A person commits the offense of furnishing alcoholic
liquor to an underage person if he or she gives or furnishes alcoholic
liquor to a person who is less than 21 years of age, except upon authority
of and pursuant to a prescription of a duly licensed physician.
A person commits the offense of open alcoholic
liquor in a vehicle if he or she transports or possesses any alcoholic
liquor in a container which is open, uncapped or upon which the seal
is broken, within the passenger compartment of a vehicle on the streets
of this municipality or any other place open to the general public,
including any area designated for the parking of motor vehicles. If
the vehicle does not have a truck or compartment separate from the
passenger compartment, a container, which open, uncapped, or upon
which the seal is broken, shall be encased or enclosed. This section
shall not apply to any chartered passenger vehicle licensed by the
Michigan Public Service Commission.
A person less than 21 years of age shall not
knowingly transport or possess in a motor vehicle alcoholic liquor
unless the person is employed by a licensee licensed under the Michigan
Liquor Control Code of 1998, MCLA § 436.1101, the Liquor
Control Commission, or an agent of the Liquor Control Commission,
and is transporting or having the alcoholic liquor in a motor vehicle
under the person's control during regular working hours and in the
course of the person's employment.
[Added 7-17-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-08]
Contributing to neglect or delinquency of children.
Any person who shall by any act, or by any word, encourage, contribute
toward, cause or tend to cause any minor child under the age of 17
years to become neglected or delinquent so as to come or tend to come
under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Division of the Probate Court,
as defined in Section 2 of Chapter 12a of Act No. 288 of the Michigan
Public Acts of 1939; as added by Act No. 54 of the Michigan Public
Acts of the First Extra Session of 1944, and any amendments thereto, whether or not such child
shall in fact be adjudicated a ward of the Probate Court, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor.
[Added 11-20-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-10]
A. As used in this section, the following terms shall
have the following meanings:
A drug, substance, or immediate precursor included in Schedules
1 to 5 of Part 72 of the Michigan Public Health Code, as amended.
An act which violates the laws of the United States, the
laws of the State of Michigan, or an ordinance of the City of Royal
Oak, or which would cause a minor to come under the jurisdiction of
the Family Division of the Circuit Court, as defined by MCLA § 712A.2,
as amended. "Delinquent act" does not include a traffic violation
which is designated as a civil infraction.
Any unemancipated person under the age of 17.
The mother, father, legal guardian and any other person having
the care of custody or a minor, or any person 17 years of age or older
with whom the minor resides, at the time that the delinquent act is
alleged to have been committed by the minor.
B. Parental duties.
It is the continuous duty of the parent of any
minor to exercise reasonable control to prevent the minor from committing
any delinquent act.
No parent of any minor shall fail to exercise
reasonable parental control over the minor. The exercise of reasonable
parental control shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
Keeping controlled substances out of the home
and out of the possession of the minor, except those drugs duly prescribed
by a licensed physician or other authorized medical professional.
Keeping firearms out of the possession of the
minor, except those used for hunting in accordance with all applicable
laws and regulations and with the knowledge and supervision of a parent.
Requiring the minor to observe the curfew ordinance
of the City of Royal Oak.
Requiring the minor to attend regular school
sessions and forbidding the minor to be absent from class without
parental or school permission.
Arranging proper supervision for the minor when
the parent is absent.
Forbidding the minor from willfully or maliciously
destroying property belonging to another person.
Forbidding the minor from knowingly possessing
stolen property.
Forbidding the minor from possessing alcoholic
Seeking help from the appropriate governmental
authorities or private agencies in handling or controlling the minor,
when necessary.
Assisting or cooperating with governmental authorities
in their efforts to handle or control the minor, including the production
of the minor for court appointments and hearings.
Notification of parents; record of notification.
Whenever a minor is arrested or detained for the commission of any
delinquent act within the City of Royal Oak, the Royal Oak Police
Department shall immediately attempt to notify the parent of such
arrest or detention, the reason for the arrest or detention, and the
parent's responsibility under this section. A record of such notification
efforts shall be kept by the Royal Oak Police Department.
C. Penalties.
A violation of this section is a civil infraction.
Upon the first conviction of a violation of
this section, the parent shall be subject to a fine of not less than
$100, plus the costs of prosecution.
Upon the second conviction of a violation of
this section, the parent shall be subject to a fine of not less than
$250, plus the costs of prosecution.
Upon the third or subsequent conviction of a
violation of this section, the parent shall be subject to a fine of
not less than $500, plus the costs of prosecution.
Pursuant to the violation of this Code, the
parent shall to the fullest extent permitted by law be held civilly
responsible for any damages caused by the commission of any delinquent
act within the City.
A person commits the offense of disorderly conduct
if he or she:
A. Engages in fighting or in violent, tumultuous or threatening
B. Makes unreasonable noise which tends to cause a public
danger, alarm, disorder or nuisance;
C. Uses threatening, abusive or obscene language or makes
an obscene gesture, which by their very use inflict injury or tend
to incite a breach of the peace;
D. Without lawful authority, disturbs any lawful assembly
or meeting of persons;
E. Obstructs vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
F. Possesses or consumes alcoholic liquor in any public
park, public place of amusement, or area under the jurisdiction of
the City of Royal Oak that is owned and/or administered by the City
of Royal Oak;
G. Urinates in a public place, except at public toilets.
H. Engages in an illegal occupation or business;
I. Loiters in a house of ill fame or prostitution or
place where prostitution or lewdness is practiced, encouraged, or
J. Knowingly loiters in or about a place where an illegal
occupation or business is being conducted;
K. Is found jostling or roughly crowding people unnecessarily
in a public place;
L. Commits the offense of failure as a disorderly person
to disperse if he or she participates with two more other persons
in a course of disorderly conduct likely to cause substantial harm
or serious inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, and intentionally refuses
or fails to disperse when ordered to do so by a peace officer or other
public servant engaged in executing or enforcing the law;
M. Permits or suffers any place occupied or controlled
by him or her to be a resort of noisy, boisterous, or disorderly persons.
N. A person commits the offense of public intoxication
if he or she appears in a public place under the influence of alcohol,
a controlled substance, other drugs or combination thereof and he
or she is either endangering directly the safety of another person
or of property, or is acting in a manner that causes a public disturbance.
O. Commits the offense of window peeping.
[Added 7-18-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-08]
P. Vehicle sound equipment noise and vibration. It shall be unlawful
for any person to be in possession or control of a parked or moving
vehicle with a stereo, disc player, cassette player, speakers, or
other similar equipment that is producing sound on a street, driveway,
publicly patrolled parking lot or public place at or with a level,
volume, intensity, frequency, or other attribute that is perceptible
at a distance of 50 feet or more, either by hearing the sound by the
human ear or by feeling the sound in the form of vibrations associated
therewith. This subsection shall not be applicable to sound emanating
from emergency vehicles, vending vehicles, or publicly sponsored or
permitted concerts, sporting events, activities, or gatherings. A
violation of this subsection is a civil infraction punishable by a
fine of $100.
[Added 7-25-2016 by Ord.
No. 2016-09]
Q. Loud vehicles.
The operation of any automobile, truck, motorcycle or other vehicle
so out of repair or so loaded or constructed as to cause loud and
unnecessary grating, grinding, rattling or other unreasonable noise,
including the noise resulting from exhaust, which is plainly audible
at a distance of 50 feet from the vehicle and unreasonably disturbing
to the quiet, comfort or repose of other persons. A violation of this
subsection is a civil infraction punishable by a fine of $100.
[Added 7-25-2016 by Ord.
No. 2016-09]
[Amended 8-26-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-11]
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause noise
louder than the noise normally present at the location when no construction
is in progress by the erection (including excavation), demolition,
alteration, or repair of any building, street, highway, or parking
area, except between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Monday through
Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday. The following exceptions
shall apply to this section:
(1) The prohibition contained herein shall not apply to
necessary excavations or repairs of streets, highways, or public utilities
on behalf of the City, county, state, or public utility during the
night, when it is necessary to protect the public health, safety,
and welfare.
(2) Where the City Engineer has issued a special permit
for street work.
(3) Unless the Building Official authorizes a special
permit based upon one of the following conditions:
It is in the interest of the general public
health, safety, and welfare where a situation constituting an emergency
exists. If said condition is determined to exist by the Chief Building
Official, he or she shall issue a permit to undertake the necessary
activity to alleviate the emergency or until the circumstances causing
the emergency no longer exist.
Extenuating circumstance(s) exist which would
constitute an unnecessary hardship.
B. When it is necessary to store construction or construction-related
materials and equipment at the work site, said materials and/or equipment
will be stored in an orderly fashion and in such a way as to protect
the public health, safety, and welfare. Where necessary to comply
with the building code and other provisions of this chapter, said
materials, supplies, or equipment will be covered and/or screened.
C. Sufficient refuse storage containers shall be provided
for on-site, to handle and prevent debris and refuse from littering
the site or surrounding property. When full, the containers shall
be removed and replaced. Said containers shall be so designed as to
prohibit rodents and others from gaining access to the refuse. The
location of said containers shall be approved by the Building Official
to minimize the impact on residential property.
D. At all times the necessary steps shall be taken to
ensure that dust, soil, or other material shall not become airborne
and travel beyond the construction site property lines. Such steps
could include water, chemical treatment, or other ground cover treatment
as approved by the Building Official. The treatment shall be of sufficient
volume or size to contain the dust. In the instance of structure demolition,
a continuous water spray of sufficient volume or size shall be required
during any demolition activity on the site. In addition, fencing and/or
screening pursuant to the City's building code may be required by
the Building Official. Such activity will be maintained throughout
the duration of the construction activity or until a permanent covering
is installed.
E. The Building Official, Director of Public Safety,
and their authorized representatives which shall specifically include,
but not by way of limitation, all police officers and building inspectors
for the City of Royal Oak, are hereby authorized to enforce this section.
It shall be unlawful for any person to throw
or propel any snowball, missile or object from or at any moving motor
A person commits the offense of indecent exposure
if he or she makes an open and indecent exposure of his or her person
under circumstances in which he or she knows or should know that his
or her conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm.
[Amended 5-2-2011 by Ord.
No. 2011-09]
A person commits the offense of loitering if
he or she:
A. Loiters, remains or wanders about in a public place
for the purpose of aggressive begging. For purposes of this section,
"aggressive begging" shall mean the following:
(1) Touching
the solicited person without that person’s consent;
(2) Blocking
the path of the person being solicited or the entrance to any building
or vehicle;
(3) Following
behind, alongside or ahead of a person who walks away from the solicitor
after having been solicited;
(4) Using
abusive language, either during the solicitation or following a refusal
to donate, or making any statement, gesture or other communication
which would cause a reasonable person to be fearful or feel compelled
to make a donation; or
(5) Soliciting
a patron in a sidewalk cafe without first having obtained the permission
of the operator of the cafe.
B. Loiters or remains in a public place for the purpose
of gambling with cards, dice or other gambling paraphernalia;
C. Loiters or remains in or about a school building or
grounds, not having any reason or relationship involving custody of
or responsibility for a pupil, or any other specific, legitimate reason
for being there, and not having written permission from a school administrator;
D. Loiters or remains in any place for the purpose of
unlawfully using or possessing a controlled substance; or
E. Knowingly loiters or remains in any place where the
unlawful use of controlled substances is practiced, encouraged or
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage
in public nudity.