[Adopted as Sec. 1.103 of the former Municipal Codebook; amended in its entirety 6-26-2017 by Ord. No. 1842-17]
The City of Reedsburg operates the following municipal utilities: electric, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and communications utilities.
The electric, water and communications utilities shall be under the jurisdiction of the Reedsburg Utility Commission, except as may be otherwise provided in the Code of the City of Reedsburg.
The Utility Commission shall consist of two officers of the City and three citizens, appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation of the Council, for terms of five years, commencing on October 1 in the year of the appointment, provided the Mayor shall stagger the initial appointments so that the terms of the Commissioners first elected shall expire successively one each year on each succeeding first day of October. A vacancy shall be created in the office occupied by a member of the Common Council when the person ceases to be a member of the Council. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor, which appointments shall be subject to confirmation of the Council.
The Commission shall organize by choosing from among its members a President and Secretary and shall appoint a Utility Clerk, who shall perform the duties of a bonded cashier, shall keep accurate books and accounts of utility revenues and expenses, and shall perform such other duties as the Commission shall from time to time direct. The Utility Clerk, before taking office, shall give a bond for the faithful performance of the duties of the office in such amount as the Utility Commission shall direct.
Commission members shall receive such compensation as shall be agreed upon by the Commission and the Council, and the Commission shall fix the compensation to be paid to the Secretary.
Method and duties. The Commission shall have the entire charge, management and direction of all municipal utilities not placed under the jurisdiction of the Public Works Committee, subject only to the general control and supervision of the Council, with such general control and supervision being exercised through the enactment and amendment of this article and to the jurisdiction of the State Public Service Commission.
Employees and consultants. The Commission may employ a manager or superintendent of utilities and may fix his compensation. The City Engineer may be employed as a superintendent or manager, and his salary as such shall be fixed from time to time by agreement of the Commission and Council. The Commission may employ other necessary employees and fix their compensation. The Commission also may employ the services and fix the compensation of such other agents or consultants as the Commission deems necessary or convenient for the operation and management of the utilities under its jurisdiction.
Rules. The Commission may make all necessary rules governing its own proceedings and the government of the electric, water and communications utilities and all other municipal utilities under its jurisdiction.
Construction work and construction contracts. Utility construction work shall be under the immediate supervision of the Commission and all other public works construction under the supervision of the Public Works Committee. The Commission shall have full authority to let bids and enter into construction contracts in the name of the City, provided that such contracts are necessary or convenient to the management and operation of the municipal utilities under the Commission's jurisdiction.
Other contracts. The Commission shall have full authority to enter into other contracts in the name of the City, including but not limited to contracts to purchase and sell electrical power and fuel, sell potable water and purchase and sell communications services, provided that such contracts are necessary or convenient to the management and operation of the municipal utilities under the Commission's jurisdiction.
Purchase and sale of real estate. The Commission shall have full authority to acquire and sell interests in real estate in the name of the City as may be necessary or convenient to the management and operation of the municipal utilities under the Commission's jurisdiction.
Other powers. The Commission shall have such other powers as are necessary or convenient to the management and operation of all municipal utilities not placed under the supervision of the Public Works Committee, and the City intends that the Commission shall have full authority respecting such utilities unless the authority is specifically withheld by statute.
Utility funds shall be handled by the Utility Clerk in a separate account. The funds of the electric, water and communications utilities and all other municipal utilities under the Commission's jurisdiction shall be maintained in separate accounts. No funds shall be transferred to the general fund except in accordance with § 66.0811(2) and (3), Wis. Stats.
The Commission shall keep books of account as prescribed by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, which shall be public records.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the previous proceedings of the Commission and shall report semiannually to the Council ,giving a brief summary of the condition of the utilities and the manner in which funds are allocated. The Secretary shall provide members of the Council with copies of the minutes of the Utility Commission on a monthly basis.
Utility departmental expenditures shall be audited monthly and, when approved, a voucher schedule shall be prepared and certified to the City Clerk-Treasurer by the Commission President and Secretary that the claims listed therein have been authorized for payment. There shall be further certifications on the schedule whether or not funds are available for payment of the claims as listed. Order checks shall then be prepared by the Utility and entered upon the books of the Utility, after which they shall be signed by the Commission President and the City Clerk-Treasurer, as provided by § 66.0607(4), Wis. Stats.
Utility funds shall be separately accounted for by the municipal utilities under the Commission's jurisdiction.
Checks issued on the Utility accounts may be signed by facsimile signature.