 12-18-1991]
A customer's water service shall be terminated for the following reasons:
Upon request.
Delinquent payment.
Customer moves out without notification of the City.
Any other provisions of this Article.
At the time of termination, the customer's meter will be read and charges for water provided up to and including the time of termination will be calculated. A final bill will be issued, allowing for the appropriate security deposit.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 7, 12-18-1991; Ord. No. 2018-7, 9-10-2018]
If any bill for service remains unpaid such that service is terminated, then service shall not be reconnected until the following conditions are met:
The past due bill(s) must be paid in full including penalties.
Deposits reinstated or increased must be paid as required in Section 700.220.
A reconnection charge must be paid. The charge shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) when reconnection is made between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. Reconnections made at any other time shall be charged seventy-five dollars ($75.00).
Reconnection charges must be paid at the time of reconnection.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 8, 12-18-1991]
For the purpose of repairs or alterations, the owner of a property or anyone designated by him/her may, upon approval of the City Water Department Personnel, temporarily disconnect service to his/her premises.
[Ord. No. 1994-15 § 4, 11-7-1994]
Temporary disconnection by the owner or the City shall not affect the existing water service agreement or minimum water rate.
Any damages occurring due to the actions of the property owner or his/her designee shall be subject to Section 700.280.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 9, 12-18-1991]
A landlord with rental property in Maysville may sign a landlord responsibility agreement that provides for water service to be continued in the landlord's name at any time that the rental property is vacant. If a landlord responsibility agreement is not signed, the City may choose to terminate service whenever the property is vacant, and such a vacancy may subject the water system to unnecessary damage or water loss.
Regardless of whether a property is occupied or not, the City of Maysville accepts no responsibility for termination of service when a property becomes vacant. It shall be the right of the City to terminate service to vacant properties, but it remains the responsibility of the owner.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 10, 12-18-1991]
Any leaks occurring on the customer's side of the point of delivery are the sole responsibility of the customer, except when the leak or damage is in the water meter or its couplings or the curb stop and its couplings. For the purposes of this Section, the "point of delivery" shall be defined as the curb stop. In the event that a curb stop cannot be located or was not installed, the "point of delivery" shall be considered the water meter.
[Ord. No. 1992-27 § 1, 11-2-1992]
Upon notification by the City, if a customer fails to repair a leak(s) within a reasonable time, it shall be the City's right to terminate service.
Any damage to a water meter, equipment or plumbing due to hot water, freezing, or other causes arising out of or caused by the customer's negligence or carelessness shall be paid for by the customer or property owner.
Any damage to the water system resulting in water loss and/or repair by the City shall be paid for by the party responsible for the damage and shall be repaired by the City for the customer at the rate of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) if repaired between 7:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, and three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) if repaired at any other time.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 11, 12-18-1991; Ord. No. 1994-15 § 5, 11-7-1994; Ord. No. 1995-35 § 1, 9-3-1995; Ord. No. 1999-10 § 1, 10-21-1999; Ord. No. 2003-02 § 5, 4-17-2003]
Any contractor or City water/sewer customer needing to make a cut in a City street shall request permission of the City, in advance, by contacting the City Administrator, Street Superintendent, or other designated City personnel. Prior to making a cut, a contractor or City water/sewer customer will be required to make payment for cut within thirty (30) days of the date of cut. Unless prior payment arrangements are put to the attention of and approved by the Board of Alderman, if payment is not made within thirty (30) days of the cut, there will be a rate of one and five-tenths percent (1.5%) assessed per month until street cut fee is paid in full.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 12, 12-18-1991]
All customers shall receive water through a meter and pay the appropriate rate for such use.
The size and type of meter required shall be determined by the Water Superintendent.
All meters shall be provided by the City. The meter shall remain the property of the City and maintenance and replacement of meters shall be the responsibility of the City except as specified in Section 700.280 of this Article.
Any properties currently receiving water service without a meter may be required to have a meter installed at the expense of the City.
The Water Superintendent shall have the right to remove any meter, privately owned or otherwise, and deliver it to the owner, and to replace it with a City owned water meter of similar size at no charge to the customer.
All meter installations must meet the approval of the Water Superintendent.
At the time of issuance of a building permit, a customer may obtain permission for a temporary meter.
Installation of a temporary meter must meet the approval of the Water Superintendent.
If a temporary meter is obtained from the City, the customer must pay a deposit of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00).
Meters shall be installed in locations approved by the Water Superintendent.
All meters shall be installed with remote readers.
Any customer may request that his/her water meter be tested for accuracy. If the meter is tested upon the customer's request and found to be inaccurate, proper adjustments shall be made as specified in Section 700.240 of this Article. If a water meter is tested upon the customer's request and found to be accurate, the customer shall pay a charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the cost of the test.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 13, 12-18-1991]
Cross connection shall be prohibited and backflow prevention shall be required as specified in Chapter 710 of this Code.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 14, 12-18-1991]
If a property owner desires to obtain water service by extending a water main, the following conditions must be met:
The intended use of the tract must be in compliance with the requirements of the City Building, Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance[1] as determined by the City, and the State.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 500, Building Regulations, Ch. 410, Subdivisions, and Ch. 405, Zoning Regulations, respectively.
The proposed extension must be formally approved by the Board of Alderman.
The water main must be of sufficient size, as determined by the Water Superintendent and the State.
The property owner must install all necessary piping and equipment to meet the approval of the Water Superintendent and the State to comply with all City ordinances. Said installation shall be at the customer's expenses.
The property owner must also obtain all necessary easements or rights-of-way to extend the main. The new main and appurtenances shall be dedicated to the City after inspection and approval of installation by the Water Superintendent. At that time, the Board of Alderman shall formally pass an ordinance accepting the new water main and all the associated responsibilities.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 15, 12-18-1991]
The basic premises regarding growth outside the City limits as it relates to water service are identified below:
There should be no subsidy by the City for rural development.
The City should encourage development to occur inside the City limits.
Rural development should bear one hundred percent (100%) of their actual costs.
The capacity of the water system and water supply is not limitless.
The City should always seek voluntary annexation before considering connection to the water supply.
As of the effective date of this Article, the provisions of this Article shall apply in the following instances:
When a person, group of persons and/or developer wishes to extend City water service beyond the City limits.
When a person, group of persons and/or developer wishes to connect to an existing waterline outside the City limits.
When a waterline exists outside the City limits and no formal agreement is in effect regarding acceptance, ownership, maintenance and/or responsibility.
The following procedures shall be followed prior to the City formally accepting a proposed connection:
Applicant shall meet with the Water Superintendent and the City Administrator, prior to Board of Alderman review, to discuss the proposed connection, requirements, connection fees, water rates and maintenance responsibilities.
Applicant shall make a formal request and explanation at a meeting of the Board of Alderman.
The applicant shall provide all necessary information requested by the Water Superintendent to analyze water flow impact.
In the event that the Water Superintendent determines that connection might negatively impact the water system, the applicant may be required to provide a water flow network analysis performed by an approved engineering firm.
The applicant shall prepare all necessary easements and rights-of-way to make the proposed connection.
Responsibility for the waterline in question shall be determined as provided in Subsections (D) and (E).
This list shall not be considered exhaustive and the City reserves the right to request further information or action as deemed appropriate.
Responsibility for waterlines outside the City limits shall be formally established by one of the following methods:
A formal agreement between the City and an individual in which the individual accepts responsibility for the waterline in its entirety.
A formal agreement between the City and a Water Association in which the Water Association accepts responsibility for the waterline in its entirety.
A formal agreement between the City and an individual or Water Association in which the City accepts responsibility for the waterline in its entirety.
Prior to accepting responsibility for a waterline, a Water Association must verify that a legal agreement has been reached between all customers on the waterline. Said agreement must:
Be signed by all water customers on the waterline.
Provide for repair and maintenance of the waterline at the Water Association's expense.
Provide for additional members.
Designate a representative to act on behalf of the Association.
Upon approval of the proposed connection by the Board of Alderman the applicant must meet the following requirements:
The applicant shall pay the required initial service connection fee of not less than three hundred dollars ($300.00).
The applicant shall install all necessary waterlines and equipment for the proposed connection.
All waterlines and equipment must be inspected by and meet the approval of the Water Superintendent and the State.
The applicant must dedicate all necessary easements and rights-of-way to the City after inspection.
The applicant must sign an agreement acknowledging that ownership and maintenance of the waterline shall remain that of the applicant.
All necessary repairs and maintenance will be subject to the following provisions:
All repairs and maintenance must be inspected and approved by the Water Superintendent.
If a leak occurs on a waterline outside the City limits, the owner shall be notified of the leak and its location and requested to make the necessary repairs within five (5) working days.
In the event that ownership of the waterline cannot be determined, all water customers on the waterline shall be notified that a leak has occurred, the location of the leak and that the necessary repairs must be made by an individual or group within five (5) working days.
If satisfactory action is not taken by the owner or water customer within five (5) working days, water service will be discontinued.
In the event of an unrepaired leak, which cannot be isolated, the City reserves the right to discontinue service to the entire waterline.
All water service connections or extensions must be approved, in advance, by the Board of Alderman.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 16, 12-18-1991]
Any installations or modifications made to the public water supply system, other than those made by City employees, must be approved prior to installation and inspected after installation by the Water Superintendent. Non-compliance shall result in termination of service.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 17, 12-18-1991]
The City reserves the right to discontinue the flow of water within the City's public water supply system at any time to make repairs, extensions, or alterations to the City's public water supply system. Nevertheless, the City, so far as possible, shall notify customers of the intent to discontinue the flow of water to affected customers prior to discontinuing service.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 18, 12-18-1991]
The Board of Alderman shall have the authority to establish reasonable restrictions on the use of water by customers in the instance of water main breaks, major fires, pollution or contamination of the water supply system, water shortage, or drought.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 19, 12-18-1991; Ord. No. 1992-31 § 1, 12-7-1992; Ord. No. 1994-07 § 1, 6-1994; Ord. No. 1994-08 § 1, 7-5-1994; Ord. No. 2012-05 § 1, 11-29-2012]
The following rates shall apply to all customers of the City and no water service shall be free to any customer.
Customers within the City limits and outside the City limits shall pay the following rates for water service:
First one thousand (1,000) gallons: twenty-one dollars and fifty cents ($21.50) (minimum charge).
For water used over the first one thousand (1,000) gallons the usage rate will be nine dollars and seventy-five cents ($9.75) per one thousand (1,000) gallons.
Due to the possibility of freezing, it is necessary to estimate the usage of customers whose meter is set in an outdoor pit without an outside reading device. Such an estimate shall be based on historical water usage data available for accounts held in the name of that customer. When weather permits, a true reading can be obtained and actual usage can be compared to estimated usage. At that time, an adjustment may be necessary. Adjustments will be made as follows:
[Ord. No. 1993-34 § 1, 4-19-1993]
If a customer's usage is greater than estimated, the appropriate number of gallons shall be billed on the next bill following the true reading date.
The City Administrator may permit payments to be made in three (3) installments if it is shown that the increase in the size of the water bill will create an extreme hardship. If such an exception is granted, the number of gallons billed greater than previous estimates shall be divided by three (3) and said amount shall be added to the three (3) consecutive bills following the true reading date.
If a customer's usage is less than estimated, his/her bill shall be adjusted as follows:
No credit shall be given if their estimated usage for any given month did not exceed the minimum usage of one thousand (1,000) gallons.
The number of gallons overestimated shall be subtracted from the usage indicated on the bill following the true reading date. If the gallons overestimated exceeds the usage for a given month, the customer shall receive a bill for minimum water usage and the remaining gallons overestimated shall be subtracted from the following month's bill.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 20, 12-18-1991]
No person shall turn the water on or off at any hydrant or tamper with any hydrant without the consent of the Water Superintendent, except for the purpose of extinguishing a fire.
It shall be unlawful for any person to connect either a private water supply system or an individual water supply system to the public water supply system owned and operated by the City.
It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, paint, mar, scratch, or vandalize any water tower, fire hydrant, water pump, water pump house, facility of the water treatment plant or other components of the public water supply system.
It shall be unlawful for any person to obtain service from the City without permission of the City and/or paying for the water at the appropriate rate.
It shall be unlawful to remove or tamper with a meter, remove any screws that are meter components, place the meter in a position so that it does not read properly, disconnect or tamper with a remote meter reading device or to open meter bypass valves.
It shall be unlawful for any customer, contractor, developer, or subdivider to install or construct any portion of the water system or its components not in compliance with the standards set by the Water Superintendent.
It shall be unlawful for any customer to turn service back on at his/her premises after being shut off by the City. No person shall turn the water on or off at any street valve, curb stop, corporation cock, stop box, or other street connection, or tamper with any of the same, without the consent of the City.
It shall be unlawful for any person to contaminate or allow any other person to contaminate the water in the public water supply system or its source of untreated water.
[Ord. No. 1991-23 § 22, 12-18-1991]
Anyone who shall violate any of the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of an ordinance violation and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment for a period of time not to exceed ninety (90) days, or by both fine and imprisonment.