In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and sections of the General Bylaws have been included in the 2020 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Chapter/Title From General Bylaws
Location in 2020 Code
Ch. I, Town Meetings
See Ch. 5
Ch. II, Legal Affairs
Paragraphs 1 and 4 (Board of Selectmen)
See Ch. 5
Paragraph 2 (holiday leave)
Ch. 58, Art. I
Paragraph 3 (personnel policies)
Ch. 58, Art. II
Ch. III, Finance and Advisory Committee
See Ch. 5
Ch. IV, Financial Affairs
Ch. 26
Ch. V, Certain Acts Prohibited
§§ 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12
Ch. 215, Art. I
§ 2, Junk, old metals and secondhand articles
Ch. 165
§ 4 (repealed 4-5-2014)
§ 8, Firearms, hunting and trapping
Ch. 144
§ 9, Soliciting and canvassing
Ch. 189, Art. I
§ 10, Swimming pools
Repealed 10-17-2020 STM by Art. 3
§ 11 (second), Police Department processing fingerprints
Repealed 4-1-2017 ATM by Art. 16; see Ch. 189, Art. II
§ 13, Unregistered vehicles
Ch. 236, Art. I
§ 14, Motor vehicles, snow vehicles and recreation vehicles
Ch. 236, Art. II
§ 15, Alcoholic beverages
Ch. 94
§ 16, Boating on Pleasant Pond
Ch. 186
§ 17, Civil Fingerprinting
Ch. 189, Art. II
Ch. VI, Motor Vehicle Regulations
Repealed 10-17-2020 STM by Art. 3
Ch. VII, Curfew
Repealed 10-17-2020 STM by Art. 3
Ch. VIII, Penalties
Ch. 1, Art. I
Ch. IX, Planning Board
See Ch. 5
Ch. X, Board of Appeals
See Ch. 5
Ch. XI, Repeal of Bylaws Passed Heretofore
Omitted; see Ch. 1, Art. IV
Ch. XII, Earth Removal Bylaw
Ch. 133
Ch. XIII, Smoke Detectors and Sprinkler Systems
Ch. 148, Art. I
Ch. XIV, Fire and Intrusion Alarms
Ch. 90
Ch. XV, Repair of Private Ways
Ch. 215, Art. II
Ch. XVI, House Number Bylaw
Ch. 157
Ch. XVII, Animal Control Officer Fees
Ch. 100, Art. II
Ch. XVIII, Water Resources Protection Bylaw
Ch. 242
Ch. XIX, Noncriminal Disposition of Certain Violations
Ch. 1, Art. II
Ch. XX, Fire Lane
Ch. 148, Art. II
Ch. XXI, Water Use Restriction
Ch. 246
Ch. XXII, Community Preservation Act/Community Preservation Committee
See Ch. 5
Ch. XXIII, Animal Control Bylaw
Ch. 100, Art. I
Ch. XXIV, Stormwater Management Bylaw
Ch. 210
Ch. XXV, Wenham Historical Commission
Ch. 155
Ch. XXVI, Grant or Renewal of License/Permit for Non-Payment of Taxes/Fees
Ch. 174
Ch. XXVII, Residency Requirement for Members of Appointed Multiple Member Bodies
See Ch. 5
Ch. XXVIII, Revolving Funds
Ch. 67
Ch. XXIX, Administration of Fines for Certain Violations
Ch. 1, Art. III