[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Catawissa 9-12-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-03. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Civil Service Commission — See Ch. 17.
Designation as Open Records Officer — See Ch. 94.
Licensing and supervision of transient retail businesses — See Ch. 234.
The Manager shall be appointed for an indefinite term by a majority of all members of the Council of the Borough of Catawissa. The Manager shall serve at the pleasure of the Council of the Borough of Catawissa, and he/she may be removed at any time, pursuant to contract, by a majority vote of its entire members.
The Manager shall be chosen solely on the basis of his/her executive and administrative abilities with special reference to the duties of the office as herein outlined. The Manager need not be a resident of the Borough of Catawissa at the time of appointment.
Before entering upon his/her duties, the Manager shall give a bond, in the sum established annually pursuant to a resolution of the Council of the Borough of Catawissa, with a bonding company as surety, to be approved by the Council of the Borough of Catawissa, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his/her duties, the premium for said bond to be paid by the Borough of Catawissa.
The salary of the Borough of Catawissa Manager shall be fixed from time to time by the Council of the Borough of Catawissa by resolution, and pursuant to contract, of the said Council.
The Manager shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Borough of Catawissa and shall be responsible to the Council of the Borough of Catawissa as a whole for the proper and efficient administration of the affairs of the Borough of Catawissa placed in his charge. The powers and duties for administration of all Borough of Catawissa business shall be vested in the Manager unless expressly imposed or conferred by statute or ordinance upon other Borough of Catawissa officers. Subject to recall by ordinance, the powers and duties of the Borough of Catawissa Manager shall include the following:
Administration and government.
Supervise and be responsible for the activities of all municipal departments;
With the concurrence of the Council, he/she shall hire and, when necessary for the good of the Borough of Catawissa, shall suspend or discharge any employee under his/her supervision, provided that persons covered by the civil service provision of the Borough of Catawissa Code shall be hired, suspended or discharged in accordance with such provision, and provided further that the Manager shall report at the next meeting thereafter of the Council of the Borough of Catawissa any action taken by authority of this subsection. He/she shall also make recommendations to the Council with respect to the compensation of all employees under his/her supervision;
It is expressly understood and agreed that notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, department heads of the Borough of Catawissa, including Police Chief, superintendent of the sewage treatment plant, Superintendent of Highways, Superintendent of Electric, and Codes Officer, shall be hired, suspended or discharged only by vote of the Council of the Borough of Catawissa after consultation with the Borough Manager;
Prepare and submit to the Council of the Borough of Catawissa a budget for the next fiscal year and an explanatory budget message, in such a timely fashion as will enable the Council of the Borough of Catawissa to consider and adopt the budget and related tax ordinances according to the requirements of law. In preparing the budget, the Manager, or an officer designated by him/her, shall obtain from the head of each department, agency or board, or any qualified officer thereof, estimates of revenue and expenditures and such other supporting data as is required. The Manager shall review such estimates and may revise them before submitting the budget to the Council of the Borough of Catawissa. The Borough Manager shall submit to the Council of the Borough of Catawissa a preliminary budget by October 31 of each year;
Be responsible for the administration of the budget after its adoption by the Council of the Borough of Catawissa;
Develop, in conjunction with the preparation of the budget, long-range fiscal plans for the Borough of Catawissa, such plans to be presented annually to the Council of the Borough of Catawissa for its review and adoption;
Hold such other Borough of Catawissa offices and head such Borough of Catawissa departments as the Council of the Borough of Catawissa may from time to time direct;
Attend all meetings of the Council of the Borough of Catawissa and, when requested, the committees with the right to take part in the discussions. The Manager shall receive notices of all special meetings of the Council of the Borough of Catawissa and its committee;
Prepare the agenda for each meeting of the Council of the Borough of Catawissa and supply facts pertinent thereto;
Keep the Council of the Borough of Catawissa informed as to the conduct of Borough of Catawissa affairs; submit periodic reports on the conditions of the Borough of Catawissa finances and such other reports as the Council of the Borough of Catawissa requests; and make such recommendation to the Council of the Borough of Catawissa as deemed advisable;
Submit to the Council of the Borough of Catawissa, as soon as possible after the close of the fiscal year, a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the Council of the Borough of Catawissa as well as for the Borough of Catawissa for the preceding year;
See that the provisions of all franchise leases, permits, and privileges granted by the Council of the Borough of Catawissa are observed;
Employ, by and with the approval of the Council of the Borough of Catawissa, experts and consultants to perform work and to advise;
Call special meetings of Council;
Attend to the letting on contracts in due form of law. The Manager shall supervise the performance and faithful execution of the same, except insofar as such duties are expressly imposed by statute upon some other Borough of Catawissa officer;
Be responsible for all accounts payable and receivable;
Serve as purchasing officer of the Borough of Catawissa and purchase, in accordance with the provisions of the Borough of Catawissa Code, all supplies and equipment for the agencies, boards, departments and other offices of the Borough of Catawissa. The Manager shall keep an account of all purchases and shall, from time to time or when directed by the Council of the Borough of Catawissa, make a full written report thereof. He/she shall also issue rules and regulations, subject to the approval of the Council of the Borough of Catawissa, governing the procurement of all municipal supplies and equipment;
Purchases must be approved by Council Resolution;
Investigate and dispose of, or designate an officer to investigate and dispose of, complaints regarding the Borough of Catawissa services and personnel and to the Council of the Borough of Catawissa thereon. All complaints regarding the Borough of Catawissa services shall be referred to the office of the Manager;
Enforce the ordinances and regulations of the Borough of Catawissa;
Consult with employees and professionals hired by the Borough of Catawissa;
Become familiar with federal and state funding regulations and programs and report to Council periodically on the availability of programs in the form of grants and/or loans with a recommendation as to projects for which the Borough might qualify;
Handle all correspondence on behalf of the Borough of Catawissa;
Oversee all construction projects in cooperation with other qualified employees of the Borough of Catawissa;
Supervise the maintenance of streets, sewers, electric and other Borough property;
Supervise the operation and maintenance of Borough municipalities and authorities;
Maintain public relations by newspaper releases, personal contact with the citizens, handling complaints, addressing civil groups and issuing an annual Manager's report;
Maintain all Borough accounts and financial records;
Such other duties as may from time to time be delegated to the Borough Manager by the Council.
If the Manager becomes ill or needs to be absent from the Borough of Catawissa, he/she shall designate one qualified member of his/her staff to perform the duties of the Manager during his/her absence or disability. The person so designated shall not perform these duties for a period longer than two weeks without the approval of the Council of the Borough of Catawissa.