[CC 2012 § 20.400; Ord. No. 487]
The City hereby designates Bridge, Daisy, Miller, Marshall, Lexington, Spring, Jefferson, Pine, Mulberry, Bruns, Walnut, Ray Streets and Hospital Drive as emergency snow routes. All other streets are hereby designated to be secondary streets. No person shall park any vehicle on an emergency snow route at any time within twelve (12) hours after a snowfall of approximately two (2) inches (5.08 centimeters) or more has occurred. Any person who shall park any vehicle on a secondary street after a snowfall, until said secondary street has been plowed, shall do so at their own risk. Members of the City Street Department and the Police Department are hereby authorized to remove or have removed a vehicle from a street if said vehicle is parked on a part of an emergency snow route when there has been approximately two (2) inches or more snow. Whenever a vehicle is found parked or left in violation of this Chapter, a Police Officer shall take its registration number and any other information which may identify its user and shall conspicuously affix to such vehicle a traffic citation. Every person convicted of a violation of any provision of this Chapter shall be punished as set forth in Section 100.220, General Penalty, of this Code.