[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Wenham 3-5-1945 (former Ch. IV); amended 3-1-1948; 5-11-1955; 3-17-1962; 3-20-1971; 3-18-1972; 4-11-2015. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The Board of Selectmen shall provide for a periodic audit to be made of the Town's accounts in accordance with the provisions of MGL c. 44, § 35, each such audit to be undertaken in accordance with any applicable guidelines adopted by the Director of Accounts of the Department of Revenue.
The Treasurer/Collector shall collect, under the title of "Town Collector," all accounts due the Town, in accordance with the provisions of MGL c. 41, § 38A.
All Town officers, including the Town Clerk, shall pay all fees received by them by virtue of their office into the Town treasury.
Any board or officer in charge of a department of the Town may, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, sell any Town property other than interests in real estate which is within the possession or control of the department, and which has become obsolete or is not required for further use by the department, or trade the same in part payment for replacements for which funds have been provided.
No contract in the amount of $10,000 or more with a contractor employing six or more persons shall be entered into by the Town directly or through any agency of the Town unless the contractor certifies, in writing, to the Town that the contractor is in compliance with Chapter 151B of the General Laws, and sets forth affirmative action which the contractor provides for equal opportunities for all qualified persons without regard to race, color, religious creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity, age, handicap (disability), mental illness, sexual orientation, active military personnel and genetics.
The Board of Selectmen shall appoint a Finance Director to serve as the Chief Financial Officer of the Town, and determine the duties and authority of the Finance Director, including cash management, borrowing, budget, annual budget development, accounting policies and procedures for all Town departments and officers. The positions of Treasurer/Collector and Accountant shall report to the Finance Director, who may also be appointed by the Selectmen to serve as either the Treasurer/Collector or Accountant with the approval of the Selectmen.