Intent. To maintain availability of affordable housing that meets COAH guidelines and recognize existing uses, while allowing upgrading of same.
Regulations. The use, height and area regulations set forth in this article, and those regulations set forth elsewhere in these development regulations are the regulations in this District.
As used in this article, a "mobile home" is a home, excluding travel trailers, which is a movable or portable unit designed and constructed to be towed on its own chassis (comprised of frame and wheels) and designed to be connected to utilities for year-round occupancy. The term shall include a unit containing parts that may be folded, collapsed or telescoped while being towed and that may be expanded to provide additional cubic capacity.
[Amended 7-8-2002 by Ord. No. 6-2002]
A building, structure or land shall be used only for the following purposes:
Principal Uses and Buildings:
Single family detached dwelling.
Parks, playgrounds and other publicly operated recreational facilities, subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Municipal uses.
Mobile homes, subject to the following terms and conditions:
A mobile home shall be permanently placed on land owned by the owner of said mobile home, which mobile home shall be placed on a safe, permanent and adequate foundation supporting the underframe with its wheels removed. It shall be bolted to a permanent foundation which complies with the Uniform Construction Code. It shall have a skirting around the entire perimeter of the mobile home. Said skirting shall be constructed of wood, vinyl or some other sturdy material sufficient to obscure the view of the foundation.
The mobile home shall be placed above a concrete pad at least four inches thick extending to the exterior line of said mobile home.
Such mobile home shall be considered a dwelling house and shall have a water supply and sewerage system which shall comply with local and state sanitary laws and regulations, and a construction permit and certificate of occupancy therefore shall be required under the terms of the Construction Code of this municipality.
The exterior dimension of such mobile home shall not be less than 700 feet without extensions, with a minimum permissible width of 24 feet.
[Amended 9-28-2014 by Ord. No. 7-2014]
If such mobile home is licensed as a motor vehicle, no building permit or certificate of occupancy therefore shall be issued until such motor vehicle license has been surrendered and canceled.
Such mobile home shall be considered as used for a dwelling under the terms of this chapter even though the same shall be occupied only partially or temporarily for weekend or vacation use or other occasional occupancy.
No person shall remove any such mobile home now or hereafter located in this municipality without first obtaining a permit for this purpose from the Construction Official. Such permit shall not be issued unless all real property taxes assessed thereon have been paid in full for the current tax year and receipt of the Tax Collector shall be sufficient evidence of such payment.
Accessory Uses, Buildings and Structures. Accessory uses, buildings and structures shall be uses, buildings and structures customarily incidental to the principal uses listed as permitted. Accessory structures shall not exceed four in number, not more than two of which shall be accessory buildings. Accessory structures shall not exceed 2% of the total lot area. Accessory uses buildings and structures shall be understood to include:
Private auto garage for the exclusive use of building residents.
Private swimming pools, intended for use of building resident, provided:
That the water edge of the pool shall be at required setback from all property lines.
That adequate fencing in compliance with the Uniform Construction Code N.J.A.C. 5:23 shall be installed.
Private utility sheds, greenhouses, bath houses, and playhouses provided that they comply with all other sections of this article and ordinance.
Home occupations.
Lot Size: 10,125 square feet minimum.
Lot Width: 75 feet minimum.
Lot Depth: 135 feet minimum.
Lot Coverage: 20% maximum.
Front Yard Setback: thirty foot minimum; in the case of corner lots, all yards fronting on a street shall be considered front yards and one side yard shall be considered a rear yard.
Rear Yard Setback: thirty foot minimum.
Side Yard Setback: Not less than 10 feet.
Height: Principal building 35 feet; accessory buildings 15 feet.
See § 102-17.12.
Fences or walls shall be permitted provided:
That all perimeter fences or walls shall be placed within the property line. Chain link fencing shall not be allowed within that portion of the lot extending from the front property line of the front building line of the principal structure.
That no portion of any fence or wall shall be more than four feet in height above finished grade, except that privacy fences shall be allowed provided that they are limited to the rear and side line of principal structure. Such fences shall not exceed six feet in height above the finished grade and shall be constructed of materials that are in architectural conformity with the principal building.
That no fences or walls shall be placed within 15 feet of a street corner.
[Amended 4-10-2017 by Ord. No. 5-2017]
Official highway route number signs, street name signs, official directional signs.
Signs advertising the sale or rental of premises provided:
That such signs shall not exceed six square feet.
That such signs shall be erected only on the premises to which they relate.
That signs bearing the words "sold or rented" shall be removed 30 days after being posted.
Signs advertising permitted home occupations having a maximum area of six square feet setback a minimum of five feet from the front property line. If illuminated, such lighting shall be shielded to prevent glare.
No flashing lighted signs shall be permitted.
[Added 4-10-2017 by Ord. No. 5-2017]