[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Avon 5-7-2019 ATM by Art. 8. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The following shall apply to all single and multiple tanks, either buried or above ground, which have a capacity of at least 600 gallons and will at any time contain gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil (all grades), or other hydrocarbon liquids or any fluid which may cause contamination of a water supply.
For aboveground tanks, the term "vault" as used herein shall be defined as a walled area having a base and being of sufficient volume to hold the entire volume of the enclosed tank or tanks.
All tanks newly installed in the Town of Avon shall be dual containment tanks or tanks placed within concrete vaults. The vault shall be constructed of materials which are impervious to the solution stored. Concrete vaults must be completely painted with a paint system impervious to the liquid stored.
Filling, dispensing and venting piping systems for new tanks shall be installed within a conduit sloped to drain to the vault. The conduit shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant materials which are impervious to the solution stored.
Construction details and materials shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Chief.
A set of plans shall be submitted to the Fire Chief for his approval prior to installation work.
All existing tanks, including the filling, dispensing and venting piping systems, shall be tested for integrity by the Kent-Moore Tank System Tightness Test.
The test shall be performed by qualified persons in accordance with standard practices in the presence of the Fire Chief. The owner shall be responsible for all costs and the test results shall be furnished to the Town.
Any existing tank which fails the Kent-Moore Hydraulic test shall be either:
Immediately replaced with a vaulted tank;
If vaulted, immediately repaired; or
Suitably dismantled or abandoned with its contents removed. Removal, repair or abandonment shall be done with approval of the Fire Chief and/or issuance of a permit by him where required by state regulations.
A perpetual inventory of the total product received, the total dispensed, and the total in storage shall be maintained for each tank in the Town of Avon. Any shortage of 50 gallons or more shall be immediately reported to the Fire Chief.
Continued operation of licensed storage tanks is governed by MGL c. 148, § 13, requiring annual registration of such license.
Annual registration applications shall be accompanied by a perpetual inventory of tank contents for the preceding year.
There shall be at least a quarterly inspection by a qualified person of the vault sump for evidence of product, and a record of such inspection entered under that date in the perpetual inventory log.
[Amended 1-28-2023 STM by Art. 9]
Failure to adhere to any of this bylaw shall constitute a breach of Town bylaws and shall be cause for such penalty as may be prescribed by the Select Board; i.e., revocation or suspension of license, fine or fines, or both.