In accordance with the administrative regulations promulgated by the Department of Community and Economic Development to implement the Pennsylvania Flood Plain Management Act, the following activities shall be prohibited within any identified floodplain area:
The commencement of any of the following activities; or the construction, enlargement, or expansion of any structure used, or intended to be used, for any of the following activities:
All uses prohibited either expressly or implicitly in the underlying zoning district for the land in question.
All structures with the exception of those specifically allowed in § 200-61A and B of this article.
Removal of topsoil, excluding sod-production and nursery activities as allowed in § 200-61A, and except such removal as is necessary to accomplish and carry out the permitted uses and special exception uses under this article.
Cutting or removal of living trees or other flora except where diseased and in areas devoted to forestry or nursery use, in which case cutting or removal shall be on a selective basis and with reforestation measures practices in accordance with §§ 167-64 and 167-65 of the Township Code.
Damaging or relocation of any watercourses, except as provided for in § 89-501A(1) and (2).
Nursing homes.
Jails or prisons.
The commencement of, or any construction of, a new manufactured home park or manufactured home subdivision, or substantial improvement to an existing manufactured home park or manufactured home subdivision.
Cemeteries for humans or animals.
Sanitary landfills, dumps, junk and salvage yards, and outdoor storage of vehicles and materials.
Any development, structure, or use which may, whether alone or in combination with others, except where specifically authorized elsewhere in this chapter:
Endanger human life;
Obstruct, impede, retard, change, or increase the velocity, direction, or flow of floodwaters;
Increase the elevation of the one-hundred-year flood in the floodway, or the frequency of floods;
Catch or collect debris carried by floodwaters;
Be placed where the natural flow of the stream or floodwaters would carry it downstream to the damage or detriment of property within or adjacent to the Flood Plain District;
Degrade the water carrying capacity of any watercourse, channel, or floodplain;
Increase the rate of local runoff, erosion, or sedimentation;
Degrade the quality of surface water or the quality or quantity of groundwater;
Be susceptible to flotation and subsequent movement which would cause damage to other property;
Create unhealthful ponding or other sanitary conditions;
Not be in harmony with the intent and purpose of this chapter.
Placing, depositing and dumping any soil, fill or solid waste except such grading, filling or depositing necessary to accomplish and carry out the permitted uses and uses by special exception in § 89-501D and E, provided that no grading, filling or depositing is permitted within the floodway.