It shall be the duty of the Building Commissioner to direct, supervise
and be in charge of work and equipment, subject to the Board of Aldermen
given in reference to opening, maintaining, cleaning and repairing
of all streets, roads, alleys, sewers, drains, bridges, sidewalks,
parkways, trees, lawns and public places in the City of Velda Village
Hills. The Commissioner shall make inspections and see that the streets,
alleys, sewers, drains, bridges, sidewalks, parkways, trees, lawns
and public places are maintained and kept in good condition and free
from obstructions and defects which might impair their free and open
use by the public or result in injury to persons or property. The
Building Commissioner shall be head of the Building Department and,
as directed through the Board of Aldermen or as required by ordinance,
provide, erect and maintain all street signs and traffic signs and