No highway or road shall be laid out in the Township of North
Versailles, excepting private roads, except under the following rules,
conditions and requirements.
A. A plan of any proposed highway improvement shall first be submitted
to the Township Commissioners for approval, which shall clearly show
the width, length, termini, grade, drainage, type of construction,
curbing, sidewalks, or any other improvement therein that comes within
the jurisdiction, control and regulation of the municipality.
B. Not only must any plan of lots, or any road be approved by the Township
Commissioners, but also by the Allegheny County Planning Commission
where such matter is within its jurisdiction.
C. The standards of layout of any public road or highway shall be equal
to or higher than the standards required by the Allegheny County Planning
Commission under its rules and regulations.
D. No construction of any highway or road shall be made within the Township
of North Versailles, except such construction as shall be in accordance
with standards and specifications of the Township of North Versailles
as to hard-surface roadway, and as to sufficient storm sewer to control
the necessary drainage affected by said construction, the establishment
of a grade which is first acceptable to the Township of North Versailles.
E. No highway or street shall be accepted or become part of the public
highway system of the Township of North Versailles, which has been
completed to the Township's standard requirements, until all
engineering services, inspection fees, legal services, costs of all
labor, material and equipment entering into such highway road construction,
advertisement of the ordinance and other subject matters relating
thereto, as well as all other expenses incurred and incidental to
making said highway improvement, have been paid, or proof of payment
thereof furnished.
F. No highway shall become part of the public highway system of the
Township of North Versailles hereafter, and no new highway or road
laid out or constructed shall be deemed or accepted as completed,
until the ordained grade has been established for said highway, the
work completed according to Township standards and requirements and
all costs or expenses of construction and installation paid in full,
and an ordinance adopted establishing and taking over of such highway
or road as part of the public highway system of the Township of North
Versailles in accordance with law.
No storm sewers shall be installed in the Township of North
Versailles except under the following rules, conditions and requirements:
A. The installation of any storm sewer on, in or opening on any public
highway shall be approved as to size, location, direction, slope,
control of discharge, type and method of material and construction
used, not only by the Township of North Versailles, but also, where
required, by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and by the County of
Allegheny, where such approval is applicable.
B. No such proposed storm sewer or completed storm sewer shall be accepted
by the Township of North Versailles as part of the storm sewer system
of the Township of North Versailles unless and until all expenses
of engineering, inspection fees, legal services, costs of all labor,
material and equipment entering into such storm sewer construction,
advertisement of the ordinance and other subject matters relating
thereto, as well as all other expenses incurred and incidental to
making said sewer improvement, have been paid, or proof of payment
thereof furnished.
C. Said storm sewer shall not become part of the storm sewer system
of the Township until fully paid for, fully completed and finally
accepted by action of the Board of Commissioners by accepting same
as part of the public storm sewer system of the Township of North
No sanitary sewers shall be installed in the Township of North
Versailles except under the following rules, conditions and requirements:
A. The installation of any sanitary sewer on, in or opening on any public
highway shall be approved as to size, location, direction, slope,
control of discharge, type and method of material and construction
used, not only by the Township of North Versailles, but also, where
required, by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and by the County of
Allegheny, where such approval is applicable.
B. No such proposed sanitary sewer or completed sewer shall be accepted
by the Township of North Versailles as part of the sanitary sewer
system of the Township of North Versailles unless and until all expenses
of engineering, inspection fees, legal services, costs of all labor,
material and equipment entering into such sanitary sewer construction,
advertisement of the ordinance and other subject matters relating
thereto, as well as all other expenses incurred and incidental to
making said sewer improvement, have been paid, or proof of payment
thereof furnished.
C. Said sanitary sewer shall not become part of the sanitary system
of the Township until fully paid for, fully completed and finally
accepted by action of the Board of Commissioners by accepting the
same as part of the public sanitary sewer system of the Township of
North Versailles.
Curbing and sidewalks shall be installed only where required
by the Board of Township Commissioners. The same shall be installed
in accordance with Township standards heretofore or hereafter ordained
and established by the Board of Commissioners. Curbing shall be installed
where required by the Board of Township Commissioners, whether for
drainage purposes, safety factors or other reasons in the exclusive
judgment of the Board of Commissioners of the Township of North Versailles.
This does not preclude the installation of curbing in connection with
storm and drainage problems required to control storm- and rain waters
by use of installation of storm sewers and streets in other sections
of this article.
[Added 9-17-2015 by Ord. No. 1097]
A. A sidewalk is that portion of a public right-of-way between the lateral
line of the roadway and the adjacent property line which is intended
for the use of pedestrian travel. This shall include any improved
sidewalks and curbs.
B. All existing sidewalks and curbs (if any) must be maintained in conformance
with this section. It is declared and affirmed that the maintenance
and care of all such sidewalks and curbs shall be and are the responsibility
of the adjacent property owner.
C. All adjacent landowners shall maintain and keep such sidewalks and
curbs in good repair and in conformance with this section.
D. If any adjacent land owner desires to install a sidewalk and/or curb,
or to replace an existing sidewalk or curb, such owner must perform
the improvement in conformance with the specification set forth in
the following subsection.
E. Specifications for installation and maintenance of all such sidewalks
and curbs are those prepared by the Township Engineer as set forth
in Exhibit "A" (Typical Sidewalk Detail. Drawing No. IX:3.05:04B,
dated 10/1/1997), attached hereto and incorporated herein. These specifications may be amended from time to time
by resolution.
F. Penalties for violations of the terms and conditions of this section
shall be the same as provided for violations of the Property Maintenance
As to water, gas, utility and similar lines:
A. All main utility lines shall be installed in the public highways
of the Township of North Versailles only after first obtaining approval
of the Board of Commissioners as to the exact location thereof. Plans
in triplicate therefor shall be submitted to the Township of North
Versailles, in advance, for such water, gas, electric or other utility
lines, showing the location of such proposed installation with relation
to the grade, center line, or property line affected.
B. All utility lines, such as water, gas and sewer lines, shall be installed
so that one type of line shall not be superimposed over another type
of line in order to facilitate and minimize installation costs, reduce
the expense of maintenance in case of breaks, replacements, repairs
or other similar maintenance operations; laying one line above another
line is specifically prohibited, excepting where conditions in the
judgment of the Township Commissioners renders other installation
elsewhere impossible or prohibitive.
C. Customer service lines are not governed by these regulations.
D. All utility lines must be placed to conform to streets and grades
with due regard for paving, curbing, sidewalks and other public improvements
presently in the street or which are to be installed in the street.
E. Where hard-surfaced roads are removed or disturbed by the installation,
maintenance, repair or any other act of utilities, whether for main
line, customer service line, or any other reason whatsoever, by utilities,
when the said hard surface of the highway or curb or sidewalk, as
the case may be, is restored, the earth or fill in the ditch or excavation
shall be tamped sufficiently with a compressor so as to prevent subsidence,
sinking or collapse of any hard surface that is replaced by such utility
when the work is completed, and the hard surface shall be replaced
and restored to the type and quality of construction as previously
existing. The said work of restoring the roadway, curb or sidewalk
shall be done under the inspection of the Township of North Versailles
under one of its authorized servants, agents or employees, the costs
of which inspector services shall be borne and paid for by the utility.
F. The installation, maintenance, repair, use and enjoyment of the utility
of its lines in a public highway is subject to the established grade,
or any change of grade, that the Township sees fit to adopt. Any establishment
or change of grade which might necessitate a change in the location,
elevation or other placement of the utility line shall be borne at
the exclusive expense of the utility for which the Township is in
no way obligated.
The Township may require of any person, persons, partnerships
or corporations seeking to install any type of the aforesaid improvements
a bond in an amount sufficient, to be approved by the Board of Commissioners,
to assure and guarantee completion of such municipal improvement,
as well as a one-year maintenance bond after the acceptance of the
completion of said municipal improvement by the Board of Commissioners
of the Township of North Versailles.
The Township, in addition to the general requirements of this
article, shall establish detailed rules, regulations and conditions
in regard to any subject matter herein, copies of which shall be available
at all times at the Township Secretary's office to any person,
persons, partnerships or corporations interested in the same.
[Added 11-16-1987 by Ord. No. 857; amended 8-15-1988 by Ord. No.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision
of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay
a fine of not more than $600 and/or to imprisonment for a term not
to exceed 90 days.