[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Vanport as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Annual fire protection assessment — See Ch. 97, Art. I.
[Adopted 8-13-1990 by Ord. No. 258]
In the event of fire, explosion or other emergency situation, the Fire Departments of the signatory parties,[1] including volunteer fire companies, shall be mutually obligated to each other to provide aid and assistance for fire protection.
Editor's Note: A complete list of the signatory parties is on file in the Township offices.
The Fire Chief of each community shall have the authority and full discretion to issue a call for aid and assistance to the other Fire Departments.
The officer in charge and/or Fire Chief shall be in charge of the situation and shall have full authority to issue orders and delegate duties to the Chief, officers and members of the responding Fire Departments.
The Fire Department of each of the signatory parties shall conscientiously and in good faith provide aid and assistance to each other without charge or expense required to be paid by the summoning community to the responding community or communities.
The responding community shall hold harmless the summoning community for injury sustained by the Chief, officers and members of the Fire Departments of the responding community and for loss of damage occurring to the property of the Fire Department of the responding community while providing aid and assistance to the summoning community and in going thereto and returning therefrom.
No provision of this agreement shall be construed to require a responding community to jeopardize or otherwise leave its community without adequate fire protection while providing aid and assistance to the summoning community.
In the event that the Fire Department of one community, a party hereto, is called out to answer a county fire alert, the other party hereto will to the best of its ability provide fire protection for the community left unprotected because of the county fire alert.
This agreement shall cover participation in exercises, drills and other training activities designed to train fire personnel to prepare for, cope with or prevent the occurrence of any fire-related emergency.
This agreement shall continue in force and remain binding on each party to this agreement until authorized representatives take action to withdraw therefrom. Such action shall not be effective until 90 days after notice of withdrawal has been submitted. The withdrawal of or addition of any one or more parties shall have no effect on the other parties which are executors of this agreement.
[Adopted 12-14-2009 by Ord. No. 336]
The Agreement for Police Services made between the Township of Vanport and Beaver Borough, a true copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, is approved.[1]
Editor's Note: Said copy of such agreement is on file in the Township offices.
The President of the Board and the Borough Secretary are authorized and instructed to execute and attest, respectively, such agreement on behalf of the Township of Vanport.
In accordance with Section 2307 of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Law,[1] it is determined that:
The condition of the agreement made between Beaver Borough and the Township of Vanport are as set forth in the attached document.[2]
Editor's Note: Said document is on the Township offices.
The duration of the term of such agreement is three years (2010 through 2012), subject to renewal in 2013 and 2014, as set forth in the attached document.
The purpose and objectives of such agreement, including the powers and scope of authority delegated, are as set forth in the attached document.
The manner and extent of financing such agreement are as set forth in the attached document.
The organizational structure necessary to implement such agreement consists of the Police Department and Police Chief of the Beaver Borough, established under Chapter 1, Part 4 of the Borough of Beaver County of Ordinances, and regulated by applicable provisions of the Borough Code.
The manner in which real or personal property shall be acquired, managed, licensed or disposed of shall be as the Beaver Borough may from time to time determine to be necessary or proper to accomplish the purposes and objectives of the aforesaid agreement, and in accordance with the powers and procedures prescribed in the Borough Code.[3]
Editor's Note: See 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.
Editor's Note: See 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2307.
This article is enacted pursuant to the authority conferred by Sections 2301 through 2317 of the General Local Government Code, 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2301 et seq.
This article shall be effective as of January 1, 2010.