[Adopted 6-14-2016 by Ord. No. 693]
The Office of Borough Manager is hereby created, subject to the right of the Borough by ordinance, at any time to abolish said office.
[Amended 10-12-2021 by Ord. No. 717]
The Slippery Rock Council shall appoint a Borough Manager for a period of time which may be extended, renewed or modified and shall fix his or her compensation annually by adoption of the Borough Budget Ordinance. The Manager shall be appointed solely on the basis of his/her executive and administrative qualifications.
The Borough Manager shall be a citizen of the United States, at least 21 years of age.
The Borough Manager is required to become bonded upon assuming the appointed office. In the event the Borough Manager becomes ineligible for bonding, his or her employment shall be immediately terminated. Any premiums associated with said bond shall be paid by the Borough.
The yearly salary of the Borough Manager of Slippery Rock Borough shall be negotiated at the time of his/her hiring and thereafter during annual budget preparation for each subsequent year as established by Council.
[Amended 10-12-2021 by Ord. No. 717]
The Borough Manager shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Borough. They will promote a positive image of the Slippery Rock Borough to the general public. He/she shall be responsible to the Slippery Rock Council for the administration of all Borough affairs. He/she shall have the following powers and duties:
He/she or an employee or employees designated by him/her shall collect, receive, account for and submit to the Borough Treasurer for deposit all fees, assessments, charges and other revenues that are levied or established by the Borough for general or specific purposes. All moneys collected shall be submitted to the Borough Treasurer at least once each week.
Should the Manager also be appointed as Borough Secretary, he/she shall perform the duties of Secretary of the Borough in causing appropriate records to be made, preserved and certified, as required by law or other action of the Slippery Rock Borough Council. He/she shall attest the execution of all instruments and record all ordinances and resolutions, and he/she shall have the custody of the municipal corporate seal, as herein provided, and all official Borough records.
He/she shall direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices, and agencies, except as otherwise provided by this chapter or by law. He/she will direct and supervise the work of the municipal employees, directly or indirectly through department heads or other supervisors.
He/she shall issue such administrative and personnel rules and regulations not in conflict with existing statutes or ordinances to properly carry out the duties contained in this chapter. He/she will oversee the hiring, annual evaluations, discipline and discharge in accordance with all applicable laws, fair labor, and any other established procedure or policy set forth by Borough Council.
He/she shall be the sole purchasing agent for the Borough, and he/she shall purchase, in accordance with the provisions of the Borough Code, all supplies and equipment for the various agencies, councils, departments, and other offices of the Borough, as authorized by Council in approving the annual operating budget. He/she shall keep an account of all purchases and shall, from time to time or when directed by Council, make a full written report thereof. He/she shall also issue rules and regulations governing the requisitioning and purchasing of all municipal supplies and equipment.
He/she shall attend all Council meetings and shall have the right to participate in discussions, but shall not vote. He/she shall prepare the agenda of each meeting and shall have the agenda available for said meetings, and advertise for all meetings.
He/she shall prepare and submit a proposed annual budget, including a capital expenditure program, to Council by the 12th day of November of each year. He/she shall be responsible for the administration of the budget after its adoption by Council.
He/she shall submit to Council and make available to the public and auditors a complete report on the finances of the Borough at the end of each fiscal year.
He/she shall make such other reports as the Slippery Rock Council may require concerning the operations of Borough departments, offices, and agencies subject to his direction and supervision and shall keep Council at all times informed as to the conduct of the Borough affairs.
Should the Manager also be appointed as Secretary, he/she shall, where required, acknowledge and execute documents as Secretary of the Borough.
He/she shall have the duty, through the proper department, to preserve order in the Borough.
He/she shall have the duty, through the proper departments or subordinates, to enforce the ordinances and regulations of the Borough.
He/she shall have the duty to sign such papers, contracts, obligations, and documents that are properly presented to him as required by law or this chapter. He/she shall see that the provisions of all franchises, leases, permits and privileges granted by the Borough are observed.
He/she will oversee the Planning Commission's process of the drafting of the Comprehensive Plan and any updates that will be completed.
He/she will search out grants available to the Borough, and research, write, and apply for any such grant. This includes managing the grant and reporting on the status of grants to Council.
He/she shall develop and maintain Borough use and care manuals, instructions, forms, reports and records as required for properly executing legal and professional duties of the Borough Manager position.
He/she will develop, plan, execute, and supervise the daily, weekly, monthly and annual life safety needs and equipment of any Borough-owned facility.
He/she will serve as Borough liaison to legal counsel and any other Borough professional services and outside organizations.
He/she will maintain the Borough's website.
The Borough reserves the right at any time, by ordinance, to amend or otherwise modify or repeal this article.
[Added 10-12-2021 by Ord. No. 717]
Neither the Council, its members, nor its committees, with the exception of the Personnel Committee, shall dictate or influence or attempt to dictate or influence the hiring of any person, his/her suspension or discharge from municipal employment by the Manager, or in any manner take part in the hiring, suspending or discharging of employees of the Borough except as required by the civil service provisions of the Borough Code. Other than for the purposes of inquiry, the Council or any of its members or any of the Council's committees or its members shall deal with the Borough's employees solely through the Borough Manager, and neither the Council nor any of its members, nor any of the Council's committees or its members, shall give orders publicly or privately to any subordinate of the Manager.
With the consent of the Slippery Rock Borough Council, he/she shall have the authority to represent the Borough in deliberations with other governmental bodies or councils, subject to final ratification by Council of any action taken.
He/she shall have the authority, with the consent of Council, to negotiate intergovernmental cooperation agreements pursuant to the Constitution of the Commonwealth.
He/she may employ, by and with the approval of Council, experts and consultants to perform work and to advise in connection with any of the functions of the Borough.
He/she shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Borough for the management of the municipal pension plans.
He/she shall hire and, when deemed necessary and appropriate, shall suspend and/or discharge all Borough employees, subject to the approval of Council, provided that persons covered by the civil service provision of the Borough Code shall be hired, suspended, or discharged in accordance with such civil service provision. The Borough Manager shall have the authority to hire and discharge part-time employees as the needs of the Borough dictate and according to budgetary restrictions. The Slippery Rock Council shall have the authority to delegate to the Borough Manager the power to hire or discharge full-time employees without the Council's approval.