[R.O. 2005 § 115.070]
Selection. The Board of Aldermen shall select some qualified individual to serve as Building Commissioner who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Aldermen. The Building Commissioner shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by ordinance from time to time.
Duties. It shall be the duty of the Building Commissioner to direct, supervise and be in charge of work and equipment, subject to the Board of Aldermen given in reference to opening, maintaining, cleaning and repairing of all streets, roads, alleys, sewers, drains, bridges, sidewalks, parkways, trees, lawns and public places in the City of Velda Village Hills. The Commissioner shall make inspections and see that the streets, alleys, sewers, drains, bridges, sidewalks, parkways, trees, lawns and public places are maintained and kept in good condition and free from obstructions and defects which might impair their free and open use by the public or result in injury to persons or property. The Building Commissioner shall be head of the Building Department and, as directed through the Board of Aldermen or as required by ordinance, provide, erect and maintain all street signs and traffic signs and markings.
Powers. The Building Commissioner shall have power in emergencies to employ help in the performance of any of his/her duties until the next regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen, and shall certify to the Board the wages agreed to be paid such employees for such approval and payment.
Attend Meetings. The Building Commissioner shall attend regular meetings of the Board of Aldermen unless excused by the Mayor or the Board, and shall also attend other meetings when requested to do so. He/she shall monthly, or as requested, report in writing to the Board of Aldermen, setting out the receipts and disbursements for the Building Department for the preceding period. He/she shall report on the work of his/her department and any needed work to be done with his/her recommendation thereon. He/she shall report and recommend the employment or dismissal of employees of his/her department with reference to the wages of salaries to be paid as may be authorized by the Board of Aldermen.
Subject To Direction Of Board. The Building Commissioner shall perform such other duties as may be required by law or ordinance as directed by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen and shall see that the directions of the Mayor and Board and all ordinances relative to streets, sewers, alleys, bridges, drains, parkways, trees, lawns and public places are obeyed and enforced.