[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Wenham as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 5-9-1981 (former Ch. XIII); amended 5-14-1983; 5-9-1987; 5-4-1991]
All buildings or structures occupied in whole or in part for residential purposes and not regulated by MGL c. 148, § 26A, 26B or 26C, shall upon the sale or transfer of such building or structure be equipped by the seller with approved smoke detectors as provided in MGL c. 148, § 26E, and approved carbon monoxide alarms as provided in MGL c. 148, § 26F 1/2.
Every nonresidential building or addition constructed after July 1, 1983, of more than 7,500 gross square feet in floor area shall be protected throughout with an adequate system of automatic sprinklers in accordance with the provisions of the State Building Code or, as may otherwise be required in accord with the provisions of MGL c. 148, § 26G, a fire suppression system.
[Adopted 5-6-1995 (former Ch. XX); amended 5-3-2008]
It shall be unlawful to obstruct or block a private way with a vehicle or other means as to prevent access by fire apparatus or equipment to any building.
It shall be unlawful to obstruct or park any vehicle in any fire lane designated by the Fire Chief and posted and marked as such. Said fire lanes shall be a width of 12 feet from the curbing at a sidewalk for a mall, shopping center, nursing home or school. Where no sidewalk with curbing exists the width shall be 18 feet from the building.
The building owner of record shall provide, install and maintain signs and/or markings as provided in § 148-3B of this bylaw.
This bylaw shall pertain to all buildings in the Town of Wenham except residential buildings of four dwelling units or fewer.
Violation of this bylaw shall be subject to a fine of not more than $100.