[R.O. 1992 § 430.035; Ord. No. 16-11557, 8-15-2016, effective 3-1-2017]
Plan Requirement. Every corporation which requests the power of eminent domain for any part of the project area shall submit a relocation plan as part of the development plan.
Contents Of Plan. The Relocation Plan shall provide for the following:
Payments of a reasonable relocation allowance to all displaced occupants and displaced business in occupancy at least six (6) months prior to the date said displaced occupant or said displaced business is required by the corporation to vacate the premises.
Program for referrals of displaced occupants and displaced businesses with provisions for a minimum of three (3) suitable referral sites and a minimum of sixty (60) days' notice of referral sites prior to the date such displaced occupant or displaced business is required to vacate the premises.
Every displaced occupant and every displaced business shall be given at least a sixty-day notice to vacate.
Payments To Occupants. All displaced occupants eligible for payments under Subsection (B)(1) of this Section shall be provided with a certified lump-sum payment set forth in the Relocation Plan, to be paid at least thirty (30) days prior to the date the occupant is required to vacate the premises.
Payment To Businesses. All displaced businesses eligible for payments under Subsection (B)(1) of this Section shall be provided with a certified lump-sum payment set forth in the Relocation Plan, to be paid at least thirty (30) days prior to the date the business is required to vacate the premises.
Waiver Of Payments. Any occupant who is also the owner of premises and any business may waive their relocation payments set out above as part of the negotiations for acquisition of the interest held by said occupant or business.
Notice Of Relocation Benefits. All occupants and businesses eligible for relocation benefits under this Section shall be notified in writing of the availability of such relocation payments and assistance, such notice to be given concurrent with the notice of referral sites required by Subsection (B)(2) of this Section.
Persons Bound By The Plan. Any redevelopment corporation, its assigns or transferees, is required to comply with the provisions of this Section.
Minimum Requirements. The requirements set out herein shall be considered minimum standards. In reviewing any plan proposed, the City Council shall determine the adequacy of the proposal and may require additional elements to be provided therein.