[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
Conditional uses are those types of uses which, due to their nature, are dissimilar to the normal uses permitted within a given zoning district or where product, process, mode of operation, or nature of business may prove detrimental to the health, safety, welfare or property values of the immediate neighborhood and its environs. Within the various zoning districts, specific uses may be permitted only after additional requirements are complied with as established within this Article.
[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
An application [an original and four (4) copies] for a conditional use permit shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator. The application shall include the following:
Plan showing existing and proposed building locations, parking areas, location and type of outdoor lighting, interior drives, and landscaped buffer strips.
Topography and existing utilities abutting the streets, alleys or easements and the square footage of land within the plot.
Name of owner of land to be utilized.
Description of architecture and exterior materials to be utilized.
[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve or disapprove a conditional use in accordance with the requirements established in this Article but may impose additional requirements deemed reasonable and necessary.
[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
On receipt of an application for a conditional use, the Zoning Administrator shall forward copies of the application and accompanying information to affected public or governmental agencies and the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall request and consider reports from such public or governmental agencies before determination. Within sixty (60) days after the receipt of the application, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall submit a report and determination to the Zoning Administrator which shall include a finding that the use will or will not:
Serve the convenience and general welfare of the public.
Serve the neighborhood in some degree.
Protect the neighborhood interest.
Alter the character or nature of development of the neighborhood.
Be in basic harmony with the various elements and objectives of the master plan.
Comply with the requirements established for that conditional use.
[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall forward the report and determination to the Zoning Administrator.
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall establish a time limitation on the conditional uses permit specified in Article IV and Attachment 1 to this Chapter 405. Said conditional use permit shall be renewable at the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
A conditional use is allowed by right subject to the express limitations and requirements established in these Zoning Regulations, any lessening or subverting of those limitations and requirements constitutes a variance and must be treated accordingly.
[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
Mobile home parks, when permitted as a conditional use, must comply with the requirements established in this Article. Such requirements do not replace other laws or ordinances concerning mobile home parks, but supplement them.
Minimum tract area for a mobile home park shall be five (5) acres. However, applications for conditional use permits for mobile home parks of less than five (5) acres may be accepted by the Zoning Administrator only after express approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Minimum frontage shall be one hundred (100) feet and located on a major thoroughfare. Principal ingress and egress shall be from said frontage.
Minimum land area devoted to an individual mobile home site shall be three thousand (3,000) square feet.
Parking requirements shall be in accordance with Article X.
Fence Or Screen. When abutting any residential district, there shall be a fence or living screen not less than five (5) feet in height, having a density of not less than seventy percent (70%).
Setbacks. District setback requirements shall be maintained at all times on all public street frontages for mobile homes as well as buildings.
When abutting any single family residential district, no mobile home or building shall be permitted within thirty (30) feet of said abutting district.
[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
Group I conditional uses must comply with the requirements established in this Section.
Yard. No building or use of land shall be permitted within one hundred (100) feet of a lot line. [In the case of crematoriums, such distance shall not be less than three hundred (300) feet.]
Height. Shall be in accordance with district requirements.
Lot Coverage. Shall never exceed five percent (5%).
Signs. There shall be no more than two (2) non-animated accessory signs of not more than ten (10) square feet each.
Off-Street Parking. Shall be in accordance with Article X.
Off-Street Loading. Shall be in accordance with Article X.
[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
Group II conditional uses must comply with the requirements established in this Section.
Front. Shall be in accordance with district requirements.
Rear. Shall be in accordance with district requirements.
Side. Shall never be less than twenty-five (25) feet on each side.
Height. Shall be in accordance with district requirements; however, in no case shall any building exceed a height equal to the dimension of its least yard dimension.
Lot Coverage. Shall never exceed twenty-five percent (25%).
Fence Of Screen. When in or abutting a residential district all buildings or structures non-residential in use or nature shall be screened with a screen or fence with a density of not less than eighty percent (80%) and at least five (5) feet in height.
Signs. There shall be no more than one (1) illuminated, non-animated, accessory sign of not more than ten (10) square feet.
Off-Street Parking. Shall be in accordance with Article X.
Off-Street Loading. Shall be in accordance with Article X.
Ingress And Egress. Shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission based on a report from the City Engineer.
[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
Group III conditional uses must comply with the requirements established in this Section.
Yard. No building or use of land shall be permitted within two hundred (200) feet of a lot line, except automobile parking areas may be permitted within ten (10) feet of such lot line.
Height. Shall be in accordance with district requirements. However, in no case shall any building exceed a height equal to the dimension of its least yard dimension.
Plot Coverage. Shall never exceed thirty percent (30%). (Manufacturing and industry use shall be permitted coverage to but not exceeding fifty percent (50%).
Fence Or Screen. When in or abutting a residential district, all buildings or structures non-residential in use or nature shall be screened with a screen or fence with a density of not less than eighty percent (80%) and at least five (5) feet in height.
Signs. There shall be no more than one (1) illuminated, non-animated accessory sign of not more than twelve (12) square feet.
Off-Street Parking. Shall be in accordance with Article X.
Off-Street Loading. Shall be in accordance with Article X.
Smoke, Noise Or Odor. Shall not be permitted beyond the boundaries of the subject property.
Ingress And Egress. Shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission based on a report from the City Engineer and shall never be located on a local residential street.
[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
Group IV conditional uses must comply with requirements established in this Section.
Yard. No building or use of land shall be permitted within two hundred (200) feet of a lot line.
Height. Shall be in accordance with district requirements. However, in no case shall any building exceed a height equal to the dimension of its least yard dimension.
Lot Coverage. Shall never exceed seventy-five percent (75%). While outside storage is permitted in this group only, such area shall not exceed the permitted lot coverage.
Fence Or Screen. Any storage or accumulation of waste, scrap, junk, trash or similar materials shall not be permitted on open ground unless in an area enclosed by a fence or screen of one hundred percent (100%) density and at least six (6) feet in height.
Signs. Shall be in accordance with Article XI.
Off-Street Parking. Shall be in accordance with Article X.
Off-Street Loading. Shall be in accordance with Article X.
Ingress And Egress. Shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission based on a report from the City Engineer and shall never be located on a local residential street.
Additional location requirements:
Any of the enumerated uses which have as a major portion of their processes the utilization, production, or storage of bulk quantities of either explosive, flammable liquids, or toxic gases or materials shall be located in the following manner:
Explosives. The production or storage of explosives, except for study and research purposes, shall not be permitted within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of adjoining property and not within two thousand six hundred and forty (2,640) feet of any residential district.
Flammable Liquids. All production, handling, or storage in bulk shall be subject to all requirements of City, county, and state and in addition shall never be located within one thousand (1,000) feet of any residential district.
Toxic Gases. Shall be located, dependent on their weights relative to the normal atmosphere of the immediate vicinity. Gases lighter than air shall be located in topographical areas having an elevation greater than that of the surrounding area. However, in no case shall toxic gases be produced, handled, or stored within two thousand six hundred and forty (2,640) feet of any residential district. In addition, such uses shall be located in such manner that prevailing winds shall carry such gases away from the areas of the greatest concentration of persons.
Smoke, Dust, And Odor. Wherever possible, uses emitting smoke, dust, or obnoxious odors shall be prohibited but under any circumstances shall not be located within six hundred (600) feet of any residential district. In addition, such uses shall be located in such a manner that prevailing winds shall carry such smoke, dust, or odor away from areas of the greatest concentration of persons.