[Ord. No. 4669, 6-19-2017]
Not less than twenty-one (21) days prior to a public hearing to consider a redevelopment plan which shall provide for tax abatement or tax exemption pursuant to Chapter 353, RSMo., the City shall furnish to the political subdivisions whose boundaries for ad valorem taxation purposes include any portion of the property to be affected by tax abatement:
Notice of the scheduled public hearing, which shall include:
The time, date and place of the public hearing;
A general description of the boundaries of the proposed redevelopment area;
A general description of the proposed redevelopment plan;
An invitation to submit comments to the City Council prior to the date of the public hearing concerning matters that will be discussed at the public hearing and to appear at the public hearing and provide comments;
A statement that all interested persons and all political subdivisions shall have the opportunity to be heard on such grant of tax abatement or exemption; and
A written statement of the impact on ad valorem taxes such tax abatement or exemption will have on the political subdivisions, which shall be prepared by the applicant and shall include an estimate of the amount of ad valorem tax revenues of each political subdivision which will be affected by the proposed tax abatement or exemption based on the estimated assessed valuation of the real property involved as such property would exist before and after it is redeveloped.
[Ord. No. 4669, 6-19-2017]
The applicant for tax abatement or exemption under Chapter 353, RSMo., shall provide to the City a complete list of all political subdivisions whose boundaries for ad valorem taxation purposes include any portion of the property to be affected by tax abatement or exemption; the written statement specified in Section 805.010(A)(2) above in a form approved by the City Administrator; and any other information deemed necessary by the City Administrator or their designee to evaluate the proposed redevelopment plan and comply with the requirements of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 4676, 8-7-2017]
As used in this Section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Building permit fees under Section 500.030 of the City Code;
Building plan review fees under Section 500.030 of the City Code;
Sign permit fees charged pursuant to Chapter 501 of the City Code;
Water and sewer system development fees and water tap fees charged pursuant to Section 500.035, and any amendments thereto.
The Redevelopment Area as depicted in Exhibit 1 attached to the Main Center Redevelopment Corporation Amended and Restated Development Plan which was approved by Ordinance No. 4673 on August 7, 2017.[1]
Editor's Note: Said Plan and Exhibit are on file in the City offices.
Any construction or development activity in the Redevelopment Area which requires the payment of any fees shall be eligible to apply for a fifty percent (50%) credit to all applicable fees. Application for such credits shall be made using forms provided by the Community Development Department.
Except as modified in this Section, all other applicable City codes, regulations, ordinances, procedures and requirements shall continue to apply to all aspects of the construction and development in the Redevelopment Area.
This Section shall expire on November 6, 2024, unless extended by action of the City Council.
[Ord. No. 4776, 11-5-2018; Ord. No. 5271, 11-6-2023]