As used herein, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
Any person or persons, partnership, association, corporation
or public utility making application for a street opening permit.
Any unforeseen and unexpected occurrence which causes a clear
and immediate danger to persons or damage to property, thereby requiring
immediate repair.
Any excavation, removal, repair, construction, reconstruction,
drilling or tunneling within the rights-of-way of accepted or unaccepted
streets or easements owned or regulated by the Borough, and including
but not limited to drilling or cutting through pavements, curbs, gutters,
drainage facilities, shoulders, embankments, utility lines or structures.
Test holes of small diameter, whether drilled, driven or cut, are
to be considered "openings"; however, only one application permit
and fee shall be required for a series of such test holes.
Any applicant who has been issued a permit and is obligated
to fulfill the terms and conditions of this article.
Includes but shall not be limited to a highway, road, avenue,
alley, lane or place dedicated to public use, whether or not accepted
and whether or not subsequently vacated, and including other areas
between the side lines thereof.
Any road whose traveled way is surfaced with cinders, dirt,
gravel or stone without bituminous or cement binder, and any road
which may exist within an approved subdivision but which is not yet
accepted for ownership, maintenance or legal jurisdiction by the Borough.
No person, partnership, association, corporation or public utility
shall cause the opening of or otherwise disturb any public street
or any other public improvement or facility located therein without
first having obtained a permit from the Borough Clerk in accordance
with the rules, specifications and procedure hereinafter set forth.
The Borough reserves the right to exempt itself from the permit requirement.
In the event of an emergency, the opening may be made to remove,
repair or correct the emergency, provided that a reasonable attempt
is made to first contact the Borough Engineer or Borough Clerk for
immediate approval. If the Borough Engineer or the Borough Clerk cannot
be contacted, then and in any event the Police Department shall be
notified prior to any opening. The application for a permit, as provided
for in this article, shall be made thereafter as soon as possible.
[Amended 11-18-1974 by Ord. No. 404; 12-3-2012 by Ord. No. 1000]
A. Prior to the issuance of a permit, the applicant shall deposit with
the Borough Clerk the following:
(1) Permit fee. A nonrefundable application fee in the amount of $250
shall be paid to the Borough for each road opening permit.
(2) Escrow for engineering services. The applicant shall deposit with
the Borough an escrow in the amount of $500 to pay the cost of engineering
services and fees for inspection services by the Borough Engineer.
In the event this escrow is exhausted, the applicant shall be required
to replenish the escrow. Failure to submit additional escrow funds
when directed by the Borough shall result in suspension and/or revocation
of the permit.
(3) Performance guarantee.
No permit shall be issued until the applicant has submitted
to the Borough a performance guarantee in the form of cash, certified
check, or surety bond issued by a bonding or surety company licensed
to do business in the State of New Jersey in an amount determined
to be sufficient by the Borough Engineer, not to exceed 150% of the
Borough Engineer's estimate of the cost of performing the work. Any
surety bond shall be subject to approval as to form, sufficiency and
execution by the Borough.
The performance guarantee shall be for compliance with all provisions
of this article by the permittee, including the faithful performance
of the work to be performed under the permit including the cost of
backfill and replacement work as well as any damage to persons or
property resulting from the work, repair of any defective work, and
payment of all monies due under this article. The performance guarantee
shall remain in effect for a period of two years from the completion
of the work. However, the Borough may release the performance guarantee
sooner upon the Borough Engineer's determination that the work has
been completed in accordance with the provisions of this article and
that the excavation will not settle or cave in.
(4) Annual performance guarantee. A public utility, as defined in N.J.S.A.
48:2-13, or a governmental agency may, in lieu of posting a separate
performance guarantee for each road opening, yearly deposit and maintain
the sum of $15,000 with the Borough Clerk in cash or surety bond issued
by a bonding or surety company licensed to do business in the State
of New Jersey. Such deposit shall ensure compliance with the applicable
provisions of this article and shall be a continuing obligation to
the full amount thereof with respect to each street opening. However,
this provision shall not exempt a public utility or governmental agency
from the escrow fee for engineering services, nor shall it exempt
a public utility from the application fee.
B. Upon the failure of the permittee to comply with any of the requirements
of this article, after notice of noncompliance and after providing
the permittee with a reasonable time in which to comply, the Borough
may perform or cause to be performed such work as is necessary to
secure such compliance. The permittee and any surety on said surety
bond shall be liable for any cost incurred as a result thereof. The
cost of any work which the Borough performed or causes to be performed
pursuant to this section and any damages of any sort as to which a
surety bond may be given may be satisfied, in whole or in part, out
of the required cash deposits or surety bond.
C. The cash deposit or surety bond shall be subject to the review of
the Borough Engineer. If the Borough Engineer determines that the
amount of the deposit or bond is insufficient to secure compliance
with this article, then an amount sufficient to secure such compliance
may be required.
Except in emergency situations, at least 24 hours prior to the
planned commencement of work, the permittee shall advise the Borough
Engineer or such other official of the Borough as may be designated
by the Mayor and Council that the work is to commence.
The permittee shall assume the responsibility of refilling the
excavation as it may sink, consolidate or break out from time to time.
Whether the repair is temporary or permanent and approved by the Borough,
the permittee shall be responsible for maintaining the opening for
a period of 24 months and for refilling, compacting, repaving, repairing
damage or restoring turf or shrubbery, all as directed by the Borough
Engineer when necessary, and in the case of undue trench settlement,
it may be required to reopen the trench excavation to ascertain the
cause of the undue settlement, all as required by the Borough Engineer.
[Amended 7-15-1991 by Ord. No. 703]
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this article
shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine, for each separate offense,
not to exceed $1,000 or to imprisonment in the county jail for not
more than 90 days or to a period of community service not exceeding
90 days, or all of the above, in the discretion of the Judge imposing
the same.