[Adopted 11-23-2009 by Ord. No. 968]
The purpose of this article is to impose costs of traffic control upon contractors requiring obstruction of the public right-of-way for the purpose of construction, installation, maintenance or replacement of dwellings, buildings and/or utilities.
The Demarest Police Department and Demarest Building Department shall be the enforcing authorities of this article.
Any contractor, subcontractor, workman, tree service, craftsman, utility or any other individual or corporation requiring obstruction or closure of any roadway or public right-of-way in and around the Borough of Demarest shall, prior to the issuance of any permit for such work to be undertaken, make application to the Chief of Police, not later than 14 days prior to the intended start date, on a form prescribed and determined by the Chief of Police, for traffic control officers to be assigned for the necessary duration of any such work. The fee for such traffic control shall be $50 per 1/2 hour or any part thereof, as further defined herein, together with an administrative application fee of $25 to process the application. No permits shall be issued nor work begun that will cause an interruption of traffic on any street within the Borough of Demarest without a copy of the application form executed by the Chief of Police and Building Official. The Chief of Police shall, in conjunction with the Building Department, in their discretion, set the amount of escrow to be deposited with the Building Department.
In the event that work is required in response to any emergency condition requiring police traffic control, as determined by the Chief of Police, then and in that event, the permit requirement of the previous section shall be waived and the contractor, subcontractor, workman, tree service, craftsman, utility or other individual or corporation performing such emergency repair, abatement or remediation shall be liable to the Borough in the amount set forth herein, upon submission of an invoice certified as true and accurate by the Chief of Police consistent with the terms of this article.
Any violation of this article shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000.