The purpose of these provisions is to prevent the loss of property
and life, the protection of health and safety, to prevent the disruption
of commerce and governmental services, the extraordinary and unnecessary
expenditure of public funds for flood protection and relief, and the
impairment of the tax base by:
A. Regulating uses, activities, and development which, acting alone
or in combination with other existing or future uses, activities,
and development, will cause unacceptable increases in flood heights,
velocities and frequencies.
B. Restricting or prohibiting certain uses, activities, and development
from locating within areas subject to flooding.
C. Requiring all those uses, activities, and developments that do occur
in floodprone areas to be protected and/or floodproofed against flooding
and flood damage.
D. Protecting individuals from buying lands and structures which are
unsuited for intended purposes because of flood hazards.
No structure or land shall hereafter be used and no structure
shall be located, relocated, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged,
or structurally altered except in full compliance with the terms and
provisions of this article and any other applicable ordinances and
regulations which apply to uses within the jurisdiction of this article.
In the Flood-Fringe District, the development and/or use of
land shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations of the
underlying district provided that all such uses, activities, and/or
development shall be undertaken in strict compliance with the floodproofing
and related provisions contained in all other applicable codes and
In the General Floodplain Conservation District, the development
and/or use of land shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations
of the underlying district provided that all such uses, activities
and/or development shall be undertaken in strict compliance with the
floodproofing and related provisions contained in all other applicable
codes and ordinances.
In passing upon applications for special exceptions and variances,
the Zoning Hearing Board shall consider all relevant factors and procedures
specified in other sections of this chapter and the following:
A. The danger to life and property due to increased flood heights or
velocities caused by encroachments. No special exception or variance
shall be granted for any proposed use, development, or activity that
will cause any increase in flood levels in the Floodway District.
B. The danger that materials may be swept on to other lands or downstream
to the injury of others.
C. The proposed water supply and sanitation systems and the ability
of these systems to prevent disease, contamination, and unsanitary
D. The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood
damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owners.
E. The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility
to the community.
F. The requirements of the facility for a waterfront location.
G. The availability of alternative locations not subject to flooding
for the proposed use.
H. The compatibility of the proposed use with existing development and
development anticipated in the foreseeable future.
I. The relationship of the proposed use to the comprehensive plan and
floodplain management program for the area.
J. The safety of access to the property in times of flood of ordinary
and emergency vehicles.
K. The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise; and sediment
transport of the floodwaters expected at the site.
L. The Zoning Hearing Board may refer any application and accompanying
documentation pertaining to any request for a special exception or
variance to any engineer or other qualified person or agency for technical
assistance in evaluating the proposed project in relation to flood
heights and velocities, and the adequacy of the plans for protection
and other related matters.
M. Special exceptions and/or variances shall only be issued after the
Zoning Hearing Board has determined that the granting of such will
not result in (a) unacceptable or prohibited increases in flood heights,
(b) additional threats to public safety, (c) extraordinary public
expense, (d) create nuisances, (e) cause fraud or victimization of
the public, or (f) conflict with local laws or ordinances.
N. In considering the presence of a hardship on a subject property,
extraordinary justification shall be required for properties over
1 1/2 acres.
The following definitions shall apply to this article:
Any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate
including but not limited to buildings or other structures, the placement
of mobile homes, streets, and other paving, utilities, filling, grading,
excavation, mining, dredging, or drilling operations and the subdivision
of land.
A temporary inundation of normally dry land areas.
A relatively flat or low land area adjoining a river, stream,
or watercourse which is subject to partial or complete inundation;
An area subject to the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff
of surface waters from any source.
Those floodplain districts specifically designated in this
chapter as being inundated primarily by the one-hundred-year flood.
Included would be areas identified as Floodway District (FW), Flood-Fringe
District (FF), and General Floodplain District (FA).
A flood that, on the average, is likely to occur once every
100 years (i.e., that has a one-percent chance).
Any alteration, repair, reconstruction or expansion to a
structure existing at the time of this chapter's enactment, the
costs of which equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the existing