[Ord. No. 565, 11-9-2015]
The gross receipts tax imposed upon electric corporations, including, but not limited to, Kansas City Power & Light, operating within the City limits of the City of Sweet Springs shall be maintained at its existing rate of five percent (5%), despite the tariff increase awarded by the PSC to Kansas City Power & Light effective September 29, 2015.
[CC 2012 § 33.050]
The City of Sweet Springs hereby imposes a telecommunications business license tax of five percent (5%). This payment shall be in lieu of any other general or special license tax, occupation tax, easement lease or any other such tax. Local service revenues shall include all revenues received by grantee for the provision of basic local exchange telecommunications service, including those services which expand the basis local calling scope of the customer or subscriber, but shall not include charges for special services, long distance calls, access charges or services not considered basic local exchanged telecommunications service.