[Adopted 12-15-2009 by Ord. No. 1054 as Title 9, Ch. 4, of the 2009 Code of Ordinances]
Except as provided in Subsection B, all permits required under NFPA 1, 1992 edition, or Wis. Adm. Code, Chs. SPS 310, 340, 314, 361 to 365, as adopted in § 362-8 of this chapter, shall be required under this code and shall be obtained from the Fire Chief or his or her designee.
Building plan check. The owner or applicant for a building permit for a multiple dwelling, commercial, manufacturing or public assembly unit shall pay a plan check fee to offset actual costs incurred by the Fire Department for inspection and review of plans and on-site inspection during the planning and construction period of the development or construction.
Exceptions. The following permits required under NFPA 1, 1987 edition, Fire Prevention Code, shall not be required under this code:
Combustible Dust-Producing Operations.
Compressed and Liquefied Gases.
Flammable and Combustible Liquids.
Flammable Finishing.
Pyroxylin Plastics.
Welding Cutting and Other Hot Work.
Fees shall be paid to the City of Lake Mills for the permits, certificates, approvals and other functions performed under this code with an application for permit approval, certificate and any required inspection or function at a rate as established by the City Council by resolution from time to time.
Impositions. The City shall impose a fee for service rendered by the Fire Department which imposes a financial burden above the normal and routine level of service in the following circumstances:
Standby charges. The Fire Chief may charge a standby fee for costs incurred by the City that are necessitated by a need for special fire protection and prevention devices provided for special functions general public safety at emergency and nonemergency situations. The fee will be based on the schedule as adopted pursuant to § 362-33.
User fee. The Fire Chief may charge a fee based on actual cost incurred by the City for any service performed by the Fire Department where the service requires a recall of additional fire personnel or the use of specialized equipment or resources to terminate an emergency.
State and federal mandated duties. The Fire Chief may bill the offices or agencies of the state of Wisconsin or the United States actual costs incurred for the performance of duties mandated by them. This charge will be based on the schedule as adopted pursuant to § 362-33.
Fire cause determination fee. The Fire Chief may charge a fee for all costs incurred by the Fire Department for providing service as the result of actions that are determined to be a violation of Article II of this chapter of the City of Lake Mills. This fee shall be based on the schedule as adopted pursuant to § 362-33 and shall be payable by the person, firm or corporation responsible.
Charges binding on successors. The above fees shall be binding upon all persons rendered such services as well as their successors in interest, assigns, estates and heirs. Such fees shall become due 30 days after date of billing. If the bill is not paid within 30 days, the City Treasurer shall cause the delinquent charges to be placed on the next tax roll, pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 66.0627.
[Amended 12-18-2012 by Ord. No. 1103]
Disposition of funds. All monies received under the provisions of this section shall be placed in the General Fund of the City of Lake Mills.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this article shall, upon conviction of such violation, be subject to a penalty, unless otherwise specifically provided herein, as set forth under the General Penalty provisions of Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article III, General Penalty, of the Code of the City of Lake Mills.