In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where Chapters and Articles of the 2012 Code have been included in the 2021 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of 2021 Code; obsolete or not desired by Governing Body.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Replaced with Model Code provisions.
Chapter/Title From the Revised 2012 Code
Location in 2021 Code
1. Ordinances
Art. I, Repeal, Effect of Repeal, Construction
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. II
Art. II, Designation, Publication, Numbering and Filing
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. II and Ch. 110, Art. I
Art. III, How Passed and Enacted
MC; see Ch. 110, Art. I
Art. IV, Construction
Ch. 100, Art II (in part)
2. Limits, Wards, Boundaries
Art. I, Corporate Limits
Art. II, Wards
Ch. 105, Art. II
3. Elective Officers
Art. I, General
MC; see Ch. 110, Art. I and Ch. 115, Art. I
Art. II, The Mayor
MC; see Ch. 110, Art. I
Art. III, The Board of Aldermen
MC; see Ch. 110, Art. I
Art. IV, The Mayor and Board of Aldermen - Concurrent Provisions
MC; see Ch. 110, Art. I
Art. V, City Collector
4. Appointive Officers
Art. I, General
MC; see Ch. 115, Art. I
Art. II, City Treasurer
MC; see Ch. 115, Art. III
Art. III, City Engineer
Ch. 115, Art. V (in part)
Art. IV, City Attorney
MC; see Ch. 115, Art. IV
Art. V, Superintendent of Public Works and Utilities
Ch. 115, Art. VI
Art. VI, Special Policemen
Ch. 200, Art. II (in part)
Art. VII, City Marshal
MC; see Ch. 200, Art. I
5. The City Clerk
Ch. 115, Art. II (in part)
6. The City Cemetery
Ch. 145
7. The Fire Department
8. The Board of Health
Art. I, General
Art. II, Powers and Duties
9. The City Library
Art. I, The Library Board
Ch. 140, Art. I, Div. 1
Art. II, Use
Ch. 140, Art. I, Div. 2
Art. III, Donations
Ch. 140, Art. I, Div. 3
10. The City Park and Recreation Boards
Art. I, City Park
Ch. 140, Art. II, Div. 1 and 2
Art. II, Recreation Board
Ch. 140, Art. II, Div. 3
11. Swimming Pool Board
Ch. 140, Art. III
12. Planning Commission
Ch. 400 (in part)
13. Procurement Procedures
Ch. 135
14. (Reserved)
15. Elections
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
16. Taxation, Revenue, Finance
Art. I, Assessment and Levy of Taxes
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
Art. II, Collection of Taxes
MC, See Ch. 130
Art. III, City Depository
Art. IV, Appropriations, Warrants, Payment
Art. V, Licenses
Ch. 605, Art. I (in part)
Art. VI, Taxation of Merchants and Manufacturers
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
Art. VII, Cigarette Tax
Chs. 130 and 615 (in part)
17. Fire Regulations
Art. I, Plans and Permits
Ch. 520, Art. I
Art. II, Buildings, Construction and Equipment of
Ch. 520, Art. II
Art. III, Construction of Chimneys, Flues, Fireplaces
Ch. 520, Art. III
Art. IV, Regulations for Public Garages
Ch. 520, Art. IV
Art. V, Volatile Combustibles - Storing, Handling, Dispensing
Ch. 520, Art. V
Art. VI, Explosives - Storing, Handling, Dispensing
Ch. 520, Art. VI
Art. VII, Gas Appliances and Connections
Ch. 520, Art. VII
Art. VIII, Building Inspection
Ch. 520, Art. VIII
Art. IX, Penalties for Violations
Ch. 520, Art. IX
Art. X
Ch. 500
18. The Waterworks and Sewerage Systems
The Combined Waterworks Sewerage System and Plumbing Regulations
Art. I
Ch. 700
The Water Works System
Art. II, General Provisions
Ch. 705. Art. I
Art. III, Superintendent
Ch. 705. Art. II
Art. IV, Financial
Ch. 705. Art. III
Art. V, Connections with other Water Systems Prohibited
Art. VI, Miscellaneous Provisions
Ch. 705. Art. V
Art. VII, Jurisdiction of the City, Penalty
Ch. 705. Art. VI
The Sewer System and Plumbing Regulations
Art. VIII, General Provisions
Ch. 710, Arts. I and II
Art. X, Excavations
Ch. 515
Art. XI, Protection and Control
Ch. 710, Art. III
Art. XII, Rates for Sewer Service Charges
Ch. 710, Art. IV
19. Sweet Springs Municipal Court
MC; see Ch. 125
20. Street, Alleys, Public Places
Art. I, General
Ch. 510, Art. I
Art. II, Grades and Curbs
Ch. 510, Art. II
Art. III, Improvement, Maintenance and Repair
Ch. 510, Art. III
Art. IV
Ch. 510, Art. IV
Art. V, Emergency Snow Removal
Ch. 390
21. Sidewalks
Ch. 510, Art. V
22. Vehicles and Traffic
MC; see Title III
General Provisions
Chs. 305 and 320 (in part)
Rules, Regulation or Regulations
Chs. 305, 340, 355, 370, Art. II, 380, Art. IV, and Traffic Schedules (in part)
23. Nuisances
Art. I, Nuisances in General
Ch. 215, Art. I
Art. II, Motor Vehicles
Ch. 215, Art. II
Art. III, Weeds
Ch. 215, Art. III
Art. IV, Dangerous Buildings
MC; See Ch. 505
24. Alcoholic Beverages
Art. I, General
MC; see Ch. 600
Art. II, Licenses
MC; see Ch. 600
Art. III, General Regulations
MC; see Ch. 600
Art. IV, Violations - Penalty, Reports
MC; see Ch. 600
Lagers Retirement
Ch. 150
Flood Plain
Superseded by Ord. No. 537
Manufactured and Modular Homes
Ch. 415
26. Dogs
Ch. 205
27. Billiard and Pool Tables
Ch. 625
28. Solid Waste
MC; see Ch. 230
29. Emergency Management Agency
MC; see Ch. 225
30. (Reserved)
31. Offenses
Art. I, Offenses Against Public Morals and Decency
Ch. 210, Art. XV (in part)
Art. II, Offenses Against Public Safety
Ch. 210, Arts. XIV and XV (in part)
Art. III, Offenses Against Public Health
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. IV
Art. IV, Offenses Against Public Peace and Order
Ch. 210, Art. XV (in part)
Art. V, Offenses Against City Authority and Property
Ch. 210, Art. XV (in part)
Art. VI, Giving of Bad Checks
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. VII
32. General Penalty
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
33. Franchises
Ch. 620, Art. II and Ch. 630
Zoning (separate codification)
Ch. 405