A person commits the offense of driving while revoked if such person operates a motor vehicle on a highway when such person's license or driving privilege has been canceled, suspended or revoked under the laws of this State or any other State and acts with criminal negligence with respect to knowledge of the fact that such person's driving privilege has been canceled, suspended or revoked.
Note: Under certain circumstances, this offense can be a felony under State law.
Unless otherwise provided for by law, it shall be unlawful for any person, except those expressly exempted by Section 380.040, to:
Operate any vehicle upon any highway in this City unless the person has a valid license as required by Chapter 302, RSMo., or a temporary instruction permit issued in compliance with Section 302.130, RSMo., or an intermediate driver's license issued in compliance with Section 302.178, RSMo., in his/her possession;
Operate a motorcycle or motortricycle upon any highway of this City unless such person has a valid license that shows the person has successfully passed an examination for the operation of a motorcycle or motortricycle as prescribed by the Director of Revenue. The Director of Revenue may indicate such upon a valid license issued to such person or shall issue a license restricting the applicant to the operation of a motorcycle or motortricycle if the actual demonstration, required by Section 302.173, RSMo., is conducted on such vehicle;
Authorize or knowingly permit a motorcycle or motortricycle owned by such person or under such person's control to be driven upon any highway by any person whose license does not indicate that the person has passed the examination for the operation of a motorcycle or motortricycle or has been issued an instruction permit therefor;
Operate a motor vehicle with an instruction permit, intermediate driver's license or license issued to another person;
Operate a motor vehicle in violation of the provisions of Sections 302.130 and 302.178, RSMo., regarding accompaniment by a qualified driver or stated hours of operation; or
Drive a commercial motor vehicle, unless fully licensed in compliance with Chapter 302, RSMo., except when operating under an instruction permit as provided for in Section 302.720, RSMo.
No person shall operate an autocycle on any highway or street in this City unless the person has a valid driver’s license. The operator of an autocycle, however, shall not be required to obtain a motorcycle or motortricycle license or endorsement pursuant to Sections 302.010 to 302.340, RSMo.
Note: Under certain circumstances, this offense can be a felony under State law.
Any resident or non-resident whose license, right or privilege to operate a motor vehicle in this State has been suspended or revoked as provided in Sections 302.010 to 302.540, RSMo., shall not operate a motor vehicle in this State under a license, permit or registration certificate issued by any other jurisdiction or otherwise during such suspension or after such revocation until a new license is obtained when and as permitted under Sections 302.010 to 302.540, RSMo. Violation of any provision of this Section is an ordinance violation and on conviction therefor a person shall be punished as prescribed by Section 302.321, RSMo.
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
Display or to permit to be displayed, or to have in his/her possession, any license knowing the same to be fictitious or to have been canceled, suspended, revoked, disqualified or altered;
Lend to or knowingly permit the use of by another any license issued to the person so lending or permitting the use thereof;
Display or to represent as one's own any license not issued to the person so displaying the same;
Fail or refuse to surrender to the Clerk of any Division of the Circuit Court or the Director any license which has been suspended, canceled, disqualified or revoked as provided by law;
Use a false or fictitious name or give a false or fictitious address on any application for a license, or any renewal or duplicate thereof, or knowingly to make a false statement;
Knowingly conceal a material fact or otherwise commit a fraud in any such application;
Authorize or consent to any motor vehicle owned by him/her or under his/her control to be driven by any person, when he/she has knowledge that such person has no legal right to do so, or for any person to drive any motor vehicle in violation of any of the provisions of Sections 302.010 to 302.780, RSMo.;
Employ a person to operate a motor vehicle in the transportation of persons or property with knowledge that such person has not complied with the provisions of Sections 302.010 to 302.780, RSMo., or whose license has been revoked, suspended, canceled or disqualified or who fails to produce his/her license upon demand of any person or persons authorized to make such demand;
Operate a motor vehicle in any manner in violation of the restrictions imposed in a restricted license; or
Fail to carry his/her instruction permit, valid operator's license while operating a vehicle and to display instruction permit or said license upon demand of any Police Officer, court official or any other duly authorized person for inspection when demand is made therefor. Failure to exhibit his/her instruction permit or license as aforesaid shall be presumptive evidence that said person is not a duly licensed operator.
The following persons are exempt from license hereunder:
Any person while operating any farm tractor or implement of husbandry temporarily operated or moved on a highway;
A non-resident who is at least sixteen (16) years of age and who has in his/her immediate possession a valid license issued to him/her in his/her home State or country;
A non-resident who is at least eighteen (18) years of age and who has in his/her immediate possession a valid license issued to him/her in his/her home State or country which allows such person to operate a motor vehicle in the transportation of persons or property as classified in Section 302.015, RSMo.;
Convicted offenders of the Department of Corrections who have not been convicted of a motor vehicle felony as follows: driving while intoxicated, failing to stop after an accident and disclosing his/her identity, or driving a motor vehicle without the owner's consent, may operate State-owned trucks for the benefit of the correctional facilities, provided that such offender shall be accompanied by a Correctional Officer or other staff person in such truck.