It shall be unlawful for any owner, lessee or occupant or any
agent or person in control of any occupied or unoccupied lot or plot
of land or any part thereof in the Village of Dansville to permit
or maintain thereon noxious weeds, long grass or other rank growths
or growths which are harmful, poisonous or detrimental to the public
health or safety. Weeds, grass and other growth higher than six inches
shall be considered detrimental. Trees, bushes or other vegetation
that may interfere or restrict firefighting or other emergency services
safe or unimpeded access to a structure, lot or plot of land.
It shall be the duty of any owner, lessee, occupant or any agent or person in control of any occupied or unoccupied lot or plot of land or any part thereof in the Village of Dansville to cut and remove or cause to be cut or removed all such weeds, grass or other rank, poisonous or harmful growths as often as may be necessary to comply with the provisions of §
241-1 of this article.
Any person who shall neglect to cut and remove weeds, grass
or other vegetation as directed by this article or who shall fail,
neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of any such notice
herein provided or who shall violate any of the provisions of this
article or who shall resist or obstruct the Village or its employees
in the cutting and removal of weeds, grass, other vegetation or removal
of any health or fire hazard as herein provided, shall be deemed to
have violated this chapter.