[Adopted as Sec. 1.110 of the former Municipal Codebook]
In addition to the foregoing boards, commissions and authorities, the Mayor, with the approval of the Council, may from time to time create such additional special/advisory bodies as needed. Such bodies shall be established and governed by resolution; except that any such body which is expected to have a duration of one year or more shall be established and regulated by ordinance in this article of this chapter of the Code of the City of Reedsburg.
The Community Development Block Grant Committee shall have seven members. One of the members shall be a member of the Common Council appointed annually by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council. The six public members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council and shall serve staggered terms of three years.
The Committee shall be an advisory committee to the Mayor, Council, Community Development Authority and City staff regarding community development issues. The Committee shall have membership consistent with state and federal housing and community development rules. The Committee shall have responsibility of approving loans from the housing assistance and economic development revolving loan fund as authorized and delegated by the Council. The administration of loans shall be consistent with state and federal grant and loan regulation.
The Reedsburg Area Development Council shall have 12 members. The following local units of government shall each have three members: City of Reedsburg, Town of Reedsburg, Town of Winfield and Town of Excelsior. The representatives of the City of Reedsburg shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of Council, for three-year terms effective May 1. The other local units of government shall appoint their representatives. The Council shall elect its officers.
[Amended 9-10-2001]
The Council shall review major development proposals for land use changes in the extraterritorial area, such as subdivisions, certified survey maps, road and utility extensions and planned unit developments. The Council is to advise the City Planning Commission and Common Council prior to action on specific proposals. The Council shall also review variance requests to the Extraterritorial Board of Appeals and provide recommendations to that Board.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Subsections (4) and (5), which immediately followed this subsection, of the former Municipal Codebook were repealed 2-25-2013.
Former § 21-28, Public Safety Committee, added 5-10-2010, was repealed 7-13-2020 by Ord. No. 1908-20.