[CC 2012 § 22.610]
Every person, corporation, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or partnership within the City of Sweet Springs, Missouri, who shall own, lease or operate a motor vehicle upon the streets, thoroughfares and alleyways of this City shall pay a license fee for each motor vehicle owned, leased or operated by him, them or it, before such vehicle is operated or parked upon the streets, thoroughfares or alleyways of the City of Sweet Springs, Missouri.
[CC 2012 § 22.615]
As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any motor-powered vehicle designed to be driven upon the streets, thoroughfares and alleyways of said City and shall include, but not be limited to, trucks, automobiles, motorcycles, motorbikes and motorscooters.
[CC 2012 § 22.630]
All owners, persons, corporations or partnerships herein referred to shall pay to the City an annual license fee of five dollars ($5.00) per year. All such license fees shall be paid annually and shall begin on the first day of January, 1971, and each January 1 thereafter.