The purpose of this article is to indicate the requirements
for exterior lighting, erosion control, vibration, noise, glare and
heat, fire and explosion, air pollution and smoke, water quality,
odors, radioactivity, electrical disturbance and interference, chemical,
asbestos, and other hazardous materials storage, solar energy systems,
and geothermal for all development occurring within the jurisdiction
of this chapter.
Any use established hereafter in any zoning district shall be
so operated as to comply with the hazard prevention performance standards
set forth in this article as well as state and federal regulations
unless otherwise specified.
The following standards shall apply to heat and humidity.
A. Location. Any activity producing intense heat shall be conducted
within an enclosed building as not to raise the temperature of the
air beyond the site boundary line.
B. Increases in humidity in the form of steam or moist air from cooling
towers or equipment. Increases in humidity in the form of steam or
moist air from cooling towers or equipment shall be controlled so
that they do not create an ice hazard. Cooling towers shall be controlled
by either reheating the plume or using a closed system.
C. Standards. There shall be no transmission of heat or heated air so
as to be discernible (by a healthy observer such as the Zoning Enforcement
Officer or a designee) at the lot line.
D. Declaration of public nuisance. Any operation producing intense heat
or humidity shall be done within a completely enclosed building and
effectively screened as not to create a public nuisance or hazard
along property boundaries.
Fire and explosive hazards shall be controlled as set forth
in this section. All activities involving the manufacturing, utilization,
processing or storage of inflammable and explosive materials shall
be provided with adequate safety devices against the hazards of fire
and explosion and with adequate firefighting and fire-suppression
equipment and devices that are standard in the industry. All such
activities shall be in compliance with Wisconsin State Statutes, applicable
Wisconsin Administrative Codes and Municipal Codes of the City of
Lake Mills. When such activities are not specifically governed by
law, the most current standards of NFPA (National Fire Code Standards)
shall apply.
A. Storage or manufacture of materials or products that decompose by
detonation not permitted. Activities involving the storage or manufacture
of materials or products that decompose by detonation are not permitted
unless licensed by the City of Lake Mills. If such activities are
permitted by City of Lake Mills license, such activities shall take
place exclusively in the PI, I1, I2, or Industrial PUD Districts.
B. Storage, use, or manufacture of materials ranging from free to active
burning may be permitted with conditions. The storage, use, or manufacture
of materials ranging from free to active burning, as determined by
the Zoning Enforcement Officer, is permitted in the I2 District (storage
only in the I1 District, and may be permitted by the Zoning Enforcement
Officer in the PI District or an industrial PDD District) under the
following conditions:
Location. All storage, use, or manufacture of such materials
or products shall be within completely enclosed buildings or structures
having noncombustible exterior walls.
Setbacks and fire protection. All materials shall be set back
a minimum of 400 feet from any residential or commercial district
or use, except that this standard shall not apply to the storage or
usage of liquefied petroleum or natural gas for normal residential
or business purposes. All activities and storage of flammable and
explosive materials at any point shall be provided with adequate safety
and firefighting devices in accordance with all fire prevention codes
of the National Fire Protection Association, the State of Wisconsin,
and this chapter.
Noncombustible to moderate burning materials. The storage, use,
or manufacture of materials ranging from noncombustible to moderate
burning, as determined by the Zoning Enforcement Officer, is permitted.
Materials or products that produce flammable or explosive vapors.
Materials or products that produce flammable or explosive vapors or
gases under ordinary weather temperatures shall not be permitted,
except the following, which are permitted:
Materials required for emergency or standby equipment.
Materials used in secondary processes that are auxiliary to
a principal operation, such as paint-spraying of finished products.
Flammable liquids and oils stored, sold, and used with the operation
of an automobile service station and customarily required or used
in such operation.
Manufacture, possession, storage, transportation, and use of
hazardous materials. All manufacture, possession, storage, transportation,
and use of hazardous materials that include explosives and blasting
agents, flammable and combustible liquids, liquefied petroleum gas,
and hazardous chemicals shall be required to comply with all applicable
state and local fire codes or as set forth in the most current edition
of the NFPA Fire Protection Handbook, as amended, whichever is stricter.
No storage allowed within one-hundred-year recurrence interval
floodplain. Any permitted structural storage facilities for chemicals,
explosives, buoyant materials, flammable liquids and gases, or other
toxic materials that could be hazardous to public health or safety,
shall be located at elevations a minimum of four feet above the one-hundred-year
recurrence interval flood elevation.
This section is applicable to all zoning districts and uses.
A. Generation of odor. Any use in any district may generate any odor
that reaches the "odor threshold concentration" or does not exceed
the lowest amount set forth in Table III, "Odor Thresholds," of Chapter
5, "Physiological Effects," of the Air Pollution Abatement Manual
of the Manufacturing Chemists' Association, according to the latest
edition of such tables for the compounds therein described. For compounds
not described in Table III, odor thresholds may be established by
methods shown in Chapter 5 of the manual. No odor shall be permitted
at any lot line exceeding the amount determined by the application
of such methods as measured at:
Two or more uses occupying a single lot or parcel of land. The
outside boundary of the immediate space occupied by the use generating
the odor.
Single use lot or parcel of land. The lot line of the use generating
the odor if said use is the only use on the lot.
B. Public nuisance or hazard prohibited. The emission of odorous matter
from any property in such concentrations at any point along the boundaries
of said property or in such concentrations as to create a public nuisance
or hazard beyond such boundaries is prohibited.
All uses shall conform to the following specified standards
concerning radioactivity:
A. Maximum concentrations of radioactivity permitted. The maximum permissible
concentrations of radioactivity that can be released shall be subject
to the regulations of the State of Wisconsin, the United States Atomic
Energy Commission, and any other federal agency having jurisdiction.
In the case of conflict, the most restrictive requirements shall govern.
B. Storage of radioactive materials. Radioactive materials shall be
stored in fireproof containers made of steel and concrete, but shall
not be stored in containers made of lead or other low-melting metals
or alloys unless completely encased in steel.
C. Medical sources of radiation residues. Medical sources of radiation
residues, such as X-ray machines, gamma and neutron sources, and pharmaceutical
isotopes used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, shall be permitted
when located within a hospital, clinic, medical or dental office,
or medical research facility. Other uses of radioactive materials
shall be limited to measuring in X-ray and similar apparatus, and
concerning the processing and preservation of food.
The following standards shall apply to chemical, asbestos, or
other hazardous materials or wastes use and/or storage:
A. Location. Any activity involving chemical, asbestos, or other hazardous
materials or wastes use or storage shall be conducted within an enclosed
B. Transfer off parcel by natural causes or forces prohibited. No chemical,
asbestos, or other hazardous materials or wastes shall be deposited
upon a parcel in any zoning district in such form or manner that they
may be transferred off the parcel by natural causes or forces.
C. Outdoor storage prohibited. In all zoning districts no chemical,
asbestos, or other hazardous materials or wastes that might cause
fumes, dust, or which are a fire hazard or which may be edible by
or otherwise attractive to rodents or insects shall be stored outdoors.
D. Public nuisance prohibited. In no zoning district shall the storage
of chemical, asbestos, or other hazardous materials or wastes be allowed
to create a public nuisance or hazard beyond the property boundaries.
E. Compliance with all fire and building codes for hazardous materials
use and storage. In all zoning districts uses involving the storage
of chemicals, asbestos, or other hazardous materials or wastes shall
be designed to comply with all fire and building codes for the hazardous
materials use and storage, and adequate precautions using the best
available technology shall be taken to protect against negative off-site
impacts of a hazardous materials release.
F. Hazardous materials impact analysis required. In all zoning districts
where chemical, asbestos, or other hazardous materials or wastes are
used or stored, a hazardous materials impact analysis shall be required
to determine potential off-site impacts and required mitigation precautions.
Said hazardous materials impact analysis shall be submitted to the
Plan Commission for its review and consideration.
Small wind energy conversion systems (SWECS) shall be subject
to the following regulations to preserve and protect public health
and safety without significantly increasing the cost or decreasing
the efficiency of a small wind energy system. No person shall construct
or operate a SWECS without having fully complied with the provisions
of this section.
A. Permits required.
A building/zoning permit shall be obtained to allow construction
of a SWECS.
A SWECS permit shall be obtained from the Zoning Enforcement
Officer for the construction of all SWECS.
B. Application requirements. An application for a permit to build a
small wind energy system shall include the following:
Property lines and physical dimensions of the property of the
proposed construction site.
Proposed location of the SWECS.
Location and description of all structures located on the property
where the SWECS site is proposed.
Location of all aboveground utility lines within a radius equal
to two times the height of the proposed SWECS.
Location of all underground utility lines on the property where
a SWECS site is proposed.
Dimensional representation of the structural components of the
tower construction including the base and footings.
Schematic of electrical systems associated with the SWECS, including
all existing and proposed electrical connections.
Manufacturer's specifications and installation and operation
instructions or specific SWECS design information, including model
and rotor diameter.
Certification by a registered professional engineer that the
tower design is sufficient to withstand wind load requirements for
structure as defined by the Wisconsin Building Code.
C. General performance standards. A SWECS shall be permitted as a conditional
use in all zoning districts subject to the following requirements:
Number. Only one SWECS shall be permitted per property regardless
of the number of dwelling units or tenants.
A SWECS shall be prohibited from being located in front of the
building setback line or in front of the principal building on a property.
SWECS setback shall comply with the yard areas established for
principal structures for each zoning district.
The SWECS shall be located such that its fall zone plus five
feet will be located entirely on the permitted property in the event
of collapse or other structural failure.
Tower construction. All towers for a SWECS shall be a single
monopole type constructed without guy wires or ground anchors. Guyed
towers and lattice towers are expressly prohibited. All towers shall
be structurally designed to withstand 100 mph winds and handle loads
Height, blade length, turbine capacity. The total height of
a SWECS shall be measured as the vertical distance from ground level
to the tip of a wind generator blade when the tip is at its highest
point. The SWECS shall comply with the following table:
Table 8.3: Maximum Height, Blade Length, and Turbine Capacity
Maximum Height
Maximum Blade Length
Maximum Nameplate Capacity
Single-family residential
1,000 w
Two-family residential
1,500 w
Multiple-family residential
3,000 w
5 kW
10 kW
10 kW
Blades and clearance. Protected blades shall be used if a SWECS
is installed on a rooftop or if located within 12 feet of a structure.
A minimum vertical blade clearance of 15 feet shall be required from
grade or rooftops.
Access. All ground-mounted electrical and control equipment
shall be labeled or secured to prevent unauthorized access. The tower
shall be designed and installed so as to not provide step bolts or
a ladder readily accessible to the public for a minimum height of
eight feet above the ground.
Electrical wires. SWECS including tower shall comply with all
applicable state construction and electrical codes. All electrical
wires associated with a SWECS, other than wires necessary to connect
the wind generator to the tower wiring, the tower wiring to the disconnect
junction box, and the grounding wires shall be located underground.
All wires and connections shall be wholly located on the subjects
property, and in no case shall connections to multiple detached structures
be permitted.
Lighting. A wind tower and generator shall not be artificially
illuminated unless such lighting is required by the Federal Aviation
Appearance, color, and finish. The wind generator and tower
shall remain painted or finished the color or finish that was originally
applied by the manufacturer, unless approved in the building permit.
Generally acceptable colors shall be muted or understated colors that
are unobtrusive to surrounding properties, such as galvanized metal
or earth tones.
Signs. All signs, other than the manufacturer's or installer's
identification, appropriate warning signs, or owner identification
on a wind generator, tower, building, or other structure associated
with a small wind energy system visible from any public road shall
be prohibited.
Noise and shadow flicker.
Audible sound from a SWECS shall not exceed 25 dBA in residential
districts or 50 dBA in all other districts, as measured at the exterior
of any occupied building on an adjacent or neighboring property. Methods
for measuring and reporting acoustic emissions from wind turbines
and the wind energy facility shall be equal to or exceed the minimum
standards for precision described in American Wind Energy Association
Standard 2.1 - 1989, titled "Procedures for the Measurement and Reporting
of Acoustic Emissions from Wind Turbine Generation Systems Volume
I: First Tier."
Low-frequency harmonics. The SWECS shall be designed to avoid
emitting low-frequency harmonics that can be disruptive to neighboring
The property owner and operator shall make reasonable efforts
to minimize shadow flicker to any occupied building on an adjacent
or neighboring property.
Utility notification and interconnection. SWECS that connect
to the electric utility shall comply with the Wisconsin Distributed
Generation Interconnection Standard.
Compliance with FAA regulations. SWECS must comply with applicable
FAA regulations, including any necessary approvals for installations
close to airports/airstrips. If lighting is required by the FAA, a
dual-mode fixture/lamp shall be installed.
Required safety features.
All SWECS shall be designed with an automatic overspeed control
to render the system inoperable when winds are blowing in excess of
the speeds for which the machine is designed.
All SWECS shall have a manually operable method to render the
system inoperable in the event of a structural or mechanical failure
of any part of the system including the automatic overspeed control.
All SWECS shall be designed with an automatic control to render
the system inoperable in case of loss of utility power to prevent
the SWECS from supplying power to a de-energized electrical distribution
Any SWECS thereof declared to be unsafe by the Zoning Enforcement
Officer by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence,
fire hazard, disaster, damage or abandonment is hereby declared to
be a public nuisance and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation,
demolition, or removal in accordance with the procedures set forth
in the Municipal Code.
Power-generation facilities shall meet the following requirements:
A. Direct access to arterial streets required. All power-generation
facilities shall have direct access to an arterial street which is
a federal-, state-, or county-designated highway.
B. Minimum required setbacks. Front, rear, and side yards shall be a
minimum of 50 feet from all lot and right-of-way lines.
C. All applicable local, state, and federal environmental standards
to be met. Proof of the ability to meet all applicable local, state,
and federal environmental standards shall be provided.