It is the intent of this chapter to encourage the eventual removal
or reconfiguration of nonconforming uses and structures while at the
same time protecting the rights of property owners to utilize the
current economic use and character of their property, as it was situated
and utilized prior to the adoption of this chapter.
Property owners may request the registration of uses or structures
that do not conform to the provisions of this chapter. The Zoning
Officer, upon such request, shall issue or deny the issuance of such
registrations based upon the provisions of this section and evidence
provided by the applicants for said registration.
Where lots of record exist at the time of adoption of this chapter,
the following shall apply. Where adjacent nonconforming lots of record
under common ownership exist at the time of adoption of this chapter,
said lots shall be considered as one zoning lot, regardless of the
transferring of one or more of said lots to subsequent or varying
ownership. Therefore, the Zoning Hearing Board shall consider no hardship
which has a basis in the configuration of one of said lots. The Zoning
Officer shall approve the construction of principal or accessory structures
and uses on nonconforming lots of record where setbacks, lot coverage,
uses, and all remaining requirements conform to this chapter.