Driveways and road intersections shall only be permitted at locations where sight distance is adequate to allow safe movements to be made into and out of the driveway or road, the free movement of normal road traffic will not be impaired, the driveway or road will not create a hazard, the driveway or road will not result in an area of undue traffic congestion, the stability of the roadway will not be compromised, and roadway drainage will not be altered.
The number of driveway entrance points to a property will normally be limited to a maximum of one if the frontage is less than 400 feet. If the property frontage exceeds 400 feet, the permit may authorize an additional driveway entrance point. A semicircular or similar driveway arrangement is considered to have two entrance points.
Driveway access to a property which abuts two or more streets will be limited to that street which can more safely accommodate its traffic.
The Township may require that a driveway location be directly across from a road or driveway on the opposite side of the intersecting road if it is determined that an offset driveway may create a safety hazard.
For all other driveways and road intersections, the minimum distance between the center line of the nearest intersecting road (on the same or the opposite side of the intersected road) shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 345, Subdivision and Land Development.
Driveways and roads used for two-way operation shall intersect the road at an angle of 90° or as near thereto as site conditions permit. A two-way driveway shall not intersect the road at an angle less than 60° nor greater than 120°.
All driveway and road approaches shall be rounded at a radius conforming to the appropriate figure in Appendix V.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix V, Driveway Arrangement, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The arrangement of the driveway or road intersection shall conform to the appropriate figure in Appendix V.
Property line clearance. Except for common or jointly used driveways, no part of any driveway outside the road right-of-way shall be closer than 10 feet to a property line. Within the road right-of-way, no portion of a driveway or road shall be located outside of the property frontage or the projected property line.
Sight distance. The minimum sight distances required for any driveway or road intersection shall be based on Tables 1 through 6 of 67 Pa. Code § 441.8(h)(1), included herein as Appendix I, as well as the diagram in Appendix II.[2]
In the event the sight distance requirements specified in Appendix I cannot be achieved, the driveway shall be located at the point of maximum sight distance achievable along the frontage of the property, with the minimum required sight distance based on the table in Appendix III for passenger cars, with appropriate adjustments for trucks and buses, if required by the proposed use of the driveway.
In the event the sight distance requirements specified in Subsection F(1) cannot be achieved, the Township may:
Require that the driveway be located at the point of maximum sight distance achievable along the frontage of the property;
Restrict turning movements into and/or out of the driveway;
Require the installation of a right turn acceleration and/or deceleration lane;
Require the installation of a left-turn standby lane; and/or
Require that the horizontal or vertical alignment of the roadway be altered; or
Deny access to the road.
Editor's Note: Appendix I, Desirable Sight Distances, and Appendix II, Driveway Sight Distance Measurements, are included as attachments to this chapter.
Average daily traffic counts. The average daily traffic counts provided in application materials shall be based on the latest edition of the Trip Generation Manual of the Institute of Traffic Engineers.
Grading. Grading shall conform to the following requirements:
All driveways and road intersections shall be designed and constructed such that no stormwater runoff is directed into the travelway, and such that the normal shoulder slope away from the travelway is maintained.
The maximum grade of that portion of a driveway or road within the road right-of-way shall be determined by the figure in Appendix IV for driveways adjacent to uncurbed shoulders.[3]
Editor's Note: Appendix IV, Maximum Driveway Grade within the Road Right-of-Way, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
For driveways where curbs and sidewalks are present, the driveway approach to the road shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of 67 Pa. Code § 441.
The side slopes for driveway and road embankments within any road right-of-way shall not be steeper than four horizontal to one vertical (4:1).
The side slopes for driveway and road embankments outside the right-of-way shall not be steeper than four to one for fills and three to one for cuts.
The proper shoulder grade, as indicated in Appendix IV, shall be maintained or provided across the driveway or intersecting road.[4]
Editor's Note: Appendix IV, Maximum Driveway Grade within the Road Right-of-Way, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
When feasible and when so directed by the Township, the stormwater flow line along or beyond the edge of the shoulder shall be continued across the driveway or road, located at that distance from the travelway (edge of pavement) of the intersected roadway which is the greatest of the following:
The existing distance from the roadway.
The distance shown on an approved subdivision and/or land development plan.
Six feet.
Such other distance that is specified on the permit, based on the Roadmaster's assessment of specific site conditions.
Where a drainage ditch or deep swale exists, a pipe of adequate size shall be installed under the driveway or road. Pipes shall not be less than 15 inches in diameter, or such larger size required by site conditions.
Pipes shall be reinforced cement concrete pipe, asphalt-coated corrugated metal pipe, smooth bore high-density polyethylene pipe, or pipe of such other material that is approved by the Township.
Pipes shall be installed to provide at least the minimum cover depth recommended by the manufacturer, in no case less than 12 inches.
Pipes shall be provided with flared end sections, slope miters or other end treatments approved by the Township, which minimize the hazard of the pipe installation.
Pipes shall be located so that the normal shoulder grade is maintained, a minimum of one foot of cover is provided, a side slope steeper than 4 to 1 is not created and a hazardous condition is not created.
The minimum length of pipes shall be determined using the side slope requirement of Subsection H(4) and the end treatment requirements of Subsection H(8)(c).
A driveway may not be used as a means of conveying stormwater runoff toward the road and may not alter runoff onto other properties without the written approval of the affected property owner(s).
It shall be the obligation of the permittee, or his successors and assigns, to maintain the completed driveway installation and to maintain and keep open the drainage facilities involved in the driveway permit. Failure to comply with this provision shall be a violation of this chapter.
Snow or ice from any driveway or area outside the right-of-way may not be deposited within the right-of-way at any time.
Vehicles may not be parked within the road cartway at any time during or within 24 hours after a snow storm or other storm or emergency which requires plowing, deicing and/or other operations which may be impeded by vehicles parked within the cartway.
Application. An application shall be submitted in accordance with Article II. If a review of the application and the site reveals that a pipe larger than 18 inches diameter may be required, the Roadmaster may require the submission of a drainage analysis; if it suspected that wetlands may be present and may be impacted, the Roadmaster may suspend the processing of the application until the applicant provides a wetlands delineation.
Location. The minimum distance between the center line of a proposed minimum use driveway and the center line of the nearest intersecting road (on the same or the opposite side of the intersected road) shall be as follows:
One hundred fifty feet along a major arterial street;
One hundred feet along a minor arterial or collector street; or
Seventy-five feet along a local street.
For minimum-use driveways, a minimum of 15 feet of the driveway from its connection to the intersected travelway or cartway (as determined by the Roadmaster) shall be constructed to the following standards, as a minimum:
Remove topsoil and organic and other unsuitable material.
Install a driveway pipe, if required, with a minimum of 12 inches of cover.
Compact and prepare suitable subgrade.
Place crushed aggregate or acceptable shale meeting the gradation requirements of AASHTO No. 1 Coarse Aggregate (PennDOT No. 4), or coarser, to a compacted depth of at least 12 inches.
Alternate proposals for driveway construction may be permitted on a case-by-case basis by the Township, provided that the objectives of this chapter are met.
For minimum-use driveways, the grade of the driveway outside the road right-of-way shall not exceed 15%, unless a parking area for at least two cars is provided. Such parking area shall be located outside the road right-of-way and be accessible over grades which do not exceed 10%.
A certificate of occupancy will not be issued for a structure until construction of the access driveway has been completed in accordance with this chapter.
Driveway or road construction, other than minimum-use driveways, within the road right-of-way shall meet or exceed the requirements of Chapter 345, Subdivision and Land Development, for the appropriate road classification road, or such other standards that are required by Chapter 345, Subdivision and Land Development.
For any driveway or road classified as a low-volume, medium-volume or high-volume driveway, auxiliary lanes and/or shoulder upgrading will be required when necessary, based on current PennDOT standards, as follows:
Acceleration and deceleration lanes. The combination of highway speed, location and arrangement of driveways and intersections may require the installation of a deceleration and/or an acceleration lane of sufficient length and width to allow vehicles to safely decelerate or accelerate when entering or exiting the driveway.
Left-turn standby lane. The installation of a left-turn standby lane to separate and protect left turning vehicles from through traffic will be required if necessary to prevent an undue hazard to the traveling public.
Additional right-of-way for lanes. Where the width of the existing road right-of-way is insufficient for the construction of a required auxiliary lane, the permittee shall provide any necessary additional right-of-way.
Lane in front of another property. If an auxiliary lane must be located in front of a property which is not owned by the permittee, the permittee shall be responsible for obtaining the approval of the other owner or indemnify the Township against any action which that owner may bring against the Township.
Shoulder upgrading. Where the existing shoulder on either side of a proposed driveway is not adequate to allow for use by turning vehicles, the permittee shall upgrade the shoulder area for a minimum of 100 feet on each side of the driveway. The type of shoulder to be constructed will be specified in the permit, based on the volume and type of traffic expected to use the driveway.
Cost. When required, auxiliary lanes, shoulder upgrading and additional right-of-way shall be constructed or provided by the permittee at no cost to the Township, in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408 - Specifications and PennDOT Publication 72 - Roadway Construction Standards, or approved alternative standards.
Traffic control devices.
The permittee shall, at his own expense, install and maintain all required traffic control devices, as specified in the permit, which are necessary to provide for the safe and orderly movement of vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic. These devices shall include, but not be limited to, any required regulatory, warning or guide signs, delineators, pavement markings and power-operated signals or other devices.
When power-operated devices, including traffic signals, are required for proper traffic control at a proposed driveway, the installation shall conform to PennDOT specifications.
Applications for driveways or road intersections which include traffic signal controls shall be accompanied by the following information, prepared and certified by a registered professional engineer:
An engineering study in sufficient detail to allow determination of the need for signal control and the adequacy of the design and operation.
A plan showing the location of traffic signal heads, poles, controller, detectors, signs, pavement markings, road construction, islands and all other improvements.
Phasing and timing diagrams.
Detailed construction plans and specifications.
A traffic maintenance and protection plan.
Improvements other than driveways which are proposed within the right-of-way of a Township street shall comply with the Township Road Occupancy Ordinance, if adopted, and/or any other ordinance which applies.
The Township will not issue permits for mailboxes, newspaper boxes and similar structures. Any such structure located within the road right-of-way shall be placed in accordance with the requirements of the United States Postal Department and so as not to interfere with traffic and maintenance, and shall be located so that its face is a minimum of 4.5 feet from the edge of the pavement. If this distance cannot be reasonably achieved, the Township must be notified for alternative arrangements.
The Township reserves the right to order the removal of any such structure which interferes with traffic, maintenance or the integrity of the roadway at the expense of the owner of said structure.