[10-16-1984; 2016 Code]
It is the policy of the city not to discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs, services, and activities.
[10-16-1984; 2016 Code]
The office of city clerk is designated as the office responsible for coordinating implementation of handicapped nondiscrimination requirements.
[10-16-1984; 2016 Code]
Any city officer, official, or employee of the city who receives a complaint alleging that the city is practicing discrimination on the basis of handicapped status shall refer such complaints (other than complaints alleging employment discrimination) to the city clerk. The city clerk shall investigate the allegations and attempt to resolve the grievance within 20 days of the receipt of the complaint. The complainant shall receive a written statement from the city clerk regarding the action or actions taken, if any, to resolve the complaint. If the complainant is not satisfied with the city clerk's determination, he or she may appeal the matter to the council's judiciary and ordinance review committee. The appeal must be in writing to the chairperson of the committee, and must be made within 10 days of the complainant's receipt of the city clerk's determination. The judiciary and ordinance review committee, upon receipt of the appeal, shall hold a hearing on the matter within 30 days. At any hearing, the complainant shall have the right to give direct testimony, to call witnesses, or present other evidence in support of the complaint, and to require the presence of any city official, officer, or employee for examination. Upon completion of the hearing, the committee shall, if it finds that discrimination on the basis of handicapped status exists, make recommendations to the council as may be necessary to remedy such discrimination. A written statement of the committee's findings and recommendations, if any, shall be given to the complainant within 10 days following the hearing held by the committee.