[Amended 4-15-1996 by Ord. No. 774]
The schedules entitled "Limiting Schedule, District" and "Limiting Schedule, Conditional Use" shall be deemed to be a part of this article and shall govern the use of land and buildings within the Borough of Demarest.[1]
Editor's Note: Said schedules are included as attachments to this chapter.
Advertising signs and billboards are not permitted in any district, except as otherwise provided in this Article VI. Notwithstanding the above, a sign of not more than two square feet advertising the location elsewhere of a church or a public or semipublic building, on written application, may be permitted in any district by the Planning Board, upon terms and conditions in the public interest where good cause has been satisfactorily proven for the necessity of such sign. In no case shall such sign be illuminated.
[Amended 4-15-1996 by Ord. No. 774; 2-18-1997 by Ord. No. 785]
Business signs shall be permitted in the Community Business I District and shall not exceed 18 inches in height nor 75% of the width of the building to which it is attached and shall not project more than one foot from said building. Such signs shall advertise or promote the business located within said building.
[Amended 4-17-1989 by Ord. No. 662]
The use of signs in any residence district shall be limited to the professional and business practices permitted in such residence district. Such signs shall show only the name of the principal person engaged in the professional or business practice. Such signs shall not exceed a height of 10 inches or a length of 18 inches, and there shall not be more than one sign for each building. In no case shall such signs be illuminated except by a light fixture which is an integral part of the sign and so arranged as to have the light shine only on the sign.
Any sign for the purpose of identifying the premises of a club or a public or quasi-public building in any district shall not be more than six square feet in area and shall refer only to the premises which it occupies. Such sign shall either be affixed to the building or situated not less than 10 feet from the lot line bordering the street. Notwithstanding the above, a church bulletin board of not more than 20 square feet may be placed not closer than 10 feet to the front lot line. In no case shall such sign be illuminated except by a light fixture which is an integral part of the sign and so arranged as to have the light shine only on the sign.
One real estate sign not more than four square feet in area and located at least two feet from the front property line may advertise the sale, rental or lease of the premises on which such sign is maintained. In no case shall such sign be illuminated.
Upon written application, temporary signs or exceptions to the foregoing sign limitations may be permitted by the Board of Adjustment, upon terms and conditions in the public interest where good cause has been satisfactorily proven for the necessity of the erection of a temporary sign or the exception to the limitations.
Neon tubes or other types of lights and strings, chains or rows outlining all or part of a business building or business premises are strictly prohibited.
Any lot existing heretofore as a legal, separate parcel and not complying with the minimum frontage width at the time of passage of this chapter may, notwithstanding such fact, be improved with a building, provided that the other regulations of its zone are adhered to and provided that the owner owns no other adjacent land which may be included as part of the lot in question.
Any building or use of a building, legal heretofore but not complying with the terms of this chapter at the time of passage, may, notwithstanding such fact, be continued as a nonconforming structure or use.
When a nonconforming use is changed to a use permitted in the district in which it is located, it shall not be thereafter changed from said conforming use to a nonconforming use.
A nonconforming use or structure shall not be modified, extended or expanded.
A nonconforming use or structure may be restored or repaired in the event of partial destruction thereof by fire or other causes.
Whenever a nonconforming use or structure has been abandoned, such use or structure shall not thereafter be reestablished, and any subsequent use or structure shall be in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
Notwithstanding Subsection D hereof, a residential structure in a one-family zone that is nonconforming due to encroachment in the front, rear or side yard dimensions, as provided in the Limiting Schedule,[1] may be expanded, provided that said expansion does not take place in the area of front, side or rear yard encroachment, either by an intensification of use or an expansion of existing use, does not further or increase the encroachment in an dimension and provided further that the structure, as expanded, complies in all respects with the Limiting Schedule, except as to the nonconformity existing prior to said expansion. The purpose of this section is to permit expansion of nonconforming structures as delineated herein in areas of the lot which are not nonconforming. It is not the intention of the section to permit any change by way of expansion into an area that does, in fact, constitute an encroachment into the front, rear or side yard dimensions.
[Amended 4-17-1989 by Ord. No. 662]
Editor's Note: The Limiting Schedules are included as attachments to this chapter.
[Amended 4-17-1989 by Ord. No. 662; 4-15-1996 by Ord. No. 774]
Residence districts. Yards referred to herein are in each case the entire yard, regardless of the minimum required yards provided in the Limiting Schedule (§ 175-16).
All yards.
Ordinary projections of windowsills, belt courses, cornices, eaves and other architectural features shall be permitted to encroach not more than three feet, and unroofed steps as required.
An overhang as a structural feature shall not be permitted to encroach.
Decks, platforms and porches, whether roofed or unroofed, enclosed or unenclosed, as structural features, shall not be permitted to encroach.
Impervious surfaces are not allowed within the front setback requirement nor within 10 feet of the side or rear lot line for the full depth and width of the rear yard, except driveways and access walks to the principal building entrance(s). (See Limiting Schedule)
Front yards.
Open trellises of a single, vertical plane and flagpoles are permitted to encroach.
Accessory uses, buildings and structures shall not be permitted to encroach.
Side yards.
Anything aforementioned permitted in a front yard shall be permitted to encroach.
Accessory uses, buildings and structures shall not be permitted to encroach.
If unroofed steps include a platform as the top step, such platform shall not exceed a dimension of four feet by four feet when such unroofed steps encroach in a side yard.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, no encroachment shall be permitted within 10 feet of any side lot line.
Rear yards.
Anything aforementioned permitted in a front or side yard shall be permitted to encroach.
Accessory uses, buildings, uses and structures shall be permitted to encroach subject to the restrictions set forth in Subsection B below.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, no encroachment shall be permitted within 10 feet of any rear lot line.
All districts. Accessory buildings, uses and structures and improvements shall be permitted only in a rear yard, subject to the following regulations, which shall apply to the entire rear yard, not just the required minimum depth:
No accessory use, building or structure in any residence district or community business district shall be erected with a mean roof height in excess of 12 feet. For purposes of this section, "mean roof height" shall be 1/2 the distance between the highest part of the roof and the top of its supporting wall.
All accessory buildings, uses and structures or improvements in any residence district shall conform to all side yard setback requirements and minimum yard dimensions as required by the Limiting Schedule (§ 175-16).
All accessory uses, buildings or structures in any residence district shall be set back from the rear property line at least 10 feet.
All accessory uses, buildings or structure in any community business district shall be set back from the rear property line at least five feet, except when abutting a residence district, where such setback shall be at least 10 feet.
On a corner lot in any residence district, an accessory use, building or structure shall be located so as to comply with all locational regulations and restrictions relating to each street, including all front, side and rear yard requirements for each street, notwithstanding upon which street the principal building fronts.
An accessory use, building or structure in any residence district on a lot between two parallel streets shall comply with the locational regulations and restrictions for an accessory building or improvement as applicable to each abutting street, including all front, rear and side yard requirements for each street, notwithstanding upon which street the principal building fronts.
Swimming pools. No swimming pools shall be located within any front yard and no swimming pool shall be located in any side yard.
Lot divided by district boundary. Where a lot is divided by a district boundary, such lot shall be regulated by all of the area and bulk and use regulations of the more restricted district.
Transition at district boundaries. Where a lot in the Community Business District abuts a lot in a residence district, there shall be provided along such boundary line in the community business district an unencumbered yard space as required by the Limiting Schedule for the abutting residence district. This requirement shall take precedence over the provisions of Note C of the Limiting Schedule, District (§ 175-16).[1]
Editor's Note: Said schedule is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Any exterior lighting in connection with any use in all districts shall be so arranged and shielded as to reflect the light downward and away from all adjoining properties and structures so that the lights and glare from lights will not become a nuisance to adjoining properties.
Editor's Note: Former § 175-22A, location of swimming pools, of the 1983 Borough Code, as amended, was repealed 4-15-1996 by Ord. No. 774. See § 175-19B(7).
Editor's Note: Former § 175-22B, pertaining to fences, of the 1983 Borough Code, as amended, was repealed 4-15-1996 by Ord. No. 774. See now § 175-24N.
All ladders or steps leading up to a swimming pool from the exterior grounds shall be removed from the swimming pool when the swimming pool is unguarded and unattended.
No person shall construct, install or maintain a swimming pool in the Borough of Demarest without first submitting a plot plan and specifications for the same to the Zoning Official of the Borough of Demarest, who shall issue a permit if the plan and specifications comply with the ordinances of the Borough.
Any property owner or person or entity in possession of property shall submit to the Zoning Official, prior to placement of a satellite earth station (dish), in excess of one meter in diameter if the property is located in Single Residence District A, BB, B, C or D or in excess of two meters in diameter if the property is located in the CB-I Commercial Business I District a plot plan and specifications showing the size of the dish, the proposed location of same on the subject premises and such other information as may be required herein.
[Amended 12-16-1996 by Ord. No. 782]
The Zoning Official shall review said plan and render a decision within 20 days of the submission of said plan or within such further time as may be consented to by the property owner or person in possession of the property.
The plan shall be drawn on a map to a scale not smaller than one inch equals 40 feet and not larger than one inch equals 10 feet and shall include and show the following information:
The name and address of the applicant and the owner, and the name, address and the title of the person or entity preparing the plan and accompanying data, the date of preparation and the dates of each revision where applicable.
An appropriate place for the signature of the Zoning Official.
The lot(s) and block number of the lot(s) from the Borough Tax Map, and the length and bearings of the lot lines of the proposed project.
The location, names and pavement and right-of-way widths of all existing and proposed streets abutting the lot or lots in question, the property lines of all abutting properties, together with the names and addresses as disclosed on the Borough Tax Map and the tax rolls as of the date of the application, and the location of existing buildings within 200 feet of the site in question.
All existing buildings and structures and all accessory buildings and structures and all accessory buildings on the lot, if any, with dimensions showing present and finished grade elevations at all corners.
All existing and proposed setback dimensions and landscape areas.
Existing and proposed plantings to provide screening as required by this section.
Any and all other information necessary to meet any of the requirements of this section not listed above.
[Amended 12-16-1996 by Ord. No. 782]
The satellite earth station antennas (dish) shall be in conformance with the following maximum dimensions:
Maximum Diameter
Maximum Overall Height
Residence A
Residence BB
Residence B
Residence C
Residence D
Community Business I
Maximum height as used herein measures the actual height of the dish from its bottom to its top.
No satellite earth station shall be closer than 35 feet from any side property line and no closer than 20 feet from any rear property line.
In all zoning districts the dish shall be erected on a secure ground-mounted foundation. Maximum height indicated in the above schedule will be from ground level at the location of the dish foundation.
The dish should be in an unobtrusive location. It shall be effectively screened by a special planting screen or fence, as approved by the Zoning Official, which shall be maintained in good condition, so that the dish shall not be readily visible from any adjacent property or public street. Provision shall be made to minimize noise impact on adjacent properties.
Power control and signal cables from or to the dish shall be underground and installed in accordance with the appropriate building code, if required.
The application fee for a permit to install a dish shall be $25. In addition, the applicant shall deposit the sum of $100 to cover the cost of review sources deemed necessary by the Zoning Official and/or Construction Official, such as the Borough Engineer, Borough Attorney or other Borough personnel. The Treasurer shall place the deposit in a trust account and shall charge all disbursements for said review services. Any unused portion of the deposit shall be returned to the applicant. If the cost of review services exceeds the amount of the deposit, sufficient additional funds shall be deposited before any permit shall be issued.
Section 175-23E, F, G, H and I shall not be applicable to a dish one meter or less in diameter if the dish is to be placed, located or installed on property in Single Residence District A, BB, B, C or D or a dish two meters or less in diameter if the dish is to be placed, located or installed on property in the CB-I Commercial Business I District.
[Added 12-16-1996 by Ord. No. 782]
Notwithstanding Subsections E, F, G, H and I, if an applicant presents credible evidence to the Zoning Officer that satellite signals cannot be obtained or that said signal reception will be impaired by strict compliance with the regulations of Subsections E, F, G, H and I, or any of them, then the Zoning Officer may grant waivers from the strict application of those regulations so as to not unnecessarily burden access to satellite reception while promoting fair and effective competition among competing communication services providers. "Credible evidence," as used herein, shall mean a certification or affidavit from a qualified expert either that the satellite earth station will not have the look angle from azimuth alignment and elevation alignment needed to receive signals in a substantially unobstructed manner unless one or more of the regulations, specifying which one or ones, are waived in whole or part; or that to comply with the regulations and obtain substantially unobstructed signal reception would impose the expenditure of a sum of money, including costs required to screen, polemount or otherwise specially install the antenna, greater than the aggregate purchase or total lease cost of the equipment as normally installed.
[Added 12-16-1996 by Ord. No. 782]
The regulations of this section are enacted to protect and preserve the aesthetic ambiance of the Borough of Demarest, a residential community wherein 99.4% of the parcels are residential or vacant land.
[Added 12-16-1996 by Ord. No. 782]
All fences erected in the Borough of Demarest shall be subject to the following requirements:
A fence permit shall be issued by the Construction Official for all fences except living fences erected in the Borough. Except as provided in Subsection F, none of the other restrictions or provisions shall apply to living fences.
No fence erected on or around a residential lot or parcel of land shall exceed six feet in height, except as provided in Subsection C herein. Preconstructed fences of a standard six-foot height must be installed as close to the ground as possible. The total height of the fence will not include any slight undulations of the grounds, provided that 80% of the fence does not exceed the maximum height of six feet.
No fence shall be erected in a front yard of any lot in a residential district unless the fence is less than 50% solid and is not more than four feet in height.
[Amended 4-15-1996 by Ord. No. 774]
Fences must be constructed with the face or finished side away from the property and the structural side toward the interior.
Fences which are painted shall be painted in only one color, harmonious with the surrounding area. Multicolored fences are prohibited.
Living fences or screening shall be planted no closer than three feet to the property line. Living fences shall be maintained in a neatly trimmed condition and shall not interfere with visibility on corner lots.
Fences shall be erected in a manner so as to permit the flow of natural drainage and shall not cause surface water to be blocked or dammed to create ponding.
Fences higher than six feet, such as those required around a tennis court, may be permitted in a residential zone by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. However, such a fence will be considered a structure and shall meet the requirements as set forth in § 175-19B.
The following fences and fencing materials are specifically prohibited: barbed-wired fences, short-pointed fences, canvas, cloth, electrically charged fences, poultry netting, temporary fences such as snow fences, expandable fences and collapsible fences, at any location of the lot upon which a dwelling or structure is situated. During construction on such property and until a certificate of occupancy is issued, a temporary fence may be maintained.
[Amended 4-17-1989 by Ord. No. 662]
Every fence or wall shall be maintained in a safe, sound, upright condition and in accordance with the approved plan on file with the Construction Official.
All fences or walls must be erected within the property lines, and no fences will be erected so as to encroach upon a public right-of-way or to interfere with vehicular traffic or with visibility on corner lots or within 10 feet of any roadway and within 25 feet of the intersection of two roadways.
[Amended 4-17-1989 by Ord. No. 662; 4-15-1996 by Ord. No. 774]
If the Construction Official, upon inspection, determines that any fence or wall or portion of any fence or wall is not being maintained in a safe, sound, upright condition, he shall notify the owner of such fence, in writing, of his findings and state briefly the reasons for such findings and order such fence or wall or portion of such fence or wall repaired or removed within 10 days of the date of the written notice. Each day that the person fails to obey the order referred to above shall constitute a separate violation of this chapter.
No fence permit shall be issued by the Construction Official until the applicant provides the Construction Official with a set of plans or description of the proposed fence and a sketch or survey showing the proposed location of the fence. The proposed fence shall be constructed in conformity with the plans or description and shall be located as shown on the sketch or survey. If the Construction Official, upon inspection, determines that any fence or wall has not been constructed according to the plans or description or has not been located as shown on the sketch or survey, he shall notify the owner of such fence or wall, in writing, of his findings and order such fence or wall to be constructed according to the plans or description or order the fence to be located as shown on the sketch or survey. Such owner shall either remove the fence or comply with the order of the Construction Official within 10 days of the date of receipt of the written notice. Each day that the owner fails to obey the order referred to above shall constitute a separate violation of this chapter.
All swimming pools now or hereafter constructed shall be enclosed by a substantial fence no less than 48 inches in height, so constructed as to prevent, within reason, any person from gaining access beneath or through such fence, and it shall have a similarly substantial self-latching and self-closing gate of the same height as the fence with latches placed four feet in height and with facilities for locking the gate when the pool is unguarded or unattended.
[Added 4-15-1996 by Ord. No. 774]
No fence may be erected in excess of six feet.
[Added 6-22-2015 by Ord. No. 1025]
No fence may be erected within 10 feet of the curbline or edge of pavement of any street (whether in front, side or rear yards).
[Added 6-22-2015 by Ord. No. 1025]
Any fence erected within 25 feet of any street, as defined herein (whether in front, side or rear yards), may be no higher than four feet and must be at least 50% open.
[Added 6-22-2015 by Ord. No. 1025]
Fence heights will be measured from the Average Natural Contour (as defined in this chapter), excluding berms and swales.
[Added 6-22-2015 by Ord. No. 1025]
Fences may not be erected on walls, except that fences may be erected on retaining walls, provided the combined height of the retaining wall and fence do not exceed the applicable fence height limit.
[Added 6-22-2015 by Ord. No. 1025]
In conjunction with any building or use of land, there shall be provided on the same lot therewith sufficient parking spaces to meet the minimum requirements specified herein. No parking area once established shall be diminished unless the parking area remaining meets the minimum requirements specified herein.
In Community Business District I and for nonresidential uses permitted in a residential district, no parking space or access thereto, except entrance or exit drives as limited in this section, shall be between the front building setback line and the street line. Entrance and exit drives connecting the parking area and the street shall be permitted between the front building setback line and the street line as required above provided that:
Such drives shall not exceed 15 feet in total aggregate width for each 50 feet of street line abutting such lot but in no case exceeding 30 feet in total aggregate width for each street line upon which a lot abuts.
Such drives shall be at least 60 feet distant, measured along the street line from the point of intersection of two intersecting street lines or from a bend in the street line of one street where the change in direction is 30° or greater.
Required parking for various uses; buffer area.
The following off-street parking spaces shall be required:
Dwelling: two spaces for the dwelling unit, and the driveway may be used in lieu of parking space.
In the Community Business District I, retail stores, business, professional, commercial and government establishments: one space for each 200 square feet of net floor area, or any fraction thereof, with a minimum of two spaces.
Eating and drinking establishments: one space for each four units of eating capacity.
Library, museum or club: one space for each employee, plus one space for each 300 square feet of net floor area or any fraction thereof.
Schools, grades 1 to 8 inclusive: one space per employee, including teachers.
Schools, grades 9 to 12 inclusive: one space per employee, including teachers, plus one space for each six pupils.
Places of worship: one space per employee, plus one space for each 10 units of seating capacity, including choir.
Parks and playgrounds. There shall be no overnight parking on the premises. There shall be no parking space within a dedicated street right-of-way adjacent to the park or playground. Parking for the Demarest Nature Center shall be within the boundaries of the Demarest Nature Center or on adjacent public lands owned by the Borough and with agreement of the governing body. A minimum number of parking spaces shall be available to accommodate 1/3 of the lawful membership of the Demarest Nature Center.
[Added 4-15-1996 by Ord. No. 774]
Where any of the foregoing uses, other than places of worship, consist of structures containing auditoriums, halls, cafeterias, gymnasiums or other rooms that may be used for a public assemblage, there shall be provided one additional parking space for each one-hundred-square-foot area of such auditorium, hall, cafeteria or gymnasium.
A buffer area which is contiguous with the perimeter lines of the parking spaces shall be fully landscaped with ground cover and evergreen shrubs, within a ten-foot zone, having initial height of six feet.
Special or conditional parking and storage regulations.
Approval for storage of certain vehicles within the Borough. Certain vehicles, boats, house trailers and other conveyances, as herein provided shall not be parked, stored or garaged unless it is the only commercial vehicle stored or garaged thereat and has a body, box or platform adapted for carrying goods or materials, with a registered gross vehicle weight of less than 5,000 pounds when loaded.
Storage exception. A commercial vehicle having a body, box or platform adapted for carrying goods or materials, with a registered gross vehicle weight of less than 5,000 pounds when loaded, shall only be permitted in a residential district on the condition that said vehicle is stored in a garage at all times.
Approval required for certain vehicles in residential districts. The following vehicles shall not be parked, stored or garaged in a residential district unless the approval of exception hereinafter mentioned is obtained from the Board of Adjustment.
Commercial vehicles with a registered gross vehicle weight of 5,000 pounds or more when loaded.
Any other truck, trailer or vehicle with a registered gross vehicle weight of 5,000 pounds or more when loaded.
Any unregistered vehicles.
Motorboats, sailboats or other watercraft 20 feet or more in length.
House trailers, housing units, mobile homes and self-propelled housing units.
Collapsible housing units, whether assembled or disassembled.
Animal conveyances, either trailer or self-propelled.
Application for approval; duration of approval; renewal.
A request for exception for the parking, storing or garaging of the vehicles other than permitted by ordinance shall set forth the following:
The name of the owner or lessee and address of the premises in question.
A survey, sketch or plan of the premises.
A description and specification of the vehicle or unit, including size, weight, height and dimensions.
Any other information deemed necessary by the Board of Adjustment to make a proper determination.
Approval of an exception may be granted by the Board of Adjustment, within its discretion, for the purpose of promoting the general welfare and public interest, permitting and approving vehicles to be parked, stored or garaged at said premises for a period of not more than three years from the date of its approval.
The applicant shall have the privilege of renewing his application.
Nonapplicability. This section shall not be applicable to or curtail the use of commercial vehicles making deliveries to or performing services at premises in a residential district.
Temporary storage containers.
[Added 10-6-2008 by Ord. No. 951[1]]
Definition. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A container designed for the outdoor storage of personal property for temporary use, which is to be delivered and removed by vehicle, excluding cargo containers.
Permit required. No temporary storage container shall be allowed at any site in the Borough of Demarest unless a storage container permit is issued prior to the placement of such unit for the length of time as provided herein:
The owner or occupant of the site where the unit is to be placed shall apply for a storage container permit to the Construction Code Official or his designee. The applicant shall pay, upon application for the storage container permit, a required fee of $50.
The storage container permit shall be valid for 90 days. Upon the request of the owner or occupant of the site to renew such permit, the Construction Code Official or his designee shall inspect the site where the temporary storage container is located to determine whether such permit should be extended. Such permit may be extended up to two additional ninety-day period(s) upon the approval of the Construction Code Official or his designee. A renewal fee of $25 shall be paid for upon request for the extension of.[2]
Editor's Note: So in original.
No such permit for each ninety-day additional period. In no event shall a container be placed on any lot in the Borough of Demarest for more than 270 days.
No such permit shall be issued to any user who is in violation of any ordinance of the Borough of Demarest.
No such permit shall be issued to the same owner of any property who has been issued a similar permit that has expired less than one year prior to the requested issuance date.
Violations and penalties. Any person who allows, keeps, places and/or maintains a temporary storage container on a site within the Borough of Demarest without obtaining a storage container permit pursuant to Subsection C(6)(b) of this section shall be in violation of this chapter.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Location. A temporary storage container shall be placed only in the driveway, allotted parking spaces, or unimproved portion of the property. The following provisions shall also apply:
No temporary storage container shall be placed in the public or utility rights-of-way, nor shall it obstruct the sidewalk.
No portion of a temporary storage container shall be placed within five feet of a property line.
No portion of a temporary storage container shall encroach the required setback of at least 15 feet from the principal building.
No temporary storage container shall occupy an area greater than 10% of the area of the front, side, or rear yard at which it is located.
A temporary storage container shall not obstruct circulation for vehicles, particularly emergency vehicles.
A temporary storage container shall not be placed in an area where its placement may reduce parking to a level inconsistent with the Code of the Borough of Demarest and the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS).
Size and number. No tax lot within the Borough shall contain more than one outdoor temporary storage container. No temporary storage container shall exceed eight feet in height, eight feet in width and 16 feet in length.
Use. A temporary storage container shall only be utilized on private property only for a limited purpose of temporarily storing common household items such as furniture, clothing or other household belongings, coming from or to a structure on the property that is being renovated or sold.
The following items are expressly prohibited from being stored or kept within a temporary storage container: hazardous substances, including chemical, flammable or explosive materials, firearms, ammunition, prescription drugs or narcotics, any material or contraband the possession of which is unlawful, food, other than as packaged for sale in cans, jars or bottles, or trash.
In no event shall a temporary storage container be used for temporary habitation of humans or animals.
Signage. All temporary storage containers shall comply with the following:
A temporary storage container shall have no signage other than the name, address and telephone number of the person or entity engaged in the business of renting or otherwise placing the unit.
The sign shall be permanently adhered to, or painted on, a temporary storage container, and the container shall have no more than one sign attached to a side, and no more than two signs total.
A sign attached to a temporary storage container shall be no larger than 15% of the area of the side to where it is attached.
Lighting. There shall be no lighting fixtures attached to a temporary storage container, nor shall any lighting fixture be solely utilized to light a container.
Maintenance. A temporary storage container shall be in good condition, free from evidence of deterioration, weathering, discoloration, rust, ripping, tearing, or other holes or breaks. When not in use, the container shall be locked at all times.
Editor's Note: This subsection was added as § 175-34 but was moved to this location as part of the 2021 recodification.
[Added 8-20-2001 by Ord. No. 840]
Golf courses and golf courses with club facilities in the G - Golf Course District must meet the following standards:
Minimum contiguous area of 140 acres of land within the Borough.
Minimum frontage of 450 feet along a section of Anderson Avenue, a County Road within the Borough. Vehicular access to the site shall be restricted to access from said Anderson Avenue.
The golf course shall be eighteen-hole regulation course.
The clubhouse must meet the following standards:
It must be located entirely within 600 feet of the property line fronting the county road on which the golf course has its frontage pursuant to Subsection A(2) above.
Minimum setback of 200 feet from Anderson Avenue, the county road on which the golf course has its frontage pursuant to Subsection A(2) above.
Minimum setback of 100 feet from any property line other than the county road on which the golf course has its frontage pursuant to Subsection A(2) above.
Maximum floor area of the clubhouse building (excluding other club facilities buildings and structures) of 40,000 square feet.
Maximum clubhouse building coverage of 20,000 square feet.
Maximum clubhouse height of 40 feet from the average elevation of the proposed finished grade all around the clubhouse to the highest point of the roof measured to the horizontal line halfway between the eave and ridge of the roof, but in no event shall the ridge of the roof exceed 45 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories.
Club facilities accessory to a clubhouse must meet the following standards:
Minimum setback of 10 feet from Anderson Avenue, the county road on which the golf course has its frontage pursuant to Subsection A(2) above.
Minimum setback from lot lines in Residence A District of 25 feet excepting a private drive or private road need only be set back not less than 15 feet from lot line in Residence A District.
Minimum number of parking spaces of 72 and maximum number of parking spaces of 215. Front yard parking is permitted.
Maximum number of tennis courts is eight.
Maximum impervious area of clubhouse and club facilities accessory to a clubhouse of six acres.
The county road on which the golf course has its frontage pursuant to Subsection A(2) above shall be buffered from any uses or structures by deciduous street trees not less than 2 1/2 inches caliper measured six inches above the ground planted 40 feet on center with understory conifer shrubbery of a type three feet to four feet in height when fully grown subject to sight distance requirements. This standard is the minimum standard which may be modified pursuant to the provisions of § 163-6 of the Borough Code.
Notwithstanding Subsection A(2) above, the Alpine Country Club may access its club facilities accessory a the clubhouse, from a new street (to be dedicated to the Borough) located in Block 120, Lot 13.
The tennis courts may be lighted, provided that all lights must be turned off by 10:00 p.m. daily.
A golf course with club facilities may have a secondary social facility (e.g., 19th hole) other than the clubhouse which must meet the following standards:
Access must be achieved through private driveways internal to the site originating from the Anderson Avenue access meeting the requirements of Subsection A(2) above.
The maximum floor area of a secondary social facility shall be 20,000 square feet.
The maximum building coverage of a secondary social facility shall be 10,000 square feet.
The maximum height of a secondary social facility shall be 31 feet and eight inches (i.e., not more than 10 feet above the 21 feet, eight-inch structure which existed in the general area of Academy Lane as of November 2000).
A secondary social facility shall be set back a minimum of 190 feet from any municipal street, excepting that any porte cochere must only have a minimum setback of 170 feet.
Club facilities accessory to a secondary social facility shall meet the following standards.
Maximum number of parking spaces permitted shall be 160.
Parking areas shall be set back a minimum 70 feet from any public street.
All uses, except as set forth in Subsection D below, shall have a minimum setback of 50 feet from any public street and from any residential property line.
Lighting shall be limited to that which is the minimum permitted by the Code of the Borough of Demarest.
Outdoor speaker or public address systems and all manner of sound projection devices are strictly prohibited.
Setback areas from public streets shall be densely landscaped to produce an appropriate and substantial buffer. The landscaping shall include at least one row of trees which are a minimum of 15 feet in height to ensure that all floors of the secondary social facility are substantially shielded from neighboring properties; and to shield headlights from vehicles parking in a parking area accessory to a secondary social facility.
Fencing constructed of a solid material and uninterrupted shall be required to shield headlights from vehicles parking in a parking area accessory to a secondary social facility. Said fencing shall not be required in those areas where a structure exists which shields the headlights of vehicles. Low level landscaping shall also be required on the side of the fence nearest contiguous property lines in addition to the landscaping set forth in Subsection C(6)(f) above.
Additional club facilities.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsections A, B and C above, there shall be permitted an accessory structure for maintenance that shall meet the following standards:
The maintenance building must be set back a minimum of 35 feet from any public street and 75 feet from any other property line.
The maintenance building may not exceed 8,000 square feet.
Activities in the maintenance building must be conducted so that noise emanating from said building minimally meets the standards of N.J.A.C. 7:29-1.2(a).
The maintenance building shall be screened from a public street and neighboring residential properties by a row of trees which are a minimum of 15 feet in height.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsections A, B, and C above, there shall be permitted an accessory structure for storage of personalty not in use that will remain stored uninterruptedly for not less than a season at a time (i.e., dead storage) or golf carts that shall meet the following standards.
There shall be a minimum setback from a public street of 10 feet.
It shall have a maximum floor area of 5,100 square feet.
There shall be landscaping shielding the storage/golf cart building from neighboring uses, including without limitation 15 feet evergreens.